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New player question compendium.

Not actually a new player. I bought the game at release, and left because it was not Elder Scrolls. Now I am back. I've missed a couple of years.

1. Ore. I am playing Aldemeri Dominion as a Magicka Sorc. In Auridon, I was seeing both Iron Ore, and High Iron Ore. Lot's of High Iron ore in fact. Now (in Grahtwood) I see only Iron Ore. My char is lvl 34 with lvl 3 in Blacksmithing. If I am not mistaken, I should be seeing 50/50 Iron Ore and Orichalcum Ore. But that is not happening. Why?

2. PVE in PVP:1. I'm told that when playing PVE in PVP areas, the block animation (prior to engaging) is a universal "let's not get agro and PVP each other" signal. Is this true? Can I rely on it. It appears there are shards to be had there.

3. PVE in PVP:2. If I come across a fellow player in Cyrodiil who is in another faction, can I squad with them. Can I buff them. Or are we forever enemies until we leave Cyrodiil?

4. New Char. Is there a way to save a prior characters physical attributes and load them into a new char via addons. I have a DE NB at lvl 3 I would like to change to a DK. The look of the character is perfect. I'm not sure I could re-create her exactly. But there are no class change tokens. Is there some other means?

5. Levelling. Let's say I started a new char. It appears that the gear you obtain from a specific zone follows a particular set (or two). So I'm guessing I really want to do those zones as a fully developed char. So how does one get to max as quickly as possible without exhausting once-a-char opportunities?

6. Morrowind. Morrowind is what bought me back to the game. I played a Wood Elf through all content until lvl 25. Which means I now start every char in Vvardenfell. How do I choose between starts? My current Sorc left Vvardenfell immediately to become Soul-shriven and is loathe to go back as nothing seems to have continuity. Why has player choice for a start been denied.

7. Adventurer pack. I bought the Adventurer pack (may have been an Australian thing) when the game was released. It came with a load of maps that I deleted as I considered them not-immersive when the game was released. How do I get them back? Was that a once-per-account thing? Why was it not a once-per-character thing?

I will have more questions. These are the few that have stuck.
  • dpencil1
    1. Dunno. Maybe you need to level up your Blacksmithing more than that to really see an impact.

    2. You can try, but most people will still just kill you outright.

    3. Nope, you are forever enemies in Cyrodiil.

    4. Nope. No way to save a physical feature set.

    5. Don't worry too much about gear until you hit level 50 and champ point 160. Until then, just use whatever looks good from drops, or make or have made sets of crafted gear with the Training trait to boost your leveling speed. You can come back to farm zones you want gear from later or buy that gear from guild traders.

    6. It doesn't matter that your character starts in Vvardenfell. Go to the Wayshrine outside of town and port to another city and start questing there if you want. There are starter islands and main faction starting zones. Either of those would be good choices, or just go anywhere and pick up the faction questline later.

    7. If you deleted them, they are likely gone for good. Not a big deal. They wouldn't have given you anything worth very much.

    Welcome back to ESO!
    Edited by dpencil1 on August 4, 2017 4:35AM
  • IcyDeadPeople
    1. Ore. I am playing Aldemeri Dominion as a Magicka Sorc. In Auridon, I was seeing both Iron Ore, and High Iron Ore. Lot's of High Iron ore in fact. Now (in Grahtwood) I see only Iron Ore. My char is lvl 34 with lvl 3 in Blacksmithing. If I am not mistaken, I should be seeing 50/50 Iron Ore and Orichalcum Ore. But that is not happening. Why?
    maybe check a couple other zones and file in-game bug report, as you should definitely be seeing 50/50 higher and lower mats

    2. PVE in PVP:1. I'm told that when playing PVE in PVP areas, the block animation (prior to engaging) is a universal "let's not get agro and PVP each other" signal. Is this true? Can I rely on it. It appears there are shards to be had there.
    No, you can't rely on anything. Back in the day less people attacked people questing because many didn't care about alliance poitns - there was nothing good to spend them on. Now that AP can be used to buy monster helms and other valuable stuff, there are a lot of players who will attack anybody they see.

