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Please don't laugh at me. IT'S MY FIRST ESO CHARACTER OKAY?! All jokes aside, heres the deal. I'm playing an Imperial Mag-DK (Yes, I'm serious). My plan is to mainly keep him as a crafter character of sorts, and I'd like to finish out hitting up all the POI's within my Pact's Zones (got 1 and a half left) before I start from scratch and make an actual decent build (thinking Argonian Stamblade? Cuz they can't be poisoned right?) Regardless

My point is this. I'm still basically learning how to play the game, and how characters work. I have considered joining queues to do dungeons, but man I really don't want to be "That Guy" (the people everyone *** about in the threads that suck at DPS or generally drag everyone down) so I was more or less asking for advice skill-wise. Again, I do plan on making a fresh character when my girlfriend and I are finished with our current Zones.

I really try not to spam molten whip, but it literally seems to be the only thing I have that actually does decent amounts of damage. Usually I run up to a group of enemies, use Inhale-Drain Essence, then while it's sucking their life force I hit them with a Fiery Breath-Engulfing Flames to get that fire damage bonus going, about that time my inhale unleashes and they get hit with that, then it's usually Molten Whipping them into oblivion. And while it works fine for most enemies, I definately struggle with bosses and tougher enemies. The really noobish thing is because Searing Strike has a picture of a sword, I always thought it was a move for melee users. I'm just recently finding out it's not, and Burning Embers gives decent healing, so thinking of throwing that into the mix. As far as staff skills, they just seem underwhelming. Crushing Shock doesn't do much for me.

Again, I'm a newb, don't know what I'm talking about, and would welcome ANY helpful suggestions. Just please don't be mean =/ If it matters I just broke Champion level, so I do have access to the cool Champion points, I was putting them into Elfborn and Spell Erosion. Should I stop, focus on Elemental Expert and then start using Crushing Shock? Again, as soon as my girlfriend and I finish our respective zones we have every intention of following guides and making actual decent characters, just not quite ready for that yet, and even at that this character will be my crafter, so I plan on keeping the old lug around.

Thanks again guys. To my fellows to the southeast in both texas and florida my heart goes out to you guys. Hope for the best and we will toast to you all tonight in Tamriel.
PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • W0lf_z13
    best advice is give it a try ... currently i have an imperial mag templar that i play ( under lvl 50 ) ... the extra stam from imperial is nice in pvp
    Breton Nightblade ~ Fang of the Wolf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Dragonknight ~ Ðårk Ŵølf ~ (50)   |   Altmer Necro ~ Ðeåth Ŵølf ~ (50)

    ☣☣☣   |     Alliance ~Daggerfall Covenant~     |     Server ~NA PC~     |     CP's ~2156~     |     ☣☣☣
  • Skander
    Best advise i can give you: Race matters a lot.
    Get a guild
    Watch videos
    Test your builds.
    Sell *** so you can actually get your equip
    I meme, but my memes are so truthful they hurt
    -Elder Nightblades Online
    Want competitive pvp while being outnumbered? Tough luck, the devs clearly said you have to die in those situations
  • Jim_Pipp
    Hi. Welcome to Tamriel, how are you finding it so far?

    I think you are probably doing much better than you say because you seem to really have a good approach to the game. It is a fantastic idea to make your first character a crafter (you'll be glad of that later) and to play through the main quests of your faction (that's how the game was intended to be played and it teaches a lot about how to play your character).

    You seem to understand that overland PVE quests have much, much easier enemies than group dungeons - and when people are not expecting the jump in difficulty they are useless in group dungeons. I expect you could kill a group of three normal mobs with nothing but the whip ability! In group dungeons the enemies have more health and they come in bigger groups...

    For me the single best advice I got was to increase the number of damage over time (DoT) abilities I was putting on enemies - DK's have lots of abilities which do damage over time to a whole group of enemies, put them on and don't use that ability again until they run out. I've seen mediocre builds that can drop enough area of effect DoT's on large groups of mobs that they do over 100kdps - you don't have to have much spell power if you are doing damage to everyone every second!

