Nirnhoned weapons and armor.

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I'm pretty new to ESO as I've only been playing since Dec and I was wondering how to get nirnhoned weapons and armor for researching? Between all the three characters I have I've never gotten a single nirnhoned anything. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    craglorn main quest, guild stores
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Jciampi
    ^^^ yep. You can run craglorn main story once and get a random item. Can be a weapon or armor. You don't get to choose, is random. Only other way is guild stores or find a master crafter on your guild and ask them to make them for you. If they are guild mates usually most only charge materials, ie you provide the nirn
    Edited by Jciampi on June 24, 2017 11:13AM
  • zero01
    I haven't been to craglorn yet, I'll have to try that. Is it an area that requires a group or can it be done solo? I belong to one guild and I've never played with any of them. Also I've abandoned my first and highest level character due to it being built all wrong so I'm on a new magplar that's only at lvl 38 is that going to be an issue for craglorn?
  • supaskrub
    Easy way:
    Go to Craglorn and farm Wood, Ore's and clothing materials, every so often (rng permitting of course) you will be lucky and pick up a fortified or potent nirncrux (or ultra lucky and pick up both types or two of a kind from one node), go to your guild chat and ask someone to craft you a level 1 (does not have to be a high level item) nirned armour or weapon item of your choice for research, send them the nirncrux and they return mail you a nirned armour or weapon item to research.

    Expensive way:
    search through guild stores, people charge way over the odds for crafted nirnhoned pieces, so beware. You can also buy fortified and potent nirn too from guild stores.

    Slow way:
    Questing in craglorn, there is only one quest that grants a random nirned item, its not repeatable as far as i am aware, so you would need many, many characters.
    Edited by supaskrub on June 24, 2017 12:13PM
  • Didz
    zero01 wrote: »
    I'm pretty new to ESO as I've only been playing since Dec and I was wondering how to get nirnhoned weapons and armor for researching? Between all the three characters I have I've never gotten a single nirnhoned anything. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
    I tend to buy most of the Nirnhoned items I need for research. The going rate at the moment on the EU/PC server is usually between 3.5k and 3.8k which isn't too bad. I certainly wouldn't pay more than 4k.

    When I first hit the 9 Trait point in my research I spent quite a bit of time farming Craglorn for Nirncrux, and i was quite lucky finding two within a hour of starting which a Master Crafter in my guild used to make two initial research items. But to be honest I soon found the whole nirn harvesting process boring and started buying the nirncrux off the guild stores that I needed for research items.

    Then I discovered that people were posting white nirnhoned items already made up and ready to go on the guild stores, which saved even more time.
  • zero01
    Buying from a guild store sounds like a great option however, the guild I'm in only has about 15 people so we don't have a guild store. How would I go about finding a guild willing to help someone as green as me?
  • zero01
    Do you have to beat cold harbour to be able to go to craglorn and farm nirncrux?
  • ABelle99
    zero01 wrote: »
    Buying from a guild store sounds like a great option however, the guild I'm in only has about 15 people so we don't have a guild store. How would I go about finding a guild willing to help someone as green as me?

    What platform and server are you on? I'm on PS4/NA and one of the guilds I'm in has several master crafters who could make you something to research. You could always ask to join a crafting guild in zone chat. I've occasionally seen master crafters advertising in zone chat but be warned this might be more expensive than guild stores if you have to pay for the mats and any fees they add on top of that.
  • Ashtaris
    zero01 wrote: »
    I'm pretty new to ESO as I've only been playing since Dec and I was wondering how to get nirnhoned weapons and armor for researching? Between all the three characters I have I've never gotten a single nirnhoned anything. Can someone point me in the right direction please?

    You do get one piece of Nirnhoned equipment for completing the main storyline in Craglorn, but afaik, that's the only way to get a piece other than buying it from a guild store or having someone make it for you. I have a crafter than has 9 traits on every piece of armor or weapons so usually I get requests from guildies to help with their research :) If you need some items for reasearch I would be glad to help you if you can supply the Fortified (armor) or Potent (weapons) Nirncrux. The best way to get that is to farm the wood, cloth, and ore nodes in Craglorn. Just watch out for the wasps :)

  • Ashtaris
    zero01 wrote: »
    Do you have to beat cold harbour to be able to go to craglorn and farm nirncrux?

