Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

What about Midyear Mayhem was worth $40?

Since I don't really play this game any more, I didn't find out about this till the weekend. At first I thought, finally, they're adding additional content to make that anemic Morrowind worth the investment (the warden started the joke and the battlegrounds were the punchline). You needed Morrowind to play in Cyrodiil? Wow, how original. Broken moral ass company thinks hey lets make people think Morrowind is great by doing things you couldn't do without it before. Like Cyrodiil. Oh, wait. Battlegrounds is why. Of course there is where PvP actually stands for ProcSet versus ProcSet.

I thought we've had this event before now that I think of it. Might be mistaken but I thought we had something similar before Morrowind and now they just added battlegrounds as one possible area where you are just about promised to face off against the proc sets ZoS refuses to address in their search for balance (which proves they aren't hunting really that hard). First, I don't know why they don't have this thing every couple a months. Cyrodiil has long needed attention other than behind the scenes improvements that don't seem to help some (I've never had issue other than the instanta death from a touch a lag as everything in creation kills you aka sorcerer). I'd rather eat 100 wraiths than see my screen fill with the list of all the proc sets they added with maybe even new ones.

So you still won't remove these things (because hey, you kinda like them... screwing over PvP with them is just bonus?), still have lag issues in Cyrodiil and still can't find a way Morrowind was worth half its costs. I guess you really can sell nostalgia and the fools will beg to pay you. You just moved on, ready for the next dip into wallets. So my time away has been even more proof there's nothing ever gonna change with ZoS or the devs. No value. No idea how to fix things. No desire to fix things it turns out.

At least I got one good fight in Cyrodiil. Never seen so many elves pour from a keep. It reminded me of when I loved this game. I appreciate that in the divorce, it got to keep ZoS. I hope they never touch another product I may be interested in. Guess we'll check back in a few months to see if they keep down this road... and please ZoS, do us a favor and replace your dev team.... and crown store. Both have done nothing but destroyed this game bit by bit over the past year.
  • Darlgon
    Galwylin wrote: »
    Since I don't really play this game any more, I didn't find out about this till the weekend. At first I thought, finally, they're adding additional content to make that anemic Morrowind worth the investment (the warden started the joke and the battlegrounds were the punchline). You needed Morrowind to play in Cyrodiil? Wow, how original. Broken moral ass company thinks hey lets make people think Morrowind is great by doing things you couldn't do without it before. Like Cyrodiil. Oh, wait. Battlegrounds is why. Of course there is where PvP actually stands for ProcSet versus ProcSet.

    I thought we've had this event before now that I think of it. Might be mistaken but I thought we had something similar before Morrowind and now they just added battlegrounds as one possible area where you are just about promised to face off against the proc sets ZoS refuses to address in their search for balance (which proves they aren't hunting really that hard). First, I don't know why they don't have this thing every couple a months. Cyrodiil has long needed attention other than behind the scenes improvements that don't seem to help some (I've never had issue other than the instanta death from a touch a lag as everything in creation kills you aka sorcerer). I'd rather eat 100 wraiths than see my screen fill with the list of all the proc sets they added with maybe even new ones.

    So you still won't remove these things (because hey, you kinda like them... screwing over PvP with them is just bonus?), still have lag issues in Cyrodiil and still can't find a way Morrowind was worth half its costs. I guess you really can sell nostalgia and the fools will beg to pay you. You just moved on, ready for the next dip into wallets. So my time away has been even more proof there's nothing ever gonna change with ZoS or the devs. No value. No idea how to fix things. No desire to fix things it turns out.

    At least I got one good fight in Cyrodiil. Never seen so many elves pour from a keep. It reminded me of when I loved this game. I appreciate that in the divorce, it got to keep ZoS. I hope they never touch another product I may be interested in. Guess we'll check back in a few months to see if they keep down this road... and please ZoS, do us a favor and replace your dev team.... and crown store. Both have done nothing but destroyed this game bit by bit over the past year.

    I stopped reading after partway the first paragraph. You are projecting too much anger, due your inability to read right.