    It sounds cheesy but the best way to get good at hard content is to practice doing harder content. Public dungeons are a good half-way point between normal solo content and group dungeons. I'd suggest working on your skill rotations in the many public dungeons of tamriel. Each public dungeon has something called a "group event" which is some kind of boss - if you find you can solo, or nearly solo a group event then you are going to breeze through normal group dungeons.

    I know you said you were not thinking about a build yet, but copying what you can from a proven build may boost you in all sorts of ways.

    Finally, almost everyone has to use the group finder eventually - you may meet some trolls and be kicked out of groups, but that's from players who get off on feeling superior. Almost everyone I have met in eso have been normal, patient people who will have had far worse dungeon experiences because of lag, disconnection issues or sometimes very drunk players.

    p.s. searing strike is a life-saver in panic situations!
    #1 tip (Re)check your graphics settings periodically - especially resolution.
  • bebynnag
    the key to all characters, regardless of class and race is passives so if you havent been putting points in them yet please start :)

    the easiest way to excel as a DK is using lots of DoT's (damage over time abilities) and fighting within melee range imho

    on my magDK i use 1 fire & 1 lighning staff

    whip is better for you than force pulse (and its a super fun skill to use)

    searing strike is a very high damage single target dot and once morphed has an amazing heal you should definatley use it :)

    wall of elements on destruction staff is a really nice aoe dot skill, if you use it on the lightning bar you will occasionally set the enemy off balance, if you use the flame lash morph of your whip you will get free whips & heals when hitting an off balance enemy

    all of the DK skills are good in certain situations, but i am just going to suggest the ones that will work for your current character

    make sure you use molten weapons this will give you and your partner major sorcery, if your partner is playing a stam character and doesnt have easy access to major brutality morph the skill to igneous weapons, if you are both magic morph the skill to armaments.
    it will continue to give you both major saucery but you will also deal increased damage with your full charcged heavy attacks

    obsidian sheild will also help both you and your partner

    ash cloud once you get it is high cost but great when there are lots of aditional enemies

    spiked armour is important for your own survivability morph it to volatile and you will also deal damage to any enemies within melee range

    talons are good for controlling lots of enemies and once morphed to burning ass another dot

    inhale is good (but you know that because your already using it), but put it on the lightning bar so you benefit a little more from the lightning aoe passive

    ultimates all the DK ultimates are good but for you use standard for groups & dragon leap for single target (so put them on the apropriate bar)

    people may tell you to make your imperial into a tank, or a stam DD and while from a min maxing perspectice you would get the best results by doing this,


    for the purposes of questing, overland exploring and normal dundgeons your charcater is perfectly capeable of completing the content.
    once you have learned the dungeon mechanics on normal it will also be good enough to start running vet (but dont worry about that for now)
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Hi! My partner runs a Mag DK as her main and while she can probably give a better explanation, here's what I understand so far. As a DK you have some great potential for DoT, AoEs, and devastating single target damage. You're also capable of healing yourself a ton and shielding from a lot of damage. You're on the right track with Engulfing Flames and Burning Embers.

    In fact, Burning Embers is great because it works as an emergency heal that you can control. The thing about Burning Embers is that it grants you health when the effect ends. Which means that you can use it a second time to force the first effect to end, granting you health in a pinch. Use Burning Embers on multiple enemies and you can set up a large heal for yourself in advance.

    There are lots of nice skills that can enhance DK potential. Molten Weapons raises your spell damage (better damage and healing) for a little while, Blockade of Flames from the destruction staff pairs well with your DK fire skills like Engulfing Flames, and Reflective Scales shields you from enemy projectiles while sending them back. It can be pretty destructive.

    If you like playing a Dragonknight, consider sticking with them a little longer and experimenting. You might find it a lot more viable with more time and practice. :smiley:
  • Glockcoma725
    Thank all of you guys for your responses. I've screenshotted your replies and plan on implimenting as many different things you guys have mentioned as I can and see where we go from there. Im glad Im a part of a forum where you can get actual constructive advice and not be slammed for something so trivial as lack of knowledge on a particular video game.