    3. PVE in PVP:2. If I come across a fellow player in Cyrodiil who is in another faction, can I squad with them. Can I buff them. Or are we forever enemies until we leave Cyrodiil?
    I've done some dungeons and stuff with multiple factions in Cyrodiil before, but you can't buff them and I guess you have to watch out for AOE.

    4. New Char. Is there a way to save a prior characters physical attributes and load them into a new char via addons. I have a DE NB at lvl 3 I would like to change to a DK. The look of the character is perfect. I'm not sure I could re-create her exactly. But there are no class change tokens. Is there some other means?
    Not currently.

    5. Levelling. Let's say I started a new char. It appears that the gear you obtain from a specific zone follows a particular set (or two). So I'm guessing I really want to do those zones as a fully developed char. So how does one get to max as quickly as possible without exhausting once-a-char opportunities?
    There is no more need to worry about that, because all the NPCs and creatures in Tamriel are CP 160, and you get scaled up to them when you are low level. If you want to collect CP 160 loot from monsters/dolmens/world bosses etc, you can go back to any zone at any time after you reach CP 160. If you are talking about loot from specific quest rewards, then just wait until CP 160 to do that quest.

    If you are asking how to level quickly, there are a lot of XP buffs in the game. It's a big help if you craft or buy full set of armor and weapons with training trait on every piece. This can be as much as 88% XP boost. Then buy some psijic ambrosia potions or XP scrolls (between 50%-150% XP boost), group up with one other person (another 10%), pledge of mara can be another 10%, ESO Plus membership is another 10%, and then XP in cyrodiil from quests or killing NPCs has flat 25% XP boost. On top of that, if you are in Cyrodiil campaign where your faction has some enemy keeps it can be up to another 15% XP boost.

    Just playing the game normally these days, doing quests or PVP you can level up to 50 in about a week or so. If you are grinding with some of those buffs, you can do it in a few hours. Some people also pay other players gold to power level them up in Skyreach (Craglorn).

    6. Morrowind. Morrowind is what bought me back to the game. I played a Wood Elf through all content until lvl 25. Which means I now start every char in Vvardenfell. How do I choose between starts? My current Sorc left Vvardenfell immediately to become Soul-shriven and is loathe to go back as nothing seems to have continuity. Why has player choice for a start been denied.
    Not quite sure, but you can always skip the tutorial and start in any zone you please. I don't see any benefit to hanging out in the Wailing Prison tbh.

    7. Adventurer pack. I bought the Adventurer pack (may have been an Australian thing) when the game was released. It came with a load of maps that I deleted as I considered them not-immersive when the game was released. How do I get them back? Was that a once-per-account thing? Why was it not a once-per-character thing?
    You can't get them back, but you are not missing out on much. Easy to find similar chests or just buy treasure maps from guild trader if you want some.

    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on August 4, 2017 5:08AM
  • davey1107
    Will only chime in where I have addl input.

    3. Playing cross faction pve in a pvp zone can be fun, but it's insane, lol. You can never help them, only hurt them. As a bow gankblade I've often *very carefully* helped low level delvers. Then usually I try to get them to kill me because usually I'm there for Blessing of War and want a free lift. We need a hand signal for "kill me, get ap and give me a free ride".

    4. They've said no class change tokens ever. I did what you're describing by taking a dozen screen pictures and loading them on my ipad, then recreating the character. The options aren't as diverse as you might think...and any little difference kahbemyou chalk up to some plastic surgery following a tragic arrow in the knee.

    6. For reasons that aren't quite clear, they moved the game start to Vvardenfell. However, you can start where you like. The vanilla game main story starts by taking the boat to your faction's starter zone and picking up a quest there. That's basically it...if you don't want to start in Vvardenfell, take the boat or wayshrine hop.

