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Help and Advice Needed (New Player)

Soul Shriven

I tried this game a while ago but I got frustrated and stopped playing because I didn't know how to play. Now I'm back and willing to give it another try but, to be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing this time either. I've never been much of a serious gamer. When I've played other games I usually just toddled around on my own killing random things, so I'm pretty much clueless about everything here. This time around I'd like to actually put in the effort to learn the game properly and join in with other players instead of sticking to myself all the time.

I've re-downloaded the game and created a new character which I've been running around aimlessly collecting things here and there, killing the odd creature and completing random quests. I've been reading through some of the forum posts while I was waiting for the game to download but the sheer amount of information on here is a bit overwhelming for me.

There are so many items that I have no clue what to keep/ditch or whether or not any of it is useful (although I'm sure most, if not all, of what I've found so far is probably worthless at this early stage anyway). I've been accruing skill points but I have no idea what to use them on. I like the little lock picking game with the boxes and running around exploring the areas, but I'd like to have a more direction in my game-play.

A little info about me

I play on the PC (EU Server).
My character is a lvl 9 Khajiit Nightblade.
I want to be able to join in with groups but also keep my solo options open.
I haven't played this game for a while and, when I did play, I didn't get very far so pretty much all content is new content for me.
I don't have Morrowind yet.

What advice would you give to a clueless newbie like me?
  • kyle.wilson
    Welcome back to the game.

    Don't let the negativity on the forums or zone chat discourage you from playing.
    I would recommend taking your time learning your class while going through the content. I think my most enjoyable time playing was the first play through. You are at a slight disadvantage coming into the game after its been out 3 years.
    I would recommend you to figure out if you will enjoy playing before dropping the money on Morrowind.

  • VaranisArano
    Welcome! I'll try to hit the main points you brought up.

    Leveling up is a great time to quest, experiment with gear and skills, and just generally have fun. If you make a mistake and don't like one of your skills, you can easily pay gold to respec it later.

    For now, I would say quest and have fun. If you want to start getting ready for end game content, you can do that in a few small ways. If you want to be a master crafter, start researching gear with different traits. If you want to do pvp in cyrodiil, I highly recommend that you start training your horse's speed. Actually, train your mount in something anyway since that's a long slow grind. (the cheapest in game mount is 10k gold, easily acquired if you are farming for materials or vendoring unneeded gear. potion reagents sell really well on guild stores).

    Gear: the best gear is gear that is near your level. Training traited gear will increase your exp gained. Gear that is from sets, ie has extra bonuses for wearing 2,3,4, and 5 pieces of the set can be very useful. Personally, I collect gear as I quest through a zone and discard it or sell it when I pick up a better piece.

    Grouping: at level 10, the pvp areas of Cyrodiil and (if you own Morrowind) Battlegrounds open up. Also, you can queue for undaunted normal dungeons through the groupfinder. For that you pick your role (tank/healer/dps), queue, and eventually join a group of 3 other players from level 10 to CP 660 to complete a random normal dungeon. You get great exp the first time you do it in a day, decent exp the other times you do it in a day, and exp plus a skill point the first time you complete the dungeon quest. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't know a dungeon and don't let the jerks bother you.

    Guilds: guilds will regularly advertise in zone so if you see one that you think you'll like, don't be afraid to ask about it. You can have up to five guilds. Guilds can be really helpful for trading and for running group content. If you don't want to jump into group dungeons through groupfinder, guild mates can be a nice way to work on dungeons.

    Ultimately, find something you like to do in game and spend your time doing that fun thing. I like to level by questing through zones. My Altmer sorceress Elrin Naarifin quested straight through the six Dominion zones. Varanis Arano, my Vestige, is a hero of the Ebonheart Pact. Whatever you choose to do, have fun with it.
  • method__01
    imo as a Khajiit n/b you should start from Thieves guild which fits perfectly to your race (stealing,stealth)
    and then Dark Brootherhood quests (also fine for your race)
    also you can try some pvp at below 50 camp to get a taste
    game gets better after leveling to 50 and start earning CP
    good luck :)
    Edited by method__01 on October 2, 2017 12:15AM
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • SydneyGrey
    My best advice is to stay off the forums. This place is a toxic cesspool.
    The game, however, is awesome. :)

  • erliesc
    This game is complicated and has many options. I'd say just learn as you go. You'll likely just evolve into what you most like to do.

    There is limited info on this forum for lower level players...most posts contain acronyms that you won't understand or they are talking about things that you have no experience with.

    Just play a well rounded game and enjoy it as you go. It's the fun and experience that counts...not reaching some goal.

    Beginning players are all nerve since they can be taken out by many creatures/NPCs in the game...slowly build up your skills and so forth...avoid the sticky-wickets?
    I know nutting....
  • Ilsabet
    Make sure your skill bar includes at least one skill from each of your class skill lines and at least one skill from the line of your preferred weapon(s). Skills level up by being on your active bar when you gain exp, so starting out you'll want to make sure you're leveling skills and skill lines at the same time as you're leveling your character.