    You are misinformed. You dont need to pay 40 bucks to play Cyrodiil, just to play battlegrounds. Cyrodiil is in the base game. While Midyear Mayhem can happen in either, you dont need Morrowind to participate, just the base game.
    Edited by Darlgon on July 24, 2017 12:37PM
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Mysterieus
    Cyrodiil was already there from day 1. Not to mention how broken it is sometimes due to the endless screens. You just need morrowind for the achievement.
  • Argah
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.
  • AlMcFly
    Argah wrote: »
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.

    I took a break just before Morrowind released and recently returned. I bought the digital Morrowind Upgrade + Discovery Pack for like $18 off of G2a Marketplace. I usually prefer to avoid playing on expansion/dlc release date until they work out the inevitable bugs and lag issues. It's also VERY immersion-breaking to see hundreds of heroes packed into a small room interacting with quest NPC's and fighting over mob spawns. F*ck everything about that.

    Edit: Extra info.
    Edited by AlMcFly on July 24, 2017 4:51PM
  • Argah
    That's a very good price, before release I was a bit interested in the Warden and battlegrounds now I'm not really interested in either after seeing them in action, eventually though after completing all the other PVE content morrowind story will be the only reason for purchasing it.
  • rhapsodious
    The only thing you're prevented from getting during this event if you don't own Morrowind is 55-60 achievement points (can't remember if it's 5 or 10), a title and a laurel wreath accessory.

    Everything else, you can do even if you don't own Morrowind.

  • idk
    I stopped reading when I got to the point where OP seemed to indicate Zos was not addressing. Some agree and others disagree with the changes on PTS but OP lacks a clue.

    This guy just seems bitter.
  • Zaindari
    Yeah I am not gonna waste my time reading this guy, I got to where he proved his ignorance by saying you have to buy Morrowind to play Cyrodil.

  • Zaindari
    Argah wrote: »
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.

    In my opinion it was worth 40$ for the upgrade, the quest are great and there is more to explore but I can see how some people would be disappointed.
  • Argah
    Zaindari wrote: »
    Argah wrote: »
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.

    In my opinion it was worth 40$ for the upgrade, the quest are great and there is more to explore but I can see how some people would be disappointed.

    Yeah good you enjoy it but imo they were selling nostalgia, the hardcore fans will always but that so taking advantage a little bit and throwing in a game mode and class that should probably be open to everyone (No MMO experience so don't know if this is common practice), if not free at least included in eso plus.
  • mb10
    No idea why we need Morrowind for the midyear mayhem achievement

    The most ridiculous thing ZOS has done I think you know.
    Its a f-ing holiday event. Its MEANT to be for fun and to get people together.
  • zaria
    Cyrodiil was already there from day 1. Not to mention how broken it is sometimes due to the endless screens. You just need morrowind for the achievement.
    Its weird that you need to participate in all sort of PvP for the highest achievement in an PvP event.
    Thief guild had an achievement who required you to own the DLC.
    Assuming we get an Morrowind event next year for some weird reason this one think it would require ......

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • rotaugen454
    More like $40 for a laurel wreath. If the whole reason you bought Morrowind was to finish the achievement and get the wreath, then you just bought the equivalent of an expensive mount in the crown store.
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • KingYogi415
    My salt reader is going off the charts.

    IT'S OVER 9000!!
  • Sigtric
    My BS tolerance is too low right now to even understand what the OP is going on about... or is it just that incoherent?

    Stormproof: Vibeke - 50 EP mDragonknight | Savi Dreloth - 50 EP Magsorc | Sadi Dreloth - 50 EP Magblade | Sigtric Stormaxe - 50 EP Stamsorc | Valora Dreloth - 50 EP Magplar | Sigtric the Unbearable 50 EP Stam Warden
    Scrub: Chews-on-Beavers - 50 EP DK Tank | Vera the Wild - 50 EP magicka Warden | Sigtric the Axe - 50 EP Dragonknight Crafter | Sigtric the Blade - 50 EP Lost Nightblade | Sigtric the Savage - 50 EP magicka Templar | Vibeka Shadowblade - 50 Ep Stealthy Ganky Nightblade |

    Show Me Your Dunmer
  • starkerealm
    Sigtric wrote: »
    My BS tolerance is too low right now to even understand what the OP is going on about... or is it just that incoherent?

