Vvardenfell Trasure Maps???

Am I the only one that didn't get ANY decent items from the maps? I didn't get ANY set items, just crappy random blues and greens. I've never seen another treasure map that didn't give at least one set item. These are supposed to be part of the reward for pre-ordering, instead they just stole my time to search for them only to give me absolutely nothing!
  • Qyrk
    Are you talking about CE VVanderfell maps? CE maps never give any set items from experience. The normal treasure map however, is different story.
  • Tyrobag
    What the heck is the point of a chest that doesn't even have the chance to drop something decent?
  • starkerealm
    The CE maps are for newbies who don't know what's good yet. The actual treasure maps are much better.
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