    7. Yep...the treasure maps are full of utter garbage. A treasure map usually nets like 200 gold, a style mat, a worthless green or blue piece of junk gear for decon and a chance at a setmpiece from that zone. (But nothing rare). If you feel like you missed out, at guild traders you can buy maps under other...trophies. Maps sell as low as 500 gold...most which you'll make up from the chest, so go wild. Or are you n PS4 NA? If so I can mail you a dozen maps...I can't get rid of the stupid things.
  • Pseron_Wyrd
    Kahina wrote: »
    Is there some other means?

    This won't be any help now, but may help in the future. I have gotten into the habit of writing down appearance settings. I keep a notebook near my computer for this purpose. It's a little cumbersome, but it allows me to recreate a character's appearance.
    Edited by Pseron_Wyrd on August 4, 2017 9:37AM
  • MopeyHat
    You are probably missing the orichalcum because it's a green ore in a very green zone...
  • zaria
    Kahina wrote: »
    Not actually a new player. I bought the game at release, and left because it was not Elder Scrolls. Now I am back. I've missed a couple of years.

    1. Ore. I am playing Aldemeri Dominion as a Magicka Sorc. In Auridon, I was seeing both Iron Ore, and High Iron Ore. Lot's of High Iron ore in fact. Now (in Grahtwood) I see only Iron Ore. My char is lvl 34 with lvl 3 in Blacksmithing. If I am not mistaken, I should be seeing 50/50 Iron Ore and Orichalcum Ore. But that is not happening. Why?

    2. PVE in PVP:1. I'm told that when playing PVE in PVP areas, the block animation (prior to engaging) is a universal "let's not get agro and PVP each other" signal. Is this true? Can I rely on it. It appears there are shards to be had there.

    3. PVE in PVP:2. If I come across a fellow player in Cyrodiil who is in another faction, can I squad with them. Can I buff them. Or are we forever enemies until we leave Cyrodiil?

    4. New Char. Is there a way to save a prior characters physical attributes and load them into a new char via addons. I have a DE NB at lvl 3 I would like to change to a DK. The look of the character is perfect. I'm not sure I could re-create her exactly. But there are no class change tokens. Is there some other means?

    5. Levelling. Let's say I started a new char. It appears that the gear you obtain from a specific zone follows a particular set (or two). So I'm guessing I really want to do those zones as a fully developed char. So how does one get to max as quickly as possible without exhausting once-a-char opportunities?

    6. Morrowind. Morrowind is what bought me back to the game. I played a Wood Elf through all content until lvl 25. Which means I now start every char in Vvardenfell. How do I choose between starts? My current Sorc left Vvardenfell immediately to become Soul-shriven and is loathe to go back as nothing seems to have continuity. Why has player choice for a start been denied.

    7. Adventurer pack. I bought the Adventurer pack (may have been an Australian thing) when the game was released. It came with a load of maps that I deleted as I considered them not-immersive when the game was released. How do I get them back? Was that a once-per-account thing? Why was it not a once-per-character thing?

    I will have more questions. These are the few that have stuck.
    1) sounds a bit random outside the high iron one unless you just upgraded your blacksmithing skill, if you upgrade it I guess you need to travel to another zone or house and back to reload zone so you get new materials.

    2) not heard about it, in my experience most players doing PvE in Cyrodil ignores each others as they want to PvE. However its no safety. and you can not group up.

    4) You can take screenshots of the sliders, picture of screen also work, I did that during beta to fast create two characters.

    5) you can grind to max level fast in various ways, you can go back to the old zone later and continue questing.
    However the real end level is cp160, at this level gear is good for the rest of the game.
    Doing public dungeons, dolmens with small groups not zerg, spell-shard in craglorn or skyreach is fastest in this order.

    6) as other say just port out then get into main quest and continue, the Morrowind quests are very high qality but not good for fast leveling.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Kahina
    MopeyHat wrote: »
    You are probably missing the orichalcum because it's a green ore in a very green zone...

    That was my first expectation. But I play with grass off, so it shouldn't matter. my other char, with 3/10 in metalworking is finding an abundance of Orcihacum ore. In a starter zone. Both Stros M'kai, and Betnikh.
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