I'm brand new to the game and I've got some questions. Shocking! I know.. They will entirely be related to tank classes. As that has always been my favorite role. It's really all I play.
1) This is the biggest one I have. Could someone break down HOW each class tanks? I've been surfing around and I think I have a decent idea. But, a lot of the information for this game seems to be outdated or conflicting. DK seems to be the traditional tank absorbing lots of punishment with defensive abilities and tankiness. Templar seems to play like a tank/healer hybrid. Nightblade seems to be an offensive tank keeping themselves alive with abilities that steal life from enemies. Sorc seems to use a damage absorbing spell and it's own crits to give them health. And warden seems to be more like DK. Relying on defensive buffs and tankiness. Does that all sound right?
2) Do any of the classes have to go a certain stat distribution to tank? It seems like all the builds i"m seeing are all HP, all Mag, HP/Stam split or HP/Mag split. How do those setups play out differently? I saw something about tanking with a frost staff?
3) Can anyone breakdown the key/most important class abilities/passives for each class that make them special when it comes to tanking.
Thanx much for any information! If anyone wants a noob tank main in their guild shoot me a tell. Have to use some kind of voice chat like Discord though.