I myself have found Battlegrounds, in its current state, to be lacking.
I have also heard numerous guild-mates complain about the lack of functionality in Battlegrounds as well.
These following additions to Battlegrounds would make the game much more enjoyable.
A Skill Rating:
Battle Grounds needs a skill rating system.
A system where your wins and losses are tracked and recorded, and your skill rating is adjusted accordingly.
A system where winning against teams that are scored lower than you gains you less skill rating, and upsetting a team who has more skill rating than you grants you more.
In its current state, Battle Grounds is unpredictable and unfair.
You're just as likely to get paired against new players, who have never played battlegrounds before, as you are against a 4-stack of hardcore players using some form of teamspeak.
The game would be much more rewarding and engaging, if you knew that every time you queue you had both a challenge and a fighting chance.
Choose Your Gamemode:
Many players i have run into have complained about the inability to choose a specific game mode.
It would be ideal to have the option to choose which game mode you queue for.
Certain builds are useful in one game mode and irrelevant in another.
This inflexibility can make queuing for that specific game mode a chore as well as off putting.
Play Against Friends/Guildmates:
I am in a guild and a few of the officers wanted to host a battlegrounds event.
Unfortunately there is currently no way to create 3 teams and pair up against eachother.
Implementing the ability to match up against other specific teams could open up the ability for tournaments and guild events.
The Greatest of the Great Houses
Late Night ERP GM
Nightfighters - Officer/Raid Lead
[Immortal Redeemer]
[Tick-Tock Tormentor]