Stamina Sorc PvP Build: The most disgusting thing ever!

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Defile might need toned town a touch...

[Edit title for clickbaiting]
Edited by ZOS_Bill on June 1, 2017 3:46PM

Stamina sORCerer
  • SydneyGrey
    Is that your video and you're just trying to get clicks?
    *Not clicking on the video*
  • Thealteregoroman
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Is that your video and you're just trying to get clicks?
    *Not clicking on the video*


    ****Master Healer...****
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    This was painful to watch.
    PS4 NA DC
  • DocFrost72
    So, came here expecting someone saw Velidreth for the first time, left with build to try. 8/8
    Edited by DocFrost72 on June 1, 2017 12:42AM
  • Araviel2
    no its fine, the buff to defile brought in counter play to the infinitive heal tanks.
    we got a nice rock-paper-scissor game going on now.

    defilers/siphoner beats tanks/sustain.
    tanks/sustain beats burst players.
    burst players beats defilers/siphoners.
    Araviel -Professional Zerg surfing mutagen spammer [DC-EU]
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Such a nice even tempered voice . This is watching the the Bob Ross of build videos . Fro not included .
  • WalksonGraves
    Put on a shirt, dwarf-man.
  • Immortal_Dark410
    Such a nice even tempered voice . This is watching the the Bob Ross of build videos . Fro not included .

    lol nice :D
    Retired Guild Leader Of AMAZING DEALS OF TAMRIEL
    Retired Guild Leader Of AMAZING DEALS OF NIRN

    DC - DARKDROGO | ORC | STAM DK | LVL 50 | CP 1285
    EP - DARK-ABYSS | DUNMER | MAG TEMP | LVL 50 | CP 1285

  • Emphatic_Static
    Araviel2 wrote: »
    no its fine, the buff to defile brought in counter play to the infinitive heal tanks.
    we got a nice rock-paper-scissor game going on now.

    defilers/siphoner beats tanks/sustain.
    tanks/sustain beats burst players.
    burst players beats defilers/siphoners.

    I like this theory. I do feel it is necessary in those situations where you have an Argonian Templar in the back of a group, I'll definitely say that I agree there!

    But when you come across someone in a 1v1 with a nice, all around evenly built and respectable setup... You kinda feel like an ass running this :-P
    Edited by Emphatic_Static on June 1, 2017 3:32AM

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Emphatic_Static
    Put on a shirt, dwarf-man.

    Dwarfs are short. I'm 6'3"ish :wink:

    Stamina sORCerer
  • WalksonGraves

    Dwarfs are short. I'm 6'3"ish :wink:


    I'm on to your tricks
  • Vapirko
    There are many aspects of pvp play that need time and work, defile is not one of them.
  • Turelus
    So this isn't a thread about someone seeing Naryu's face for the first time? :trollface:
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Shadow_Viper_vX
    It's Fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    No change is needed, this is a non-issue

    Stop asking for nerfs, spend some time and effort into learning the game, the more you know about the game; the easier it'll be for you to adapt to challenges and overcome them.
  • Titansteele

    Dwarfs are short. I'm 6'3"ish :wink:

    Giant Dwarf!
    Guild Leader of The Twelve Knights, AD PVE, PVP and Trading Guild on the EU Mega Server

    "That which does not kill us makes us stronger"
  • Mojomonkeyman
    Sorry, dude. The martyr argument hasn't worked out when popular streamers have done it last time. The only thing achieved was making pvp an even more terrible experience for several months while those very same streamers decided to play other games instead. And ZOS didn't even bother to react.

    End result: PvP filled with more cancerous setups for months, developer reaction close to 0, the wannabe martyrs dodging over to other games.

    Not very desirable outcome in my opinion.

    I have nothing against you personally, but I doubt your good intentions BECAUSE past has shown that this behaviour has done nothing good for the game. So you are either going for self-exposure masked as community service or you simply haven't understood how things go in this game.

    Apart from that and the build itself, I liked basically everything about the video's presentation. Your voice is great and the message well delivered.

    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Emphatic_Static
    Sorry, dude. The martyr argument hasn't worked out when popular streamers have done it last time. The only thing achieved was making pvp an even more terrible experience for several months while those very same streamers decided to play other games instead. And ZOS didn't even bother to react.

    End result: PvP filled with more cancerous setups for months, developer reaction close to 0, the wannabe martyrs dodging over to other games.

    Not very desirable outcome in my opinion.

    I have nothing against you personally, but I doubt your good intentions BECAUSE past has shown that this behaviour has done nothing good for the game. So you are either going for self-exposure masked as community service or you simply haven't understood how things go in this game.

    Apart from that and the build itself, I liked basically everything about the video's presentation. Your voice is great and the message well delivered.


    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I do understand how ZOS handles things, I'm not totally optimistic that they respond to feedback in their decision making - but you must admit - they certainly have been paying attention to what the community wants far more than in the past.

    This setup and Defile in general really is a catch 22. In most situations, its absolutely overkill, without a doubt (when stacked into like this). But then you come across those Templar Tanks... And you feel it is needed.

    I may have came off harsh about the effectiveness of Defile, but I've been playing it, and there are times that is is blatantly overpowered, target depending, of course.

