The Proper Way To Survive a Large Open Field Battle

If you find yourself as the person frequently dying when the Zerg on Zerg warfare erupts here are some helpful tips.

Tip 1: Formation

Here is a how many battles go ...

The people who die all the time are the ones that keep YOLOing into the
line and STAY THERE. The people who survive big battles are the ones who dive in and out. If you don't use your friends as meat shields (and you're not a tank) you will die.

2) Look around

A large fight is not 50 individual 1v1s. If you are focused on just one guy you will die.

3) Stay together

Remember how Jon Snow looked when he was surrounded by zombies on his ice platform? That formation will keep you alive because, don't forget, there are two enemies, and not one.

4) If it looks like a trap, then it's probably a trap. If it doesn't look like a trap, then it's definitely a trap. So don't go running into traps. Every person needed to res you is one less person to fight the bad guys. Similarly, res EVERYONE. One more guy to fight is one more guy to take the damage that could otherwise be pointed at you.

5) Take note of your surroundings. Just because it's a big open field doesn't mean you can't find objects to help you find shelter.

6) Eat your food and repair your gear before you fight. Nothing will screw up a potential victory faster than running out of food the moment you start swinging your sword.

These tips are very basic and someone reading them will undoubtedly say, "well duh", but they will prolong your life in Cyrodiil. None of them cost gold or require new gear. They are just basic blocking and tackling tactics that some newer PVPers might not yet get. Hope this helps!
  • SirAndy
    The Proper Way To Survive a Large Open Field Battle
    Simple, stay back, pull out your resto stave and AOE the crap out of your zerg, then watch the AP roll in ...
    SirAndy wrote: »
    The Proper Way To Survive a Large Open Field Battle
    Simple, stay back, pull out your resto stave and AOE the crap out of your zerg, then watch the AP roll in ...

    You're not wrong. Haha.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    So, how do you survive in an open field fight, when its 2v4. But then turns into 3v10 because your DPS can't burst through heals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and your on a tank tanking all the things

    Had that happen multiple times last night, what should have been a small scale fight turned into a one sided zerg in 15 minutes
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on September 13, 2017 6:43PM
    So, how do you survive in an open field fight, when its 2v4. But then turns into 3v10 because your DPS can't burst through heals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and your on a tank tanking all the things

    Had that happen multiple times last night, what should have been a small scale fight turned into a one sided zerg in 15 minutes

    Mist form, invisibility potions and meat shields.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    So, how do you survive in an open field fight, when its 2v4. But then turns into 3v10 because your DPS can't burst through heals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and your on a tank tanking all the things

    Had that happen multiple times last night, what should have been a small scale fight turned into a one sided zerg in 15 minutes

    Mist form, invisibility potions and meat shields.

    I actually wish more people on my server ran meat shield builds. They seem so rare.
    So, how do you survive in an open field fight, when its 2v4. But then turns into 3v10 because your DPS can't burst through heals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and your on a tank tanking all the things

    Had that happen multiple times last night, what should have been a small scale fight turned into a one sided zerg in 15 minutes

    Mist form, invisibility potions and meat shields.

    I actually wish more people on my server ran meat shield builds. They seem so rare.

    As far as I can tell 85% of my EP teammates have meat shield builds. Haha.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    AD on PS4 NA is all DPS I swear. I ran a tank first time last night and was amazed at how bad the DPS was of zerglings I ran into.

    Tank has such good synergies though, putting Guard on key party members to give them Minor Force and split the damage saved a lot of them from dying.

    Also was running Hurricane, and was getting the Pulverize Execute Proc in open field fights while protecting my teammates...
    AD on PS4 NA is all DPS I swear. I ran a tank first time last night and was amazed at how bad the DPS was of zerglings I ran into.

    Tank has such good synergies though, putting Guard on key party members to give them Minor Force and split the damage saved a lot of them from dying.

    Also was running Hurricane, and was getting the Pulverize Execute Proc in open field fights while protecting my teammates...

    LOL. I think you mistook meat shields for tanks. There is a small difference.

    Tank: someone properly equipped to absorb damage.

    Meat Shield: A random potato who is trying to Leeroy Jenkins half the other team who gets shot for you.

    So yeah, a tank is a meat shield but a meat shield isn't always a tank. It's usually just a bunch of CP104 PVE only players. Haha.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    1.0 Actually back in the MMO I use to play, Meatshield term was interchangeable with Tank. So I wasn't that far from the truth.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    SirAndy wrote: »
    The Proper Way To Survive a Large Open Field Battle
    Simple, stay back, pull out your resto stave and AOE the crap out of your zerg, then watch the AP roll in ...

    You know, if you are new at PvP and are a healer, this is 100% the way to go until you get a good grasp on everything...
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • Baconlad
    Everyone knocks on the player running resto heals on a zerg for AP...but man i tell you there are not enough pug random healers in this game. Maybe im gonna start doing it! bring me some mad heals
    Baconlad wrote: »
    Everyone knocks on the player running resto heals on a zerg for AP...but man i tell you there are not enough pug random healers in this game. Maybe im gonna start doing it! bring me some mad heals

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