Undaunted Skill Leveling - Does wearing Training Gear Help?

Soul Shriven
I've searched and cannot find a thread on this subject. I'm trying to level up Undaunted and I understand it's a slow ride of running dungeon after dungeon, doing Undaunted pledges, etc. Just want to know if wearing training gear would speed up the Undaunted XP or if it only applies to leveling up active abilities, weapon/armor skill lines, and CP XP. Anyone know?
  • mimicks
    Training gear only boosts general exprience from kills and doesn't go towards undaunted or mages/fighters guild. I'd recommend just doing all the dungeons and try getting the vet achievements (no death, speed runs) as well as running the 4 dailies.
    Edited by mimicks on May 25, 2017 3:30PM
    PC NA
  • AcadianPaladin
    And just in case you missed it in the natch potes, Undaunted Delve Dailies now give 10xp instead of 5. That is welcome news and I've verified it in game. :)
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • kylewwefan
    I was farming in some public dungeon and my friends comment their undaunted just leveled up. So, you could run them as well.

    Every public dungeon has group event skill point and skyshard also. I've no idea about training gear though.
  • RonaldRayGun79
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the responses! I figured the training gear had no impact but thanks for the clarification. I have started doing the daily pledges as much as possible and will continue with that route along with dipping my toe in veteran dungeons.
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