Last night prime time vivid i had some weird stuff happening to me and players around me, here's a short list ,didn't make screenshots or recordings so your gonna have to do with my word.
1. Mounted up started running fell trough the floor and back at spawn ... a bit annoying .
2. Random player attacks triggering after respawn , like burning embers animation and dmg at a shrine in a friendly keep where there is no player to be seen ..
looks funny but might give some issues
3. a 14k oil tick ???!!!??? a bit too much , luckily i was the one oiling XD
4. respawning and i'm dead ... respawn at a keep just to die to the same recap i died from earlier ... not possible to resurrect without restarting the game ...
Well that's about it not game breaking , but happens often enough to cause an issue ...
Anyone got similar issues , what could cause this , how can we avoid it ?
All factions all classes
Autocorrect does not care bout what i write so i don't care bout my spelling