    The OP appears to believe that Cyrodiil is now gated behind Morrowind.
  • OutLaw_Nynx
    "I'm so angry!" - OP
  • Argah
    Sigtric wrote: »
    My BS tolerance is too low right now to even understand what the OP is going on about... or is it just that incoherent?
    Probably doesn't play anymore misread an article posted here and is now ducking out in shame.
  • Krayzie
    I agree with the people basically saying Morrowind was a cash grab.

    I also agree with the people telling it how it is about zos in general, should be a lawsuit against this company at this point for how unstable/unreliable it is.

    With all the saps they drain money out of for idiotic cosmetic changes and Morrowind, they could at least upgrade the servers and stabilize console.
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Krayzie
    Sigtric wrote: »
    My BS tolerance is too low right now to even understand what the OP is going on about... or is it just that incoherent?

    The OP appears to believe that Cyrodiil is now gated behind Morrowind.

    Yea I kinda got that from his post too XD
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Betsararie
    lol. Of course Morrowind should be required for the achievement.

    It's a dlc that people purchased, and we expect achievements to utitlize it.
  • Keep_Door
    Lol button?
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Darlgon wrote: »
    Galwylin wrote: »
    Since I don't really play this game any more, I didn't find out about this till the weekend. At first I thought, finally, they're adding additional content to make that anemic Morrowind worth the investment (the warden started the joke and the battlegrounds were the punchline). You needed Morrowind to play in Cyrodiil? Wow, how original. Broken moral ass company thinks hey lets make people think Morrowind is great by doing things you couldn't do without it before. Like Cyrodiil. Oh, wait. Battlegrounds is why. Of course there is where PvP actually stands for ProcSet versus ProcSet.

    I thought we've had this event before now that I think of it. Might be mistaken but I thought we had something similar before Morrowind and now they just added battlegrounds as one possible area where you are just about promised to face off against the proc sets ZoS refuses to address in their search for balance (which proves they aren't hunting really that hard). First, I don't know why they don't have this thing every couple a months. Cyrodiil has long needed attention other than behind the scenes improvements that don't seem to help some (I've never had issue other than the instanta death from a touch a lag as everything in creation kills you aka sorcerer). I'd rather eat 100 wraiths than see my screen fill with the list of all the proc sets they added with maybe even new ones.

    So you still won't remove these things (because hey, you kinda like them... screwing over PvP with them is just bonus?), still have lag issues in Cyrodiil and still can't find a way Morrowind was worth half its costs. I guess you really can sell nostalgia and the fools will beg to pay you. You just moved on, ready for the next dip into wallets. So my time away has been even more proof there's nothing ever gonna change with ZoS or the devs. No value. No idea how to fix things. No desire to fix things it turns out.

    At least I got one good fight in Cyrodiil. Never seen so many elves pour from a keep. It reminded me of when I loved this game. I appreciate that in the divorce, it got to keep ZoS. I hope they never touch another product I may be interested in. Guess we'll check back in a few months to see if they keep down this road... and please ZoS, do us a favor and replace your dev team.... and crown store. Both have done nothing but destroyed this game bit by bit over the past year.

    I stopped reading after partway the first paragraph. You are projecting too much anger, due your inability to read right.

    You are misinformed. You dont need to pay 40 bucks to play Cyrodiil, just to play battlegrounds. Cyrodiil is in the base game. While Midyear Mayhem can happen in either, you dont need Morrowind to participate, just the base game.

    You do to play Imperiall City, which is likely what he ment, and technically part of Cyro.

    Loving how people are hiding behind this willfull misconception just so they dont have to think about an opposing viewpoint. It's still a PVP event which required money for partial access with one of the least stable games I've ever seen, your pride can sustain the blow that maybe, making this game your life isn't that great a decision.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on July 24, 2017 7:31PM
  • DaveMoeDee
    What an absurd title to this thread. Didn't even read post. Can't imagine there is insight in a post with that title.

    Midyear Mayhem was free. Yes, you don't have access to everything if you don't have access to Morrowind or IC. So what? No problem there. Yeah, you can't get a certain achievement. Big deal. I own Morrowind and still haven't entered a BG. I did farm some AP in Cyrodiil though.

    It is amazing the things people will try to present as evidence of them being victims.