    When a skill gets to the point where you can morph it, you can use a skill point to choose which of the two morph options you prefer. You can also invest skill points into unlocking new skills as your skill lines progress, and you can get passives from class, weapon, armor, and racial skill lines. For a beginner the passives probably aren't as important as the active skills, so try to reserve some points for morphing and unlocking new skills rather than investing them all in passives.

    If you have any interest in crafting (which is quite useful for self-sufficiency), start researching traits now. Deconstruct any gear or glyphs you find that you don't need, since that will help level up your crafting skills. Start doing daily crafting writs.

    As far as gear, just use what you get as you go along. If you get a piece that's better than what you're wearing, swap it out. Similar to skills, try to have at least one piece of each type of armor (heavy, medium, light) on at all times so you can level up those skill lines too. Focus on the type of armor that you see yourself getting the most benefit out of based on the passives each line offers.

    As far as finding stuff to do, running around exploring and doing quests as you find them is a pretty good way to go. Each zone will have a main questline, and following that can guide you through the main path of the zone. But beyond that it's fun to start at one end of the zone (wherever the main zone quest puts you) and then go through it picking up whatever quests you find.

    Also try to hit each delve in each zone, gather all the skyshards, and hit the world bosses and public dungeon if you see people you can group with or just tag along with.

    Guilds are nice, especially to sell off the useful stuff you get and start building up your gold reserves. Look for one that has a regular trader but doesn't have a weekly sales requirement or dues (unless you think you can satisfy those requirements). Or just look for one that has nice people that seems like a good fit for you.

    Since you're on PC, there are many helpful addons that will make your life a lot easier. I like the Minion program for downloading addons and keeping them updated. If you're interested, folks here can give you some good addon suggestions or you can search for one of the threads where people list their favorites.

    Most of the advanced stuff like optimized builds and skill rotations and endgame gear sets is not anything you need to worry about right now. On the other hand, there are lots of little bits of info that you'll find along the way that can be very helpful. So try not to get overwhelmed by everything that's out there, but keep your eyes and ears open for the bits and pieces that are useful to you. And if you have questions, you can usually find someone with more experience to answer them.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • zaria
    Get into an nice guild, this is important, social, easy to ask for help and also to get crafted some gear.
    It will make the game significantly easier.

    Good tips under priority skills, and gear, would recommend using dual wield for now and add an bow at level 15 then you can switch weapons for questing as duel wield do more damage and heal you.

    At level 10 you can join pvp in cyrodil, try it out its pretty fun, note join an large group and hang back with an bow.
    You can also do group dungeons.
    If unsure wait a bit until you get more skills same for group dungeons say level 20, at this point you start to get more rounded
    Queuing for dungeons with finder has an pretty long wait time but you can quest and explore while waiting and you end up back after dungeon. Remember that group is random, sometimes you get high level players who run trough the dungeon, other times you get an hard dungeon and the other players are more hopeless than you and it fails

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Shattered_Storm
    Soul Shriven
    Oh dear. Most of this is a foreign language to me.

    I don't know what to do with my skill points or anything about gear. I've just been using different stuff I find if it has higher stats than the stuff I'm already using and I just spam click my mouse when I'm fighting.

    I think my best bet right now is to probably to find a newbie friendly guild that's willing to help with the basics.

    Thanks for the responses guys. :)

    PS: If anyone can recommend a newbie friendly Guild on PC (EU) I'd appreciate it. :)
  • Nestor

    I don't know what to do with my skill points or anything about gear. I've just been using different stuff I find if it has higher stats than the stuff I'm already using and I just spam click my mouse when I'm fighting.

    I think my best bet right now is to probably to find a newbie friendly guild that's willing to help with the basics.

    Guilds are helpful, but so is the following, open the spoiler buttons:

    Combat in this game comes down to Skill Rotations, with Light or Heavy Attacks interspersed. So, it's more like 1,2,3,4,1,2,3 dead. Pick your skill rotations so that one skill will set up or buff another skill. For example, use a skill that Snares, then a skill that gives Damage over Time to an area so the snared mobs spend longer in pain, then use a spam damage skill. This is just one example.

    Once you learn a good rotation, then you can weave in light or heavy attacks between the skills to extend the resource pool you play from. So it's more like 1, LMB, 2, LMB,3, LMB, 4, LMB, 1 Dead. Then once you learn how to weave attacks, then you can start animation canceling to up your DPS.

    So, attacks are not just a spam of the Left Mouse Button, but an application of your skills and weapon attacks.

    You add in Blocking (reduce damage), Bashing (interrupting a caster or heavy attack wind up), Dodge Rolling (double click on a WASD key to avoid damage and get out of red quickly). Throw in some terrain advantage, and your basically a Mobile, Agile and Hostile wrecking machine.

    As for Gear, well, while leveling, gear does not matter as long as you have something. It does not have to be best in slot, or even all that good. Also, we have lots of dropped set pieces so if you spend any time in a zone, you will more than likely pick up a set or two to wear. Each zone has a Magic, a Stamina and a Health or Tank set. Since everything scales, you can use this gear longer than you would think from the levels. It is only once you reach CP160 that you really want to worry about the gear, and by then you will have a good idea of what to use and where to farm for it.