    Thanks again all, happy hunting this weekend!!
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • SydneyGrey
    I have a magicka dragonknight. The secret to using the whip is to set the enemy off-balance first, so that the damage you do with the whip will be more, and you'll get a heal out of it at the same time (after you morph whip). You can set enemies off-balance in a couple of ways. I use Wall of Elements with a lightning staff to do it.
    The main issue with using an Imperial instead of a high elf, dark elf or breton is you won't have as much magicka as you would have otherwise, but it can still be workable.
    My main bar looks like this. 1, 2 and 3 should be done in order.
    1. Molten Armaments (morph of Molten Weapons) - increases spell damage by 20%
    2. Elemental Blockade (morph of Wall of Elements - used with lightning staff it becomes Blockade of Storms) - sets enemies off balance and does damage
    3. Flame Lash (morph of Lava Whip) - damage plus a good heal if enemy is off balance, which is why you use Blockade of Storms first
    4. Burning Embers (morph of Searing Strike) - a damage-over-time (DoT) spell
    5. Inner Light - (morph of Mage Light) - passively increases the spell critical rating

    In addition, since you're using an Imperial, you'll need to make up for the reduced magicka he has in other ways, namely by making sure all your armor and weapons are focused on boosting his magicka sustain.

    I used to use the Inhale/Fiery Breath combo, too, but I've discovered she does more damage with the rotation I showed you above.
    Edited by SydneyGrey on September 9, 2017 11:02PM
  • FlyingDutch92
    Lots of awesome replies already! Hope they have helped you so far. Which platform are you playing on? If you are on Xbox EU I would gladly take you through some dungeons to learn the ropes and explain some of the mechanics etc.
  • Magdalina
    It is great to see a new player actually actively interested in getting better :) Welcome aboard!

    It seems you've already gotten some great advices(and I'm a potato at magDKs anyway...) so I'll just add a couple generic ones.

    I may have missed that - are you using set gear? That's definitely very helpful. For magicka, Julianos is always a great and easily acquireable(craftable, 6 traits) option. Due to how skills scale in ESO, you basically want to use magicka only skills(which sounds like you already have that part down) and sets boosting your spell dmg/max magicka/spellcrit/spell penetration.

    It seems like you're early on in your cp, you level insanely fast there and end up outleveling your gear really fast - make sure you keep your gear at least somewhat updated, even if it's not by the best set possible. You're getting battle leveled to cp 160 but the bigger the gap between you and your gear, the weaker it is - for example a cp 10 in cp 10 gear will be almost as powerful as a cp 160 in cp 160 gear, but a cp 150 in cp 10 gear will be hitting like a wet noodle.

    Also don't forget about food, typical choices for magicka users are max mag+max health or max mag+max health+mag regeneration(this one is a bit more pricey but scales with you which is pretty convenient. Called Witchmother's Potent Brew). Generally 17-20k health(with food) should be enough for everything in the game unless you decide to tank.

    I'd highly recommend using light armor for sustain(if you aren't already) and light armor shield - Annulment(morph it to Harness Magicka, that makes it almost free to spam in most fights) for survivability, it really is amazing.

    Far as Champion points go, you could check Alcast's mDK guide for ideal distribution for lateron if you want(he also has top notch DK dps rotation that may or may not be helpful to you at this point), but I think for now you'd be better off putting most into Ele Expert with some in Elfborn(Ele expert will also buff all DK fire skills, too ;) ). Crushing shock is generally not used much on DKs unless they absolutely must go ranged(which implies it is a good thing to have leveled just in case).

    The basic of good dps in ESO atm is that you lay down DoTs and then use your spammable until you need to renew the DoTs - for DK the spammable is the whip so you're actually doing it right ;) For DoTs, you want Wall of Elements, Burning Embers and uhh...Engulfing flames I think? It's also generally preferred to have at least one shock staff slotted because shock heavy attack is really op for aoe situations - not just it damages all the things but it also restores magicka to you!

    Like others have already said, you don't really have to change your character too. First, if you really want to you can race change(for crowns), second, you can honestly do ALL of the game's content with suboptimal race. One of best mDK dps I knew was an Imperial ;) He left the game a while ago but back then he was like "omg that legendary guy with nearly 2k dps!!!"(back when we still had lower numbers lol) yet he wasn't even an optimal race, he was just that good. Imperial isn't all a waste too I think - you get that extra bit health so you can go all out magicka and still have enough health to survive.

