Affluent Merchants (160cp+ PvE Social/Trading guild with frequent events) is Recruiting

Affluent Merchants is recruiting new members of all levels! Come have fun and meet new friends!

We're a social guild that runs trials, dungeons, power leveling, PvP, skyshard hunting, duel tournaments, world boss hunting, and more! We will be hiring a trader soon.

I started the guild on Friday and we already have 130 members.

Message TheAmbitiousDave on Playstation, or post your PSNID here, for a guild invite.

Happy adventuring everyone!
Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on April 5, 2017 6:29PM
14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    We also have a pimped out guild hall (Serenity Falls Estate) with a skeleton for DPS testing for your builds! Our guild trader will be free to all members as long as we receive enough donations. Come sell in the guild store!

    We're hunting world bosses at 7pm central tonight! Join us!
    Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on March 20, 2017 7:13PM
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Free kuta for the first 10 members to join.

    Also, a dueling tournament, with a 20k gold prize, will take place tonight at 9pm central.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Bump, we're now at 170 members.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Bump, we're at 180 friendly people and in position to bid on a trader on Sunday. Come and sell your goods to buy awesome gear. Then, use that excellent gear to complete dungeons and trials with us!
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • AngelStrife172
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join
  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Angel, I'll invite you tonight. Is your PSN ID the same as your forums username?
    Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on March 27, 2017 2:18PM
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We have 220 members and have placed a bid on a guild trader for next week.

    We are running trials on Wednesday at 7pm central and delve, world boss, skyshard and dark anchor hunting tomorrow night at 7pm central.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • llSpartanll
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love to join

    PSN: Hartch_125
  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Hartch, welcome!

    I'll send you an invite tonight. We're skyshard hunting tomorrow and doing trials on Wednesday.

    How many champion points have you earned so far?
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • llSpartanll
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry, I'm only lvl 11. Haven't earns an CP points yet.
  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We're at 220+ members now with a goal of 250 members by April 1st. Having 160+ champion points is preferred, but not required.

    We have a blacksmithing station, woodworking station, clothing station, alchemy table, and an enchanting table at the guildhouse.

    We also have a test dummy for dps testing.

    We are running trials tomorrow night.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • CaptainSteinz
    PSN : CaptainSteinz
  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    I'll invite you tonight Captain!
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We now have over 250 members and have 8 slots open on the ELT (Executive Leadership Team). ELT members have more oversight and a few great perks.

    We also won our guildtrader in Shadofen.

    We're now looking for CP160+ players only. We're running Sanctum Ophidium tomorrow.

    Post your PSNID for invite.

    Happy adventuring!
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We are now recruiting for the following leadership roles:

    Secretary of Trials
    Secretary of Commerce
    Secretary of Dailies
    Secretary of Community Affairs

    400cp+ required for these leadership positions. Message me on PSN @ theambitiousdave to be considered.

    Happy Adventuring!
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We won our guild trader again. We're also looking for a Secretary of War who would like to lead yellow PvP groups once per week.

    My PSN ID is TheAmbitiousDave

    Message me on there or reply here and I'll invite you to the guild.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    For a calendar of upcoming events, LFG chat rooms, and ESO news, join our guild on Band at:
    Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on April 10, 2017 7:41PM
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Recruiting for a Secretary of Defense. Requirements are that you lead a PvP event once weekly, have 300+CP, and play a minimum of 10 hours per week and play on three different days per week.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    We're running group PvP in Scourge on Saturday morning at 11am central time.

    Hit me up for an invite to the guild

    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    We're doing AA normal at 7:45pm central today.

    Join us on band at:

    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Three events are happening this weekend:

    Provisioning and Furniture Recipe Swap Meet on Saturday at 8:30pm CST.

    Normal Maw Of Lorkhaj trial on Sunday at 12pm CST.

    Parkour Obstacle Course Competition on Sunday at 4pm CST.

    We're now at 320 players with tons of informal events throughout the week. We still have a trader too.

    Message me on PSN @ TheAmbitiousDave for an invite.

    Join us on band at:
    Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on April 21, 2017 7:19PM
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • EvaBear
    Soul Shriven

    Please and thank you!
    Edited by EvaBear on July 30, 2018 4:56AM
  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    Inviting you now! Welcome to Affluent Merchants!
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon
    We have 350+ members and using our guild trader is now free. We are running AA normal tonight to get better at mechanics and to farm gear. Visit to join the Affluent Merchants Band and to RSVP for the trial.
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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  • Galenus_of_Pergamon

    We're at 485 members, have the only trader in Vulkhel Guard, and run trials 7 nights per week.

    Other events include:

    Fishing Tournaments
    Barefist Brawling in the Streets
    Dueling Tournaments
    Skyshard Hunting
    Gear Farming
    Dungeon Squads with gold rewards for winners
    Build advice
    AD PvP

    Active 160CP+ players only; Message me for an invite: TheAmbitiousDave
    Edited by Galenus_of_Pergamon on May 22, 2017 8:42PM
    14 AD Characters all 730CP+ (more info coming soon)

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