    I do want exposure. BUT I CARE ABOUT THIS GAME. My intentions of bringing to light when something is "broken", or at least is perceived by me to be so, is most certainly honorable.

    I want BGs to be a huge success. For the first time, the platform of instanced pvp at least gives them the OPPORTUNITY to collect MEANINGFUL data to use for balance change. They themselves in a recent ESO live had admitted that the information gathered in Cyrodiil has always been so tainted by a plague of factors that is always associated with large scale pvp that they are looking forward to having a small scale controlled environment to pull data from and make the RIGHT changes.

    I'm just going to voice my opinions on what I feel is left holding balance back, and Defile is necessary, without a doubt. I believe it should be toned down a touch - and tanky healers still need looked at if you do adjust Defile, because as I stated before, sometimes this amount of defile is needed for those targets or they will never die. But on most targets, its way way too much.

    These are just my opinions, I'm not going to have a big head about things that are just my opinions!

    I encourage people to have their own thoughts, no one needs to agree with me, diverse points of view are always a good thing!

    Again, Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Any feedback is appreciated, positive or negative!
    Edited by Emphatic_Static on June 1, 2017 2:58PM

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Emphatic_Static
    It's Fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    No change is needed, this is a non-issue

    Stop asking for nerfs, spend some time and effort into learning the game, the more you know about the game; the easier it'll be for you to adapt to challenges and overcome them.

    This is a very condescending response.

    I always adapt. These are just some of my opinions, which I hope were presented in a more professional manner than you have chosen with your own opinions.

    Stamina sORCerer
  • bryanhaas



    If only your video clip were true.
    PS4 NA AD GM formerly known as GM of "The Children of the Void"

    9 trait crafter I do all the things (Yes I mean ALL the things ;0).

    Price list:
    Youtube: MaulochBaal
  • Mojomonkeyman

    Thanks for your thoughts.

    I do understand how ZOS handles things, I'm not totally optimistic that they respond to feedback in their decision making - but you must admit - they certainly have been paying attention to what the community wants far more than in the past.

    This setup and Defile in general really is a catch 22. In most situations, its absolutely overkill, without a doubt (when stacked into like this). But then you come across those Templar Tanks... And you feel it is needed.

    I may have came off harsh about the effectiveness of Defile, but I've been playing it, and there are times that is is blatantly overpowered, target depending, of course.

    I do want exposure. BUT I CARE ABOUT THIS GAME. My intentions of bringing to light when something is "broken", or at least is perceived by me to be so, is most certainly honorable.

    I want BGs to be a huge success. For the first time, the platform of instanced pvp at least gives them the OPPORTUNITY to collect MEANINGFUL data to use for balance change. They themselves in a recent ESO live had admitted that the information gathered in Cyrodiil has always been so tainted by a plague of factors that is always associated with large scale pvp that they are looking forward to having a small scale controlled environment to pull data from and make the RIGHT changes.

    I'm just going to voice my opinions on what I feel is left holding balance back, and Defile is necessary, without a doubt. I believe it should be toned down a touch - and tanky healers still need looked at if you do adjust Defile, because as I stated before, sometimes this amount of defile is needed for those targets or they will never die. But on most targets, its way way too much.

    These are just my opinions, I'm not going to have a big head about things that are just my opinions!

    I encourage people to have their own thoughts, no one needs to agree with me, diverse points of view are always a good thing!

    Again, Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Any feedback is appreciated, positive or negative!

    Great & mature post. Thanks for the reply.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • GrimJaw
    A no skill proctard approves this message.
  • Killset
    It's Fine, Learn to Play

    Adapt and Overcome

    No change is needed, this is a non-issue

    Stop asking for nerfs, spend some time and effort into learning the game, the more you know about the game; the easier it'll be for you to adapt to challenges and overcome them.

    Are you kidding me with this response?... He goes to great lengths explaining game mechanics and how he feels certain things may be exploited... It's our job to agree, disagree or ignore. At no time did I feel OP doesn't understand the game.

    You on the other hand sound like someone who reads something someone posted in one thread then spouts it in another like you are giving us gold. Wow man, adapt and overcome, that was deep.

  • Irylia
    Fasallas... dubzug?
  • GrimJaw
    Irylia wrote: »
    Fasallas... dubzug?

  • jarrandub17_ESO
    Nice vid and build, kudos!
  • out51d3r
    Interesting build. Not very interesting video. I know it's cool to call things cancer now for whatever reason, but did you really need to say cancer around 850 times in that video?
  • Emphatic_Static
    out51d3r wrote: »
    Interesting build. Not very interesting video. I know it's cool to call things cancer now for whatever reason, but did you really need to say cancer around 850 times in that video?

    Agreed, too much cancer :blush:

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Emphatic_Static
    Irylia wrote: »
    Fasallas... dubzug?

    The difference is I'm not a mouthy kid, I'll admit its cheese :wink:

    I know its bad lol, It's the worst!

    Stamina sORCerer
  • Waffennacht
    It's a Stam bubonic tonic. A good reason to run. Purge
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • KingYogi415
    Alcast put this same build out months ago.

    You just copyed it from his stamplar.
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