Vvardenfell...freezing every 10 mins.

Haven't played in awhile but in Vivec city assets aren't loading, songs is cracking, and game keeps looking up. Xbox one S. 70dl/7ul wired connection. Hope it runs much better on the X. Plan to get Back into this.
  • mcinturf
    Whatever, Swype and auto correction are ***. You get my point.
  • Apache_Kid
    I freeze in Vivec City everytime I go there for the first time in a day on every character.
  • ZOS_Bill
    Deleting your Elder Scrolls Online saved data file can resolve some issues where assets aren't loading or the game is freezing. Please be aware that deleting the save data will only reset your Options settings, and that no character data or game progress will be affected.

    To delete save data on the Xbox One:
    1. Go to Games.
    2. Highlight The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited tile and press the [Menu] button of the controller.
    3. Select Manage Game.
    4. Highlight and select Save Data for the desired user.
    5. Select Delete.
    6. You'll be prompted to confirm deletion of this game save data:
    7. Choose "Delete Everywhere" This will remove your saved data from this console, the cloud, and all other consoles you play on.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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