I like Non-CP-PvP much more and i think that it is way better. This was, ofc a
highly subjective statement.
But i will try to back up this opinion with arguments in hope that we gain support in keeping the non-cp BG.
CP allocation
Let's take a look at what CP are actually providing. They allows us to boost certain abilites and stats. We can choose what kind of ability we want to be enhanced. What are our choices? Naturally most players will enhance their classes inherent strenghts since you want to bring the most dmg, the tankiest tank, healiest (new word) heals to the fight. CP therefore allows us to streamline our builds.
But that means that everybody has to do the same to stay competetive. Which then means that slight imbalances in classes (you can never get rid of those comepletely!) will enhance a lot. Slight imbalances will become very large imbalances. That is why we have (nearly) unkillable templars or wardens and so forth.
A simplified example: You have 100 points to put in magic dmg or physical dmg while using a 2h weapon. You will put 100 points in physical dmg.
At the same time another player has 100 points to enhance resistance against physical or magical dmg. Depending on the class he/she will put 50 points in each. Which means 50 points less defense against physical dmg.
Ofc, the reality is much more complex but that is where the enhanced imbalances are coming from.
Build diversity
Non-CP allows for more build diversity – not less. In non-cp you are not forced to fight larger imbalances nor very streamlined builds. You 'only' have to deal with class strenghts and weaknesses. That is why you can get away with many more less streamlined builds in non-cp – especially if you are a good player! Which allows for much more possibilites to work.
You will have a much harder time with less streamlined builds in cp-pvp.
And while i understand that many ppl enjoy min-maxing and working on builds (i love that myself), the possibilites for competing builds in cp-pvp are not as open as in non-cp pvp.
Changing BG to CP is a bad choice. I stated my main argument for that above. BG with their enclosed spaces will enhance the problem stated above manifold.
Those super tanky wardens (they are already super tanky in non-cp and they got slightly buffed
) will not be stopped carrying a relic. There will probably less interesting fights as they tend to get drawn out. Some classes will be super powerful in certain types of matches (could add a long paragraph about that...).
A flaw in my argument!
I base my arguments on the assumption that good PvP is even PvP. I know that many people would not share that assumption. But for me personally the best experiences in PvP is winning an even fight.
Looking forward to counter arguments!