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New Quest "The Missing Prophecy"

Just started this new quest "The Missing Prophecy". The second step is Talk to Rhea but the quest icon is there but Rhea isn't? Any helpful suggestions, I've relogged and still no show. Is she not in the room upstairs in the pub?
  • Aimora
    You have to release from the portal think she is in bankorai or rift dungeon can't remember which
    Aimora Gilidhren - 50 Hybrid Sorcerer
    Aimae Gilihdril - 50Templar Healer
    Aimsae Astasia - 50 Templar Tank
    Aimellie Halfpenny - 50 Nightblade spinning DPS
    Sofae Ethelbur - 50 Dragonknight Tank
    Sha'Mash 50 - Nightblade - Former Empress
    Saelenor Wilihfren 50 - Templar No. 3
    Seliene Harbingerin 50 - DK in training
    Aims For Equanimity 10 - Magicka DK

    Circle of the Phoenix - Guild Mistress
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    Auridon Trading Company - Joint GM

    Looking for a friendly, progress focused guild check us out at

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  • Darlgon
    She starts in Wayrest Inn.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Barbara73
    skipsarg wrote: »
    Just started this new quest "The Missing Prophecy". The second step is Talk to Rhea but the quest icon is there but Rhea isn't? Any helpful suggestions, I've relogged and still no show. Is she not in the room upstairs in the pub?

    Yes, get use to nps's not always being where they should be.
    Not Every Player Is a Guy FFS
  • Shadowshire
    skipsarg wrote: »
    Just started this new quest "The Missing Prophecy". The second step is Talk to Rhea but the quest icon is there but Rhea isn't? Any helpful suggestions, I've relogged and still no show. Is she not in the room upstairs in the pub?
    She is not necessarily "upstairs in the (same) pub" where you obtained the quest from the quest giver. I cannot recall whether the Quest Journal description discloses where you can find Rhea. Also, I don't recall whether you can use the Show On Map option for the quest's entry in the Quest Journal -- while your character is not inside a building or other enclosure -- to see her location on the Map. Regardless, I found her in a Private Room on the second floor of the Cloudy Dregs Inn in Wayrest (Stormhaven).

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • NolaUnderhill
    Soul Shriven
    She starts out in the pub, but then the next time you see her is outside the Pariah Abbey (central Stormhaven). Hope this helps!
  • SourKraut
    Soul Shriven
    The missing prophecy quest leads me to the Abbey and once inside I go up to the statue but there is no icon to click on to talk to Azura...she's not outside the abbey grounds either

    EDIT: I was able to talk to a monk inside the abbey after getting a key from killing a guy outside...then I was able to talk to the Azura statue...strange as I thought they were separate quests?
    Edited by SourKraut on June 9, 2017 2:30PM
  • skipsarg
    Thanks Guys she finally appeared after numerous login/outs :
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