I played PS4 for over a year, but when I moved to a new city for a new job, I left my PS4 behind for family members to continue to use. I spent tens of thousands of crowns on mounts, pets, skins, polymorphs, hair styles, dye--hell, you name it, I bought it.
Well, a year later, and I've picked the game up on PC. And I love playing on PC, but every time I see someone ride by me on a senche or wear the mind shriven skin, I get so sad that I don't have those crown store purchases on my PC account--which is linked to my PS4 account. I get that character migration is difficult, if not impossible. But crown store purchases are just a matter of looking at who has purchased what and awarding the items on the respective accounts.
Honestly, while I think these purchases should be on both accounts automatically, I would still pay for this type of 'purchase migration'.
Please, take my money and give me my old cosmetics back. Please, Zenimax.
Dane Wilson
Argonian Templar Tank [PS4]
Argonian Warden Tank [PC]