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Am I just unlucky with the theodolite pet part drops?

I play on PS4, and I have now been farming these parts for 7 hours collectively. I have literally killed well over 1000 enemies so far (I got dwarven construct Slayer about three hours ago on a character who had not even fought constructs before this dungeon plus I was fighting the kagouti and bronzefists at the same time so probably closer to 2k.)

I have gotten 6 pieces, 3 were duplicates only two of which I've been able to trade. My character has gone from lvl 9 when I first entered the dungeon to now 23 without any XP boosts.

Is this about right? Because I can't imagine it was meant to take this long.
Edited by InnocentOfCrime on June 8, 2017 3:02AM
  • Insomnia rex
    Insomnia rex
    ~3-4 hours for me. It's difficult to say if 6 in 7 hours is ok, as I don't know how efficient you pull. (Like how many bosses do you have in your loop, do you manage to reach them exactly at respawn, etc.. , if you say have a 10 min loop, whats your kill count for that?) It always feels like a lot :)
    CP630 AR20 PC EU, Alt Mag Sorc AD - Insomnicia Rex
  • Keldheir
    I feel ye. I've been grinding that place for hours and only have two pieces, multiple times. It's annoying and draining. On the plus side... I too got dwarven construct slayer and a lot of gold. Maybe I have more luck today. /-:
    PC EU
  • Magdalina
    I haven't specifically farmed for the pet but I did farm for the robe(Forgotten Wastes, the other public dungeon). I think I must've spent a total of ~12 hours in there, had friends along for some of it too. After all that I think I've gotten a total of...hm...I got 5 pieces that didn't repeat themselves, traded 1 or 2 duplicates more with a friend...and then had 3 repeats left I think. Ended up buying 7th one. So 9-10 pieces total over the course of ~12 hours.

    Keep in mind I was farming on cp 630 char with decent(tho not bis) gear - I was pulling 4 pulls at once and basically cleaning them at their respawn rate(which is really fast, loving it). Idk, I was probably killing a thousand mobs per hour or more lol. A level 9-20 character would probably be clearing mobs at a LOT slower pace.

    So overall your droprate sounds pretty good to me(assuming dungeons' droprates are roughly the same). It's actually a pretty nice farm, get a higher level friend with destro ultio with you, turn some epic battle music on, turn your mind off and just rek all the things for a few hours, it's almost fun ;)
  • SydneyGrey
    I ended up buying the last two pieces I needed for the pet from guild traders, because grinding the same dungeon for literally days is not fun. Not sure why they thought that would be fun. :/

    I got the last piece for the pet just this morning. So yay! Now I've started doing the Sixth House one, and it's just as annoyingly slow and awful. I have two pieces of the costume so far. They really needed to improve the drop rate a bit so we can start having fun with the game again. I mean, the first hour or so is fun, but after that I just want to go do something else, ya know?
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    I just bought last 2 pieces, I sold 3 doubles so technicaly stil profit lol. I grinded for about 7 hours straight and ended up with 3 necks and 2 heads so gave up then
  • starkerealm
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I ended up buying the last two pieces I needed for the pet from guild traders, because grinding the same dungeon for literally days is not fun. Not sure why they thought that would be fun. :/

    That's... actually the goal. Not the whole, "not fun," thing, but getting you to interact with other players. The entire idea behind a bunch of these, incredibly rare drop collections, isn't that one player will grind out the whole set, it's that you'll buy, sell, or trade them around.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    What does it look like ?
  • Bobby_V_Rockit
    What does it look like ?

    A tiny electrifed dwemer sentry
  • starkerealm
    What does it look like ?

    A tiny electrifed dwemer sentry

    The little spheres with a glowing eye-stalk.
  • helediron
    I suspect drops have a cooldown. I tried to farm them an hour but got one. Then i visited daily with three characters and i got one piece usually very quickly. After three days i got nine pieces, five different ones. I sold duplicates and bought missing ones.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • drakhan2002_ESO
    I've done a lot of farming of those parts and my experience has been mixed. I've gotten pieces back-to-back. I've been in a group with another person and we both got a piece from the same trash mob group. I even farmed several, like 5 pieces of the same part and didn't have the last part drop (which I had to trade for to get).

    I have put in maybe 14-16 hours total farming trash in that public dungeon I can't say the name to that begins with an "N"! And all I can say is...just keep grinding - trade/sell duplicates.
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