If they were ever to seriously consider doing a 2.0 this is the direction I would like to see it go.
1. Make taking a keep much more difficult. Eliminate the flipping, horse simulator, pvdoor game play and make people dig in and fight for something.
A. Home triangle keeps should take around 1 day to capture.
B. The 6 keeps in the circle around I.C. should take around 3 days to capture.
C. Opposition triangle keeps should take around 5 days to capture.
D. Holds and towns and resource nodes between 1 hour and 1 day to capture.
2. Introduce caravans as people have been talking about.
A. These would leave the faction base camps on a random spawn time of between 1 to 3 hours as to not be able to be timed by opponents.
B. They would travel along the linked keeps and forward camps that a faction has and be able to be attacked and defended.
C. They would consist of horses, supply wagons, and npc's that have a combined overall hp so you must destroy the whole thing not its parts.
D. Each keep and forward camp that they travel through along their journey they would:
I. Heal a certain percentage of the fortress/camp.
II. Buff to the players fighting there.
III. The amount of heal and buff is a direct reflection of their overall remaining hp when they arrive at a destination.
IV. Take resources from around the keep to replenish their stock or cumulative hp and bring to the next keep.
a. If enemies control them they do not accumulate and replenish.
b. If same faction controls them they do accumulate.
V. Their journey ends when they are destroyed, depleted, or reach the next opponent owned keep and can build a new forward camp.
3. Seige equipment and repair equipment are no longer purchased with AP and carried in your man-purse on horseback.
A. They are crafted in keep, outposts, and forward camps either by crafters or npc crafters from the supplies brought by caravan.
B. All weapons must be moved into position like battering rams are now.
C. All repair equipment is removed as repairs are made by a caravans arriving or passing thru.
4. Quests.
A. Redo quests to be of the following types:
i. Attack/defend keeps.
ii. Attack/defend caravans.
iii. Attack/defend resources.
B. Each quest should only allow a certain number of players to obtain it to distribute players to various locations and utilize the entire map.
i. Quests should show current number of and max players allowed in that quest so groups can find unpopulated quests to accommodate them.
ii. Quests are temporary and only valid for that play session. Next time you log back in you need a new quest.
iii. If any quest you participate in is successful you will receive appropriate reward based on your contributions to that quest.
You could receive rewards from many succeeding quests that you have participated in over the course of days.
iv. Quests are timed per section 1 time limits above.
a. If siege is successful before time elapses ownership changes and quest is over.
b. If siege is unsuccessful when time elapses forward camp burns to the ground and quest is over.
v. No AP or awards are rewarded except thru the quest system.
vi.Quests are dynamic and more become available as population dictates.
5. Hourly scoring goes away, the only score that matters is the current score based on the state of the map at the end of campaign cycle.
6. Scrolls weigh heavily into scoring but debuff the team that holds them so you want them, but incur a cost for having them. No not blindness.
But this is Elder Scrolls after all.
7. Emperorship qualifications are total AP per campaign divided by minutes in Cyrodiil with a minimum average of 30 minutes per day to qualify.
This will put an emphasis on quality of your time in Cyrodiil instead of quantity of time.
8. Rework siege to make it more meaningful as long durations in one spot will be common.
The overall idea is to distribute the population all over the map thru dynamic quests and creating a reason to stay there.
This should help with the lag, the zerg, spending as much time running around as fighting, the constant flipping, night capping, etc. etc. etc.
This was a long read, I know, I hope you made it and it was worth it. Hope I didn't forget anything.
Any other suggestions/critiques are welcome.
Edited by Ranger209 on September 27, 2017 1:45AM