    To be honest, I have been playing ESO exclusively for the past few months and bought ME:A yesterday because this event soured me on MMOs. I found myself dealing with horrible performance in Cyrodiil in a group I was find quite unpleasant to be in and I asked myself "why". For boxes with underwhelming junk? I will return at some point to finish off Morrowind quests, which I like quite a bit. But I am really tired of doing busy work and I know I will find it hard to resist not going to Cyrodiil during event if I log on.

    I did enjoy spending some time in IC during event.
  • geonsocal
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Galwylin
    Man, some are you are down right.... well, mom said if you can't say anything nice... mom was wrong... ignorant.

    First don't tell me you didn't read the whole thing but those that really didn't, I love how you went on about how I took something wrong because I didn't read or lack mental skills or temperment. [snip]

    Forgetting all that. I think this is an example of having to own Morrowind in order to do nothing related to it. Sort of like the battlegrounds themselves. But mainly its that its just over and done. Here's you ticket, next, next!

    Another is Cyrodiil. There's interest. And you show that with the event which probably should be monthly or bi-monthly. But again, if the rewards look like something the crown store supplier can do then sure, they can do that. Making Cyrodiil some where people want to go to is just out of reach. I avoided it for months before I went in myself because of the scary nightblades and other mean gankers. Thank goodness ZoS took care of those in one fell swoop. Because their awesome and high damage isn't fair for others. That's why any class capable is no longer capable and no that is not a sorcerer behind the tree they have been removed.

    So now Horns of the Reach is coming out. My favorite kind of DLC. The kind I didn't even buy with my monthly crowns back when this game was some what decent. And still the question remains, why would people pay for content that should be a given especially since we just got through paying for an "expansion". Cyrodiil. Craglorn. For the mother of god the place was Vvardenfell and it had hundreds of possible dungeons you didn't finish so finish them already!

    And this crap with requiring achievements to own things that don't have anything to do with each other. Of course I didn't get them and didn't try. I only played up till we lost the attack on that keep. I did say I all but have quit. Like I said, back when the game was decent, this was normal. And poster above, I know that peace is a lie and there is only passion. I think I broke my chains back in January. I do like coming back to the forums every now and then. I did used to log into the game to feed my horse. Once that was done, its just been the forums. Now this is the first time in a week or two. I dunno. Daily to whenever I remember what that icon stands for on the desktop.. But I'm doing my part. Whenever the chance comes, I throw ESO under the bus. And so many different ways to do it thanks to ZOS. Maybe I'll check back before the next ZoScam. See how many of you guys still have your wings.

    [Edited for flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_Mika on July 25, 2017 4:41PM
  • DRXHarbinger
    Argah wrote: »
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.

    By that logic anyone that pays over £100 a year for a crafting bag and some extra gold and XP is in dire need of a mental examination...
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Banana
    You got robbed. I paid nothing
  • Argah
    Argah wrote: »
    I think people who paid £40 for that expansion are off there head, my motto is wait and see if it seems worth it when there are question marks over price vs content, will get it one day don't get me wrong but for £20 at the very most.

    By that logic anyone that pays over £100 a year for a crafting bag and some extra gold and XP is in dire need of a mental examination...

    Not at all, crafting bag is worth a few pound a month to me, saying that I am new to eso plus so my opinion may change but for now, everything you get with that sub seems more than worth it and at the end of the day whether you find it value for your hard earned cash is all that matters.
  • Stopnaggin
    Lol $40 for an event. Wtf logic is this? Cyrodiil isn't locked behind Morrowind. You don't want Morrowind than don't buy it, don't blame ZOS because they added an event that was outside of the base game. There's plenty to blame them for but this is rediculas. I guess all achievements and titles from Morrowind, Imperial City, Thieves Guild, Wroth gar and Dark Brotherhood should be accessible for those that only bought the base game as well right?

    Bottom line is you made a decision to not purchase content, for whatever reason. Then you aren't entitled to those things that come with that content. You get what you paid for. Please stop complaining about how ZOS ripped us off, or how greedy they are, if you feel that way then you also have a right to not buy anything other than the base game, it doesn't give you the right to complain about thing's that you didn't purchase.
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