[NA][AD] Filipino/Asian Guild recruiting: IYOT from guam 671

Soul Shriven
A couple of my friends and I started this guild, we're mostly Filipinos.
Mostly located in Guam.
We mainly play in the Aldmeri Dominion Alliance.
Currently maxed on all crafting and we can give away werewolf/vampire bites to active members.
We are willing to help out new players with horse funds/crafted armor sets/provision foods to help with their questing/leveling.
send psn message to: franco_mad or hitokiri_a-z if interested.
Edited by hitokiri25 on August 1, 2015 11:15PM
  • Knavei
    Soul Shriven
    Heyo! Is this guild still active?
  • gblack2408
    Soul Shriven
    I don't think so. I tried hitting em up but no response. I'm from Guam so if you need a local buddy hit me up. Psn:guamsownthor
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