Greetings fellow Tamreilans.. In the absence of a Newbie Intro thread, allow me to introduce myself by my userid, lvl, race & class. My handle is Beowulf Solon, lvl 3 Redguard Dragonknight currently in Vvardenfell adventuring before entering Vivec's palace. I'm an avid PC mmorpg & sci fi gamer currently alternating between Stellaris & ESO. Hope to seeya ingame.
Metaphysical Theory
Everything is One...You. You are so much greater than the outline of your body. Objects originate from you.
Everything is many...Objects. You are the extent of your skin. Objects surround you.
Reality is either, neither or both; herein lies perception.
Must we redefine the illusion of birth.
Allen Cecil Norde`