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Crown Store Idea: Alts as displayed items in homes.

I have returned to play after being a couple years gone and I have to say I just love the housing content <3!

I had an idea that I would be so excited to see in the game- As we can already have followers and pets/mounts displayed in homes, could we possibly have the same for our alts? For example if I am on my toon 'Betty' I would love to see my 6 other toons available to place in various houses or in my guild home as well- especially great for RP purposes. Give them a simple couple animations to do- maybe allow us to pick them? Assassin poses, Champion get the idea I am sure.

This would be a great way to gain revenue that has absolutely no impact on those worried about 'play to win' Crown Store Items.

Thanks guys!
...17 toons. I promise..I won't make more....ok I may have an alt problem.
  • TheShadowScout
    Not the first time this has been mentioned... I still think that characters should be characters, and not decorations!

    Now... if we were to talk about art-filter portraits of your alts to place in your home... that I might find interesting!
  • Mother_Goose
    Sorry not following you...possibly because I have not seen the other discussions :P Characters not decorations? Maybe I did not explain it clearly: I mean the toons you have on your account left standing in place- link dead or dormant if you will..acting like a placeable 'pet' or living statue sort of...doing something IC for them at your house.

    But good to know the idea is already out there! Yay!
    ...17 toons. I promise..I won't make more....ok I may have an alt problem.
  • SydneyGrey
    This would be amazing. They'd have to be able to sit down, though, with some small animations to make them look alive, because it would feel creepy for me to go home and have someone just standing there staring at the wall.
  • JWKe
    I'd make a harem of she Orcs
  • argouru
    What we really need for housing is mannequins that follow you around the house.
  • shadow071179
    I love it, and posted something about it when housing just got out.

    I realy hope it wil be added to the game.

    As for animations on your alts in your home.
    Let them use the persenalaty's.
  • NetViperX
    I would love to see the ability to place our alts in houses as npcs. What would make it even better is if you could walk around your house, and assign the path traveled to your npc alts so they would walk around without bumping into furniture.
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