    Race will only really matter if you get to the point where you really feel like being competitive - not just doing vet content but being among the first to do so, not just pulling, Idk, 35k dps but pulling 38k dps, stuff like that. Aside from that it does help a bit - I mean who doesn't like free resources/damage - but it's definitely not a make it or break it kind of thing.
  • buttaface
    If you are having fun, you are winning the game. That said, on a magDK, consider fire/lightning destro staves for elemental blockade. I find whip in pve a waste of time and magicka greedy unless you haven't unlocked the later skills yet... and use the lightning bar to lay the dots/aoe (blockade, draw essence, engulfing flames, a couple of burning embers from the fire bar) then that heavy attack lightning sweetness DK gets. Make sure to get the heavy attack dmg morph molten armaments as soon as possible.

    Once you get the destro passive for lightning attacks, engulfing flames, and draw essence, you will be burning and shocking stuff to death real fast while you regen magicka with ridiculous heavy attacks. Have fun.
    Edited by buttaface on September 11, 2017 5:45AM
  • Glockcoma725
    Even more helpful replies! Awesome thanks alot guys.

    I implemented alot of what you guys were saying over the weekend. Open up with DOT attacks then spam SS or whip. When I first started I noticed what a few of you had been saying, as Imperial my Magicka pool was small. Luckily I've been grinding provisioning writs and leveling, and literally JUST REALIZED I can craft meals that buff Maximum Health and Magicka.

    Regarding armor, I thought I had read somewhere that while you may only want to focus skills on one armor type, it's a good idea to get all three types to 50? My buddy being a blacksmith made me leveled heavy armor, (ikr heavy armor magicka user noob) and I went to the prison in Shadowfen and literally almost every other enemy was dropping glyphs so my magicka pool is nice right now. Realizing I should have dabbled in clothes making on this character.

    @Syndey- I'm intrigued by Elemental blockade. I'm going to keep my eyes open for the next lightning staff I get and dabble in that combination. And I never considered morphing magelight. I used that skill once and was instantly miffed by how short the light lasted (my gamma is down and was hoping for an actual "flashlight") so I'll have to revisit that lol.

    @Flyingdutch - I'm on PC-NA

    @Magdalina - Oh my god yes! Like I did okay until about cp40 then next thing I realized I was cp90 and my gear was jank. It went so fast. Luckily my buddy just unlocked voidstone smithing so he was able to hook me up. I need to get back into light armor, as I read before I swore I read someone saying you should strive for level 50 in all three so I was working through Heavy Armor now. Then I'll be finished with all three and can go back to light. I'll have to check that guide I've been so gun shy about assigning my CP's.

    @buttaface - Agreed. It seems like so many find nothing but negative things, but so far it's just been so addictingly fun. I probably need to revisit my staff passives. Really honestly I think I need to reset all my skills sometime for that reason. I spent all weekend grinding sky shards but still have things I feel like I should have focused on that I didn't

    One last question this morning for you guys. We had been fishing in our spare time and selling perfect roes. I now realize My provisioner packs have been supplying me with the other two ingredients needed for making Psijic Ambrosia. From what I could tell it seems I'll need several fragments of the recipe for ambrosia, my main question is should I put skills toward connoiseuer? From what I read it seems like it adds twenty minutes onto the 30 minute ambrosia time, so do those sell for more? Cuz it's usually 10k for 4 ambrosia's right?
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • buttaface
    I did lots of fishing til it sunk in that it was doing nothing for me exp/CP wise. There are lucrative ways to farm exp/CP and gold at the same time.

    Certain world drop sets are in demand, especially weapons with good traits. For just one example, in Malabal Tor, the public dungeon Crimson Cove has lots of easy to get to bosses and very fast spawning mob packs and lots of chests and crates. There is a dolmen within short running distance as well. In a good trade guild, intricate pieces sell for ~200 ea quickly, etc.

    Another example, the big northern beach zombie grind in Alikr drops lots of bait, sells for ~3000 a stack quickly on guild traders. Also lots of alchemy nodes in that area.

    Another example, in Deshaan, there is an eastern huge mob camp with beset upon argonians right next to a dolmen that many people do. Purple mother's sorrow, plague doctor and night mothers embrace jewelry from the dolmens sell well, and possible drops from the mob camp could sell well.

