Prolonged loading screens in cyrodil with groups and porting have been around for a while.
Our guild [ The Kelly Gang ] has developed a strategy which we've used over the last few months which have almost eliminated loading screens.
We've identified two main precipitants:
1: A player who is offline in the group/raid - always kick them out of group immediately
2: Players who are invisible to others in the group - Since the last two patches invisible players have become more frequent, and this also causes loading screens. Our solution is to always group everyone together and make sure everyone is visible. Anyone who is invisible to other members has to ride off/ move out of render range and then rejoin the rest. Once everyone is rendering properly porting etc can commence.
Good luck, hope this strategy helps everyone else as well
elbow streak - TKG
Edited by elbow on July 30, 2017 1:53AM