New Life Quests Random Order?

Hi, I'm trying to get one of the New Life Achievements and have had time to log on for a bit of time the past couple of days. I've run about 5 New Life Quests each time and have gotten all of them except one and have been given quests I've already done. I tried abandoning quest and talking to Brena again but she only offered the quest I just abandoned. Was thinking I could cycle through them...alas. Any advice on how to make sure I get all the quests? It seems like logging out before finishing the whole run of quests, resets them. (?)
Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. -- William Blake
  • Hippie4927
    When you talk to Breda, if she gives you a quest you don't want, cancel it and talk to her again. Sometimes she will give you the same quest 5 times in a row but, eventually, she will change it.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Ostacia
    This is excellent news, thank you, Hippie!
    PC/ NA
    Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. -- William Blake
  • Hippie4927
    This is excellent news, thank you, Hippie!

    You're welcome! Tonight I had to talk to Breda eight times to get rid of the lockpicking quest but she DID finally give me something else. I wanted to smack her! :D
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Saoirse_Siobhan
    Breda will give you all 9 quests per day in a random order, she can't give the same quest twice in one day. So in one day you can complete all 9 quests.
    So if you are missing one, just do all of them in one day so you are guaranteed to get all of them. It really doesn't take that long.
    Edited by Saoirse_Siobhan on December 16, 2017 10:08AM
    PC/EU DC
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