Weapon Color Change!

Ok, i have to adress it directly now, even if its "only" a style preference.
We NEED to change our Weapon Colors from... Red! Its JUST Red atm, because all weapons are out of rubidium/ruby ash.
I have an entirely blue and white vampire sorc, which fits very nicely with all the lightning abilitys, and then there is this RED WEAPON. It really triggers me much more then a weaponcolor should. But customasation is such an important part in this game, which you clearly can see in the Crown Store, i mean you SELL DYES there, why cant we color weapons yet? It makes less then no sense, and im so sad about it.
Not enough that we dont have Transmogs in Eso, at all, which would be REALLY nice to have, but maybe i make an entire thread about that seperatly, for now i want to change my weapon color at least, it cant be that hard to bring into the game, you can even color Shields already! :C

I really really hope some Devs take this seriously and think about giving us the only step that misses so far to make our Chars really like we want them to be, with matching weapons.

EDIT: I mean, look at my char and then realize how much the weapon alone destroys it. Q-Q
Edited by Avrael on August 19, 2017 6:10PM
"I mustache you a question."
"Well shave it for later."
  • nCats
    This has been discussed elsewhere.

    Transmogrification system is planned, color change for weapons is not planned, that's what the devs say. Stock up motifs which have different colors.
  • Avrael
    nCats wrote: »
    This has been discussed elsewhere.

    Transmogrification system is planned, color change for weapons is not planned, that's what the devs say. Stock up motifs which have different colors.

    Thats very sad, and i hope they see what a big mistake they would make with not brining weapon colors...

    And youre funny, ALL Motifs are red because of the building material used! Some are a bit grey-ish like Dark Brotherhood Staves, or a bit purple-ish like Assasins Guild Staves (yes, i have looked at ALL Styles there are for building at least kinda fitting weapons), but NONE is just blue or green or something else, unless you craft it out of a diffrent material. And you dont do that, if youre max Level, you craft out of max Level Materials, its sadly that easy... .-.

    Dark Brotherhood Staff

    Assasins Guild Staff

    And those are literally the most "not-red" styles there are, even such things like this Stahlrim or Buoyant Armiger have more red parts between theyr special colors.
    Edited by Avrael on August 19, 2017 6:37PM
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
  • agingerinohio
    The soul shriven staves look like actual wood. I've been on a long journey to complete Cadwell's Silver to obtain the motif to make it.

    Aside from that, I do believe we should be able to have a different color other than red on our end game weapons. I love the look of maple and iron weapons.
  • Avrael
    The soul shriven staves look like actual wood. I've been on a long journey to complete Cadwell's Silver to obtain the motif to make it.

    Yes, true that. But i like Metallic staves, the one from Wood fits healers for instance a lot imo, but a lightning-throwing sorcerer not as much. D: Metallic blue would be sooo nice for that. Q-Q
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
  • Taleof2Cities
    Here is a hickory staff (Ra Gada Style) that I made for my level 43 Magicka DK awhile back ...

    ... would be great if I could make this at CP160 instead of a red ruby ash one.

    Hopefully ZOS is paying attention to these threads ...


  • Avrael
    Ye, i hope so too, as i said, i like my char, except his red weapon... and that hes Highelf, but Minmaxing much. X-x xD
    I dont want to know HOW many people want this change, but noone is saying anything. :C
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
  • TelvanniWizard
    The dominion staff is also not very red, and quite elegant in my opinion, specially for healer/templar/good-guy characters.
  • Avrael
    ^ But the Dominion killed Argonian Youngs in Shadowfen, i would never use a Staff that resembles that! Q-Q (Srsly the Story was quite sad, go play it in EP!)
    But no, its not really about what weapon at the moment fits my char the most, its about that we all can choose which weapon fits our chars the best, like our Armor. And that is just not red for most people. xD
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
  • Reivax
    Don't worry, it's coming. They're just working out how they're going to force us to pay for transmogrification through Crowns and not gold. But they''ll get there, don't worry.
  • Thannazzar
    Willpower Agility and Endurance weapons in the faction styles retain normal metal and wood colouring. Even if you transform them to imperial or morag tong.
  • Urza1234
    nCats wrote: »
    This has been discussed elsewhere.

