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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

I don't understand. A few questions if you can answer please.

Took a few weeks off ESO and I finally want to try something that I don't know what to do. I just don't understand or don't know what I am doing wrong.

I tried to be a crafter. Make my own weapons and armour. Thing is, yes I know I am low level, basically starting but I always seem to find better weapons and armour from loot and I just end up using them. So I keep forgetting to make my own weapons and armour since they are not that good. So what should I be doing? Should I just keep using my better weapons and armour and keep practicing making weapons and armour? Is this just a grind, make daggers all the time and sell them or deconstruct them for more XP? If so, what is better to do after they are built, selling or deconstructing?

How do you make your weapons and armour better? I think you get more money if you make better weapons/armour but do you get more XP from deconstructing the better weapons/armour I have made?

I don't know how to play MMOs. I don't know what is expected of me. Basically I don't know how MMOs work. I play ESO as a single player game. like a few people here do. I am playing on PC now coming from the Xbox One. While I was playing a game yesterday I saw someone's health bar almost down to zero so I healed him/her. I thought I was being nice. I guess this person, what is the word? Asked me to join his/her party or something like that. Took me a bit to figure it out but I think since I saw his/her icon on my screen we are playing together. Then something on my screen showed up and said something about activating voice chat. I thought there was no voice chat on PC. How did this show up? Is it because I am playing with a Xbox One controller?

If I can voice chat, how do I do so? I do play with PS3 head set so the sound doesn't bother the family. If we can voice chat on PC how do I do so? If I can't, how do I chat? I felt bad I didn't chat with this person and not sure if they were even trying to chat with me since I don't know how to do that.

So how do you chat with someone? How do you know if someone is chatting with you? I don't want to seem rude, but I just don't know what to do and I don't know is expected of me when someone asks me to join them. What are the protocols if there are any?

Got a small taste of multiplayer and playing with others and I will try and be less anti social. Thing is I just don't know how to interact with others and what is expected. A few tips would be appreciated so I don't seem rude.

Might have more questions later, but will ask later.

Not my quote but I love this saying

"I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Nestor
    #1 way to level gear and enchant crafting is to decon mob loot. With enchanting you get to a point where you want to make some blue or purple glyphs to level it. And, deconning those glyphs on an alt levels them. Don't forget to research traits, I will post something after on that.

    However, while leveling, just wear the sets that drop in the game. They are fine until you reach CP160.

    This game can be played solo. But some places are made for groups. Here is a discussion on that


    Voice and Text Chat depends on the platform, you did not mention it or I overlooked it

    For the last, join some friendly social guilds and talk to the members.
    Edited by Nestor on September 3, 2017 6:06PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Nestor
    General Leveling of Crafting (open spoilers)
    Here is the thing about Crafting, you don't need it until End Game (post CP160) but you can level it in preparation with few to no skill points invested. Crafting can eat up 122 Skill Points to fully invest, so this will gimp your combat while leveling. Best to invest as few points as possible while levleing your character and crafting.

    Equipment Crafting

    Decon all mob loot other than what you are using to research traits. Research traits, learn two on all items you would use, then learn 3, etc. Focus on Divines, Infused and Training for your first three for Armor, Sharpened, Precise and Training for your Weapons. Then go for the other ones. Nirn is expensive, and a lot of people suggest putting a priority on that, I can't see why. The Trait is all but useless for Armor or Weapons. Best place to find Mob Loot is Public Dungeons, then over land grind spots. Grind on mobs until your bags are full, then go on a decon fest. Remembering to save the ones you need or want to research. Use the Lock Function and or an Inventory Mule to hang on to those. Only invest Skill points while leveling it into the Research and Extraction Passive, the last really only needing one point.


    Ignore all the "advice" on the web about using an enchanting partner. First, use Mob Loot decon to raise this up to a point. Later on as you approach end game have some some gold, then start making Green, Blue or Purple Glyphs on one character and decon them on an Alt. You will level Enchanting faster than trading the glyphs with another player, which is tedious by the way. (like pull out your hair and make a doily tedious). Use Green up to about L15 in the Enchanting Skill, Blue up to about L30/35 and Purple up to about L46/47. Then learn the runes you don't know, you should be at or near 50, if not, make/decon some more Purples.

    Provisioning and Alchemy

    Don't worry about these, you can level these professions in about an 20 minutes, for both. Just collect the Various Solvents and Reagents and Provisioning Ingredients/Recipes as you go along. Once end game, then you can level it. Use Mushrooms to level Alchemy, or Flowers that make potions you won't use. Make sure you grab solvents (waters) as your leveling as they can be rare to find in the guild stores. For Provisioning, make the highest level Green Recipes you can make. Blue or Purples do not give any more inspiration than Greens, so save those for character use.