    There are many, many examples like this where you can raise your exp/CP while raising gold at the same time. Best thing is to get in a good trading guild or two (Reaper's march RawlKa, Belkarth Craglorn, Mournhold Deshaan, Wayrest, etc.) and keep your 30 slots full, download MM for pricing help, get active in the guild and ask for help making gold. GL.
    Edited by buttaface on September 11, 2017 5:05PM
  • Glockcoma725
    Okay guys, another question for yall. As opposed to making a new topic I figured I would ask here, in the hopes someone sees it. So my buddy has offered to make me some armor for my mage. My question is, what kind of trait should I pursue?

    I was thinking Divines since I do alot of PVE, but then the question becomes do I use the Lady Stone for spell penetration? The Mage stone for max magicka? or the Atronach or the Apprentice??

    Or do I go with infused, and load up on magicka enhancing glyphs?

    Or do I do neither of the above?

    And lastly, do I want it made in the Magnus Gift set? Assassins guile? Seducer? (he has 4 full traits on everything so Julianos isn't an option, just yet.)

    As always, your insight is always extremely appreciated. Thank you all
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • Storymaster

    Just kidding. Welcome to ESO, mein froinde.
    Character Profiles:
    Puck Tanglevine - Bosmer Nightblade
    Cyron Kane - Imperial Dragonknight (Retired)
  • Magdalina
    Okay guys, another question for yall. As opposed to making a new topic I figured I would ask here, in the hopes someone sees it. So my buddy has offered to make me some armor for my mage. My question is, what kind of trait should I pursue?

    I was thinking Divines since I do alot of PVE, but then the question becomes do I use the Lady Stone for spell penetration? The Mage stone for max magicka? or the Atronach or the Apprentice??

    Or do I go with infused, and load up on magicka enhancing glyphs?

    Or do I do neither of the above?

    And lastly, do I want it made in the Magnus Gift set? Assassins guile? Seducer? (he has 4 full traits on everything so Julianos isn't an option, just yet.)

    As always, your insight is always extremely appreciated. Thank you all

    Divines is generally preferred, possibly with infused on big pieces(enchants are stronger on big pieces). Afaik currently the best Mundus is Lady for solo play and Apprentice(spell damage) for coordinated group play.

    I can make you Julianos if you want ;) Seems you're PC NA?
    Seducer is also a great set but it's a sustain oriented one whereas Juli is pure damage.
  • Rhinala
    Hiya Glockcoma725 I am also on the PC NA and i will be happy to team up with you for public and group dungeons my handle is @Rhinala, feel free to add me to your friends if you wish to.
    DK is fun and i think that you should play it as you enjoy, the players on the posts above gave you great advice.
  • Glockcoma725
    @Storymaster Lmao thanks!

    @Magdalina - Thanks for the input. I was leaning towards Lady but that seals it. But using infused on pants and shirt I hadn't considered. Def considering that now. And I am indeed. How much were you thinking? I wouldn't mind wrecking stuff wearing Juli lol.

    @Rhinala I'll definately shoot you an Add tonight. My gf and I are always looking for teammates for group content!
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
  • Magdalina
    @Magdalina - Thanks for the input. I was leaning towards Lady but that seals it. But using infused on pants and shirt I hadn't considered. Def considering that now. And I am indeed. How much were you thinking? I wouldn't mind wrecking stuff wearing Juli lol.

    If you mean the price I can craft for free, though if it's cp 160 stuff(are you there yet?;) ) I'd need mats because that requires a ton of them lol. Shoot me a friend invite/mail, I'm @Magdalina777 ingame. I'll even log in for this, haven't been on much lately but helping new people is a sufficient reason :)
  • Glockcoma725
    I definately will tonight. Unfortunately I'm at work for another 5 hours =/

    And I am cp155 so 160 would be excellent. I have no problem supplying Mats, just not sure how many you would need each of them, other than the trait gems. But that is very generous of you, and I would appreciate that seriously!
    PC-NA CP570 @Glockcoma725
    Maximus Dezimus Meridius Tank DragonKight
    Ri'Skarr DD Nightblade
    Myrddin Emrys DD Sorceror
    Smokes-All-Herbs Healer Templar
    Azog the Defiler DD Warden
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