    Transmogrification system is planned, color change for weapons is not planned, that's what the devs say. Stock up motifs which have different colors.

  • Gan Xing
    Gan Xing
    not really soon... Transmogrification system is different to Transmutation system. Both are planned, Transmogrification system is coming soon. Transmutation will take longer...

    On another note, I think you can use even low level crafted items (like iron swords) and have your weapon look like that
    Gan Xing - Crafting Nightblade
    Elrana Tinuviel - Hybrid Dragonknight
    Elentári Peregrine - Sorcerer "bank"
    Rán Xīng - Hybrid Templar
    Laurïsil Imlachwen - Stamina Templar
    Helotë Tinuviel - Hybrid/Magicka Warden
    Odin banker - obv banker
    Yan of the Red Mountain - lvl 3 DK - not sure when I will work on em

    Seeks the unusual and unique playstyles...
  • Earrindo
    If it helps, the cp160 Telvanni style bows have absolutely zero red on them, they use a sort of dark greenish black metal and light tan leather, with a dark wood.
    Aside from that, there really just glass which goes pinkish at legendary, though the glass itself is sort of a greyish green, and the soul shriven staff which is a sort of dark reddish brown.

    I am also looking forward to some kind of transmog option, but my fear is that they will limit it to ONLY motifs known. I currently run Hircines Veneer pretty much only because I like the look. But Hircines Veneer isnt a craftable motif (it may technically be the skinchanger motif but they are NOTHING alike) so if they add transmog based on known motifs, I will still be running Hircines Veneer for the look.

    What I am hoping fervently is that they add an appearance tab, similar to EQ2, and I can just equip gear to the appearance tab to overwrite what I am wearing for stats.

    As to weapon colors, the whole thing strikes me as some kind of perverse joke from the art team. They claimed they didnt want to add weapon dyes into the game so people wouldnt make hot pink swords.


    Oh the irony, as now we are all forced to wear hot pink swords.
  • Avrael
    (I almost forgot this thread...)

    Even if they would "only" make Colorchanges in the way of transmogging Weapons into earlier crafting materials... that would be at least better then the nothing atm. x-x
    And i would guess that they either make the transmogs for the styles we know and can craft, or from weapons that we sacrifice for the look of another. I guess well see...
    And that with the Pink swords is the most stupid Argument from the Devs that ive heard so far, and they ONLY bring stupid Arguments. As if you couldnt run around in hot pink armor atm which has a lot more... area then a weapon. They cant be serious about that. If they dont like pink, then they shouldnt have made the color available... But you can run around like a Powerranger already if you would want to...
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
  • ADarklore
    Avrael wrote: »
    (I almost forgot this thread...)

    Even if they would "only" make Colorchanges in the way of transmogging Weapons into earlier crafting materials... that would be at least better then the nothing atm. x-x
    And i would guess that they either make the transmogs for the styles we know and can craft, or from weapons that we sacrifice for the look of another. I guess well see...
    And that with the Pink swords is the most stupid Argument from the Devs that ive heard so far, and they ONLY bring stupid Arguments. As if you couldnt run around in hot pink armor atm which has a lot more... area then a weapon. They cant be serious about that. If they dont like pink, then they shouldnt have made the color available... But you can run around like a Powerranger already if you would want to...

    ^BOLDED 110%!!! The arguments the devs have against colored weapons is just downright pitiful! I mean, they allow us to color shields, have they seen a lot of pink shields?!? NO! So their arguments hold absolutely no amount of reality whatsoever. They need to add weapon dying ASAP and stop giving out lame excuses for why they haven't added it. If anything, this has been one of the MOST requested additions to the game and for a company that says, "we listen to feedback" this is one request where that truly demonstrate that they don't listen at all.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • WuffyCerulei
    Get a Frostcaller staff. The style's almost all not red.
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • Avrael
    ^ Even Frostcaller is red on the metal parts, and theres enough metal there. xD
    And its nice that you want to point weapons out we could use until then... but until weapon coloring comes, i can live with my staff, but it HAS to come. It makes no sense at all if it wont come. And if it doesent come pretty fast (with Clockwork), im relly going to annoy the Devs a whole lot about it.
    Edited by Avrael on September 16, 2017 4:56PM
    "I mustache you a question."
    "Well shave it for later."
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