Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Dungeon Finder is not working

We have a balanced group of four and no one is declining the invite, but we all keep getting a "Someone declined Invite" notice and we can't que. We can't get the prizes if we can't get in the dungeon. We've been trying for about 45 minutes and we're all getting really frustrated.
  • Ashtaris
    Yes, happened with our pre-made group as well. Tried disbanding, regrouping, even relogging. Nothing worked and we kept getting “Someone declined Invite” notice. We were all on TeamSpeak and knew that wasn’t the case. We even got it when nobody hit any key, it just did it on its own. Figures the Dungeon Finder queuing would break during an event that is required to queue.
  • rebrur2
    They supposedly fixed it this morning in the emergency patch, yet it took my group of 4 an hour to queue in to a dungeon!
  • Eliza Godhater
    Eliza Godhater
    Xbox. Not working here either.
  • joekneegee2003ub17_ESO
    They need to patch the patch then cuz this mess is busted. ;)
  • arika257
    We gave up after an hour of it. I had two characters left and so now I'll be out two boxes. This is just annoying :( I had no issues last night.
  • stuff12002
    From all accounts I’ve seen, ZOS never actually took PS4 NA megaserver down, like they stated they wld be doing to deploy the dungeon finder fix. Not sure if this was the case for PC/XBox/EU. Hopefully someone from the company has some good clarification, cause this is all borked and the silence isn’t helping.
  • rebrur2
    Everyone needs to send in tickets. I got a reply back to mine and they basically said to send proof, like they didn't believe me. The text chat was blowing up with complaints so it wasn't just my group. Everyone needs to send in complaints so they know it is broken. I think maybe they only patched XBOX.
  • SyedNekoChan
    Same, we were in a group of 4 and It kept showing that someone was declining the ready check even tho no one was. It took us almost 30 mins to join a dungeon.
  • joekneegee2003ub17_ESO
    The response I got was basically, "well it's working now". There's no way to screen shot it unless you're super quick on the mouse because the notice flashes on and off the screen. I haven't tried it yet tonight, but I'm about to.

    I agree. Everyone needs to send in trouble tickets.
  • Shadowshire
    We have a balanced group of four and no one is declining the invite, but we all keep getting a "Someone declined Invite" notice and we can't que. We can't get the prizes if we can't get in the dungeon. We've been trying for about 45 minutes and we're all getting really frustrated.
    Not that I have any expertise with the Dungeon Finder, but what I suggest is that the player characters in a "pre-made group" all gather at the same location, i.e., in the same zone and with each member in sight of each and every other member. Doing that insures that each and every player-character is simultaneously in the same "instance" of the game on the "megaserver".

    Apparently the Dungeon Finder does not function reliably when one or more characters are not already in the same instance before the player who invites the others to the group issues the invitations.

    Of course, it is possible for a player whose character is in a specific "instance" of the game to invite a player who is not in that same "instance" to join a group. It is also possible for a player character to "travel to" a player character that is in both a different location and also in a different "instance".

    However, for the respective player characters to actually form a group or to otherwise be present at the "same location", obviously the "instantiation" of one of the two players must change to that of the other (i.e., when the respective player characters are not already in the same instance).

    Changing the "instantiation" of one or more characters to the same instance is ordinarily routine and does not fail. Nonetheless, changing a character's instantiation with a game host running on a "megaserver" per se seems to have some systematic risks -- regardless of whether one or more flaws might exist that could be quite a challenge to find and correct.

    So: if a player's character is not in the same instance as the one who issued the invitation, then either:
    • that player might not receive the invitation; or
    • their acceptance of the invitation might not be acknowedged by the game host; or
    • their character might not be able to travel to the location of the one who issued the invitation (or to another player already in the group); or
    • the player might not be able to see one or more other player's characters that are in the group after their character arrives at their location.
    Among other possibilites (such as a game client crash), the above outcomes occur after either a necessary change in instantiation is not attempted, or matching the instantiation of the respective player characters fails.

    Reporting the outcome of an invitation:
    • If an invited player does not reply because they did not receive the invitation, then the game host will probably report to the player who issued the invitation that it was "declined".
    • If the player's acceptance was received by the game host after the invitation's "time to live" expired, then the game host will also report that the invitation was "declined".
    • If the player simply ignored the invitation, i.e., neither accepted nor declined it, then the game host will also report that it was "declined".
    Programmers just don't have the time to make the effort to distinguish each of these situations from one another by writing appropriate messages to send to the player who issued the invitation.

    The queue: In my experience, when Dungeon Finder organizes a group, it chooses from characters in the queue which are already in the same instance of the game. As one consequence, a player might be added to a group very quickly, but another player who is already waiting is passed-over. The one who must wait is, essentially, waiting for another player(s) who is in the same instance to use the Dungeon Finder to join a group that the Dungeon Finder will organize.

    As far as I know, no player has any way to identify the specific "instance" of the game in which their character is currenlty instantiated. However, a player can see that their character is not in the same instance as another player's character after they have formed a group, when the only thing that one of them can see is the white marker above the head of the other character(s).

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
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