    Until then, the most important thing with gear is to wear a mix of it (light/medium/heavy) so they all level up somewhat equally. Also, have one skill from each of the 3 class skill lines on your bar at all times, and at least one weapon skill. For the 5th, it can be another weapon or attack skill or a support skill or some skill you want to level.

    Leveling a first character:
    First leveling character? Forget about Builds right now. No need, your handicapped anyway by the game so you are way more powerful than you need to be. Instead take advantage of this buff to properly level your character so you can be deadly when it matters later on when you are not buffed by the level scaling. In other words, you can create a rotation that makes you think your all that and a biscuit because of the scaling buffs, then get a rude awakening come Champ Ranks when you are on your own.

    In other words, right now if your wearing any gear, the mobs will die.

    1. Have one class skill on your bar at all times, swapping them out once the skill reaches Morph stage. Worry about your Morphs later.
    2. Have one weapon skill on your bar at all times, again until Morph stage
    3. Wear a mix of all 3 armor types so they all level about equally
    4. From L1 to L20, invest in attack skills and actives
    5. From L20 to L35 start investing in Passives and Support Skills
    6. From L35 to L50 start investing in Morphs (but only if all your class skills are at the Morph Stage), Passives and Crafting Skills
    7 From CP10 to CP160 try out dropped sets to see which ones fit your playstyle, don't worry about traits right now, fill in passives and actives you may have missed
    8. Grind on Dolmens to level your Fighters Guild, or find the Lore Books to level Mages Guild
    9. Do some stealing to level Legerdemain, best source for money in the game
    10. Decon every piece of gear you get that you are not going to use immediately to level equipment crafting, no need to invest skills points until Champ Ranks.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Ilsabet
    In case Nestor's post is still sounding like technobabble, and assuming you haven't done these things already, here's a simple breakdown:

    Hit K to bring up the skills window. On the left side you'll see a bunch of names of skill lines. For a nightblade, under the Class section you'll see Assassination, Shadow, and Siphoning.

    Click on each of those words, and you'll see the skill tree for each one. There will be a plus sign next to the first skill in each tree. Click on that and assign a skill point to unlock the skill.

    Do the same thing for the weapon you like to use.

    When you unlock the skills, they'll automatically fill in an icon on your skill bar (shown at the bottom of the skill window). As you unlock more skills, you can drag-and-drop skill icons into the spaces where you want them. You can also rearrange them in whatever order you like.

    Each box in the skill bar corresponds to a number key between 1-5. In combat, pressing that number key will activate the skill. Learn what the skills do by reading the descriptions and trying them out. With practice you'll get more comfortable with using your skills so it'll become more natural to use them in combat in addition to the mouse-clicking.

    Pay attention to your skills as they level up. When you get a message that a skill can be morphed, go to the K skill menu again to look at the two morph options and unlock one of them with a skill point.

    You can also invest skill points to unlock new skills as you level up each skill tree. That's why having skills on your bar when you gain exp is so important.

    You're probably fine on the gear, but I'll caution you to try not to use all heavy armor even though that will look like it's giving you the most defense (which it is, but there will be other benefits to other types of armor). If you're going for a stamina damage-dealing build, which would suit a Khajiit, try to be using 5 pieces of medium armor and one of each of heavy and light. If you're leaning toward a magicka build, focus on light armor. And if you want to be a tank, then stick with heavy.

    Oh also for a damage-dealer it's best to put all of your attribute points into either stamina or magicka, and that will help determine which type of skills are most effective for you (stamina-based or magicka-based). That's a decision that can be made early on, but you can always change it later.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Shattered_Storm
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks, that's a bit clearer.

    I've sort of managed to work out how to use the skills window and the bar. It will take some time before I get used to it I think, but at least I'm not just spamming mouse clicks while fighting now. :)

    I've switched out my armour so I have 5 medium and 1 of each heavy/light.

    I discovered the crafting certifications and I'm having fun with this part of the game so far. I like the idea of gathering materials and crafting with them. I also like the thieving/fencing and lock picking elements.

    I'm going to start looking for a Guild. Maybe a trading Guild if I'm planning on going into crafting (but one without a minimum commitment because I'm still learning). Does that sound like a a good idea?

    I think I'm going put my points into stamina for the moment. I don't really know what that affects but, as you say, I can change it later if I realise it's the wrong decision it will do for now. :)
  • VaranisArano
    Finding a good, low key trading guild can be really helpful. When you look for items to sell, potion reagents sell very well and you can pick them up while questing.

    Putting your attributes in stamina will help your weapon skills and any class skills that use stamina. You can tell whether a skill uses stamina or magicka by hovering over the skill in the Skill Menu (K). Even if the skill uses magicka, sometimes the skill will have a morph that uses stamina. Weapons like Dual Wield, One hand and shield, Two-handed, and Bow use stamina. Destruction and Restoration staff skills use magicka.
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