I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
puffytheslayer wrote: »I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?
OP is complaining about the new site/forum header navigation bar, specifically the version that appears on narrow screens. I linked the announcement and feedback thread for the new navigation bar so that ZOS get all feedback in one place. What's the problem here?puffytheslayer wrote: »was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
OP is complaining about the new site/forum header navigation bar, specifically the version that appears on narrow screens. I linked the announcement and feedback thread for the new navigation bar so that ZOS get all feedback in one place. What's the problem here?puffytheslayer wrote: »was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
puffytheslayer wrote: »OP is complaining about the new site/forum header navigation bar, specifically the version that appears on narrow screens. I linked the announcement and feedback thread for the new navigation bar so that ZOS get all feedback in one place. What's the problem here?puffytheslayer wrote: »was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
OP clearly making a joke post!
just look at the last paragraph!
they are taking the *** out of zos & the community!
you were so desperate to comment you completley missed the point of the post, just like the rest of the forum brigade
puffytheslayer wrote: »OP is complaining about the new site/forum header navigation bar, specifically the version that appears on narrow screens. I linked the announcement and feedback thread for the new navigation bar so that ZOS get all feedback in one place. What's the problem here?puffytheslayer wrote: »was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
OP clearly making a joke post!
just look at the last paragraph!
they are taking the *** out of zos & the community!
you were so desperate to comment you completley missed the point of the post, just like the rest of the forum brigade
Is it a joke post? Didn't see anything funny in it.
puffytheslayer wrote: »puffytheslayer wrote: »OP is complaining about the new site/forum header navigation bar, specifically the version that appears on narrow screens. I linked the announcement and feedback thread for the new navigation bar so that ZOS get all feedback in one place. What's the problem here?puffytheslayer wrote: »was the desire to post really that strong that you couldnt even read the OP's post?I think what you're after is this https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/363596/new-website-design-and-navigation#latest
OP clearly making a joke post!
just look at the last paragraph!
they are taking the *** out of zos & the community!
you were so desperate to comment you completley missed the point of the post, just like the rest of the forum brigade
Is it a joke post? Didn't see anything funny in it.
"Why has this useless, ugly bar been introduced? Does ZOS believe that its customers are so stupid that they cannot identify the context for the content of the page which their browser is displaying? Maybe they have a legitimate concern, because, despite all that ZOS has done to alienate and insult the game's players, we're still paying $14.99/mo for an ESO Plus subscription."
they are taking the *** out of zos, all the forum warriors & anyone that still subscribes
if yu cant see the joke here - than i pity you!
puffytheslayer wrote: »if yu cant see the joke here - than i pity you!