    Yes, use Drop Sets for now, and Yes, level your crafting skills and do the Trait Research. Traits are why you craft as they allow you to make Special Crafted Sets. There are two sets in the game that your going to want to make, Julianos for your Magic Characters, and Hundings Rage for your Stamina Characters. There are no better sets in the game to have 5 pieces of. Period. Well, Twice Born Star is great to, but your a year out from making that. But you need to start learning your traits now.

    Leveling Equipment Crafting is easy, just decon the mob loot you are not either selling to cover repairs or using to research traits. No skill points needed while leveling it, other than maybe a point or two into the Extraction Passives.

    Back to the Crafted Sets, it takes 6 traits known to be able to make Hundings or Julianos, 9 Traits for Twice Born Star. You don't need to know these traits on everything, but you do need to know them on the items you will use. So, start learning those traits. Focus on the gear you will use first, then fill in the rest later. This means:

    Heavy Chest/Legs
    Light Feet/Hands/Waist
    Shoulders and Heads are good to, but there are 2 Piece Monster sets that can take up those slots. So learn the traits on these pieces, but prioritize the ones above.
    Staves (all 4 of them)

    All Medium Armors
    Daggers, Swords, Bow and Shield

    Learn Training, Divines and Infused on the Armors first, Sharpened, Precise and Training on the Weapons. Powered is good for the Healing Staff, Defending is good for Sword or other one handed Melee. Then fill in the rest until you have 6 or eventually 9 traits. Some people recommend Nirn as an early trait to learn. Unless they change it, don't listen to them. You might use it on a Shield or a Weapon but that is about it. You need it someday, but it's expensive and you need your gold for other things.

    Invest the skill points into the Research Passives. I can't stress enough how much of a time sink Trait Research is. Be able to learn more than one at a time, and reduce the time needed. Get an addon for Trait Research Tracking, I recommend Craft Store. If your on the Consoles, find one of the spreadsheets out there or make one to track this. Have I mentioned you need to learn your traits?

    Doing this you will be ready to invest skill points into Crafting when it matters and not have to spend months getting ready. Did I mention Trait Research and how much a time sink it is? The last two traits will take you a month each to learn, on each item you learn them on. Get started now, yesterday would have been better.
    Edited by Nestor on September 3, 2017 6:10PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Davor
    Thank you so much @Nestor . Greatly appreciate that. In my babble, I said I am playing on PC now. Reading the links and spoilers now that you have supplied.

    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Nestor
    Discord or Teamspeak is common for Voice Chat, text chat is done in game with various channels. You change channels by

    /s for Say
    /g1 for Guild 1
    /g2 for Guild 2 etc
    /g for Group only
    right click on a name to Whisper to someone directly

    You can set up tabs for various channels.

    Join a friendly guild to have some people to talk to. Send me an email in game to @Nestor (use the ' key) and I can get you in a couple of friendly guilds.

    Headset is good for voice chat, does not need to be expensive either.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • zaria
    If in an friendly guild you could ask for some crafted armor, most do it for free for an new player if you have the materials.
    That and blue food and your are pretty strong, overland kind of become an joke and you can do public dungeons at speed.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • davey1107
    1. Make or use stuff you find: the power of making your own is in making sets, which offer buffs the more pieces you wear. As a new player, don't stress about it, but start learning about gear sets and how they work.

    2. Deconstructing: don't try to level by deconstructing gear you've made. And it's not really worth significant gold, so don't try to grind that either. The craft system works a little unlike previous ESO games. Level your craft lines by deconstructing junk you pick up, and don't look to gear as a significant source of income.

    3. MMO vs single player: this is a good game to learn MMOs through because it's also really strong as single player. Just play like,how you'd play skyrim or other ES games, and you'll pick up multiplayer stuff over time. Don't stress...there's not much you can do that would annoy other players.

    Voice and text chat controls are in the social menu. You could turn area or group chat on if you like. But you don't have to. You can experiment with grouping as you get more comfortable in the game. But for now, feel free to play as if it were a single payer game.

    And feel free to ask questions in these forums. If you want some more basic guides, I like ESO Academy. For crafting, Sunshine Daydreams's ESO crafting guide.
  • Davor
    Thank you Davey. For what 3 years I kept restarting all the time. I will just play and have fun and not worry about it now. For some reason I thought I was doing it wrong. Greatly appreciated.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
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