    No, you can go to Craglorn at any time. I believe any alliance capital has the cart that will take you to Craglorn (Elden root, Deshaan, and Wayrest). Or if you see me online as @Ashtaris, then I'll be happy to give you a free ride to Craglorn :)

    Edited by Ashtaris on June 25, 2017 3:23AM
  • SoLooney
    craglorn main quest, and guild traders. you can buy or farm nirncrux and have a friend or guildie make it for you. if you happen to farm maelstrom, weapons can drop in nirn, i believe thats the only area to get nirn weps drops
  • Didz
    zero01 wrote: »
    Buying from a guild store sounds like a great option however, the guild I'm in only has about 15 people so we don't have a guild store. How would I go about finding a guild willing to help someone as green as me?

    Don't have to limit your purchases to guilds you are in, i usually visit local market hubs as I'm doing my daily crafting writs and search for them there. In fact, you soon identify which Trade Guilds have crafters that regularly post Nirnhoned items for research so I tend to visit their stores whenever I need one.
    zero01 wrote: »
    Do you have to beat cold harbour to be able to go to craglorn and farm nirncrux?
    Nope! I started farming Craglorn on my level 30 Crafting Alt.
    Edited by Didz on June 25, 2017 3:53PM
  • zero01
    I'm on ps4 under the name (stuckinhell) and currently farming potent and fortified nirncrux so if you're willing to help add me I'm usually on everyday.
  • Malborn66
    Drop rates in Craglorn are very low.
    You can kill anything that drops hide but the chances of getting Nirncrux are miniscule.

    I got a potent Nirncrux when collecting a Survey last week.
    This is the only Nirncrux that has ever dropped for me.

    Everything else I have bought from Traders.
    My Master Crafter is researching the last 3 items for a full set.
  • Sordidfairytale
    Lots of great advice, but just want to point this out; If you are still leveling your characters skill in blacksmithing/woodworking/clothing then it's worth it to get your nirnhoned item crafted at the highest level you will get max inspiration for, because after you are finished researching the item you do receive inspiration. If you're already max though, getting a level 1 item is fine for research purposes. I start all my guildies out on Nirnhoned items first, so that they can make $ selling them while researching their other items and it pays to get as much inspiration as possible in the beginning.

    Also while I would agree that the drop rate is low for Nirncrux, one of my guildies looted 3 potent over the period of about 20 minutes while we were waiting for an SO run to start last night. I want to enslave him.
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • Wreuntzylla
    Malborn66 wrote: »
    Drop rates in Craglorn are very low.
    You can kill anything that drops hide but the chances of getting Nirncrux are miniscule.

    I got a potent Nirncrux when collecting a Survey last week.
    This is the only Nirncrux that has ever dropped for me.

    Everything else I have bought from Traders.
    My Master Crafter is researching the last 3 items for a full set.
    Lots of great advice, but just want to point this out; If you are still leveling your characters skill in blacksmithing/woodworking/clothing then it's worth it to get your nirnhoned item crafted at the highest level you will get max inspiration for, because after you are finished researching the item you do receive inspiration. If you're already max though, getting a level 1 item is fine for research purposes. I start all my guildies out on Nirnhoned items first, so that they can make $ selling them while researching their other items and it pays to get as much inspiration as possible in the beginning.

    Also while I would agree that the drop rate is low for Nirncrux, one of my guildies looted 3 potent over the period of about 20 minutes while we were waiting for an SO run to start last night. I want to enslave him.

    I disagree.

    I have 7 characters that I just finished all nirn research on (to get it out of the way) and I bought maybe half and found the rest without being in farming hell.

    I usually get 2-3 in the first hour or so. After that it completely dries up. I think there is a cooldown. So now I farm until I get 2 and then come the back next day.
  • Wreuntzylla
    I should mention that my harvester wears jailbreaker and I think fiords (started out prisoners and fiords), and has wind runner, steed mundus and a mix of divines and well fitted. I hit nodes like it's a business.
  • Sordidfairytale
    I should mention that my harvester wears jailbreaker and I think fiords (started out prisoners and fiords), and has wind runner, steed mundus and a mix of divines and well fitted. I hit nodes like it's a business.

    My wife runs cowards and darkstride and I run her like a business. She gets nirn for me all the time, so I disagree with the notion that there exists any sort of cool down. ymmv

    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
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