Official Discussion thread for "Crown Store Showcase: November 2017"

Community Manager

This is the official discussion thread for the Crown Store Showcase: November 2017 blog article.

Dive into all the new offers in our latest Crown Store Showcase, including some unique mounts and pet, striking new costumes, and more. Keep your eyes open for future previews; we are offering new Crown Store items every month!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Turelus
    That is one bright coloured Guar. :neutral:

    Really like the beard and costumes, the horse looks amazing as well. Will have to see how these are priced but might pick some of these up.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • sirinsidiator
    That guar looks really out of place. :(
    It has the same colors I'd use for debugging. - My Addons - The Vault (Early updates and experimental projects) - My patreon - My blog
  • Hecker777
    For real though, can we have a 2 week minimum on stuff so that those of us that need to wait for payday have a shot? Really want that horse, but it will be gone before payday Q.Q
    No class CC and I don't run a gap yeah if you streak away from me I'll probably bird spam you WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO??
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  • manavortex
    No offence, but can you please cut back on the LSD before designing assets?
    Stop Zanil Theran's sinister plot to exterminate bank space! Give ESO+ subscribers a virtual Furniture Bag!
  • MissBizz
    @Enodoc still waiting on the lore explanation of that guar.

    (Anyone else can't access to eso website? Just me?)
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  • TheNuminous1
    female argonian
    female altmer
    male khajiit

    all these costumes have been datamined and you guys give us a reskined breton dublet and call it nord?

    ive been waiting so long for some pf this datamined stuff and you guys just refuse to let me spend money on you.
  • Turelus
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Enodoc still waiting on the lore explanation of that guar.

    (Anyone else can't access to eso website? Just me?)
    @MissBizz working for me, this is the fluff text on the Guar from the article.

    This guar's bright colors were once thought to indicate that it was poisonous to touch, but it was found to be relatively harmless by an adventuresome rider. Caution! Patience is needed to bring this obstinate mount to heed.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Shardan4968
    Found it!

    Btw. Halloween is over, could you give us actual pony guar with flesh and skin on it? We have too many cats in crown store and no striated guar.
  • GaunterODim
    When will the sexy Nocturnal costume arrive? Still waiting for it! ;)
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Found it!

    Yep, you got it. The Skyfire Guar was inspired by the bright warning colors of various tropical frogs.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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  • heystreethawk
    Quit hating on the Skyfire Guar; you have plenty of mud-colored options already to delight in.
    GM of Fantasia
    I heard those symphonies come quick
  • Tyrion87
    Why you keep adding these ugly and boring worker-type male costumes? Why we can't have nice male costumes that would show more body to let us show off our skins and tattoos?
  • White wabbit
    White wabbit
    Hope Decembers crown store is better as last two and crown crates have been a little disappointing to me
  • Fodore
    That wizard costume is awesome
    Before judging a man walk a mile in his shoes.
    After that who cares?
    They're a mile away and you've got their shoes.
  • SydneyGrey
    I got the costume when I saw that it doesn't make the women look like they have giant mammaries. Yay! It looks great on female figures.
    It dyes pretty well. The belt doesn't dye quite as well as the shirt and pants, though. This is the darkest I could get the belt (Coldharbor Ash Black).

  • PS4_ZeColmeia
    Can you please give us a skin, that is race specific, that makes us into a skeleton? I say this because i would like to still wear a costume or armor on my character but have a skeleton look that isn't in a robe (like the DB or witch's festival) and isn't stuck in a human look (like the quest reward).

    Would really make the whole reaper's harvest thing look awesome.
    Edited by PS4_ZeColmeia on November 2, 2017 3:51PM
    PSN: ***___Chan (3 _s)
    Hybrid, All-Role NB
  • LukosCreyden

    Yep, you got it. The Skyfire Guar was inspired by the bright warning colors of various tropical frogs.

    Ok, as a Guar fan, I think that is actually pretty cool.
    Struggling to find a new class to call home.Please send help.
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Awww they're removing the drunk personality! So I finally made my choice, I'm never buying it!

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • menedhyn
    Like those Nord costumes.

    About that Sidelong Sweep hairstyle... coincidence?

    Suvis Bek - DC Colovian Templar
  • Mojmir
    Nothing good this month, well the beard is cool but will probably be 1000 crowns lol
  • Tevalaur
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I got the costume when I saw that it doesn't make the women look like they have giant mammaries. Yay! It looks great on female figures.
    It dyes pretty well. The belt doesn't dye quite as well as the shirt and pants, though. This is the darkest I could get the belt (Coldharbor Ash Black).


    I considered getting it for my characters, but the thought of the stitching constantly rubbing against *** (instead of under breasts as it would be on real people) was too irksome. Nice style, poor implementation for us women in the game.
    Is Uncle John's band calling you? Do you daydream about Sugar Magnolias? Is your favorite sunflower a China Cat? Tired of Truckin' alone to Terrapin Station? If so, share some Space with other hippies & deadheads in the guild Sunshine Daydream! Send a message in game (PC-NA) to Kaibeth for your invitation.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Not a fan of anything this month, but happy to see the stuff is reasonably priced. 2500 for a mount is good, 4k is insane.
  • bottleofsyrup
    I always cringe at the "to make room for new stock" line.
    Tyrion87 wrote: »
    Why you keep adding these ugly and boring worker-type male costumes? Why we can't have nice male costumes that would show more body to let us show off our skins and tattoos?

    Would definitely like to see more warrior/battle-oriented costumes. There are more than enough casual clothes.
  • Mojmir
    That wizard costume looks like a mannimarco costume reskin, lol
  • Flaminir
    WTB a bright orange version of the Guar! Don't care how much... or how its justified lore wise... just bright orange please!

    100 pumpkin orange to match my boots would be perfect! :)

    GM of the Unholy Legacy
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  • MarrazzMist
    Witch Knight Charger would be perfect mount for most of my characters.
  • KrilotKendov
    Loved the Witch Knight Charger, looks great with my Orc. Thanks for this awesome mount and reasonable pricing.
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