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Late game enchanting leveling

As I leveled up my StamDK I was wanting to level up my enchanting as much as possible. But when I hit higher levels I noticed it became increasing difficult to actually level the enchanting craft skill line. I could just craft a ton of glyphs and slowly level it up, but there has to be an easier way, especially because the glyphs I can craft are too low level for my character. Suggestions on how I can get my enchanting line on par with my character level? At level 39 enchanting, character level 50 CP: 240.
DevinVering has been a fan of the Elder Scrolls series since Oblivion. He has been playing Elder Scrolls Online since he got his Xbox One in 2015. He plans to upgrade to PC sometime in the future, but might buy the Scorpio when it comes out.
Level 50 StamDK Redguard Warrior
Level 50 StamNB Dunmer Vampire
Level 50 MagSorc High Elf
  • Nestor
    Easy, use better aspects. Blues and Purples are like 4 to 6 times the Inspiration of White Glyphs. Even better is if you have an alt that can decon these glyphs, their enchanting will rocket. Or you can sell them in a guild store.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • DevinVering
    Nestor wrote: »
    Easy, use better aspects. Blues and Purples are like 4 to 6 times the Inspiration of White Glyphs. Even better is if you have an alt that can decon these glyphs, their enchanting will rocket. Or you can sell them in a guild store.

    Thanks for the info, that's a great idea. I never wanted to use my higher level aspects because the glyphs I would be making with them aren't actually useful to me.
    DevinVering has been a fan of the Elder Scrolls series since Oblivion. He has been playing Elder Scrolls Online since he got his Xbox One in 2015. He plans to upgrade to PC sometime in the future, but might buy the Scorpio when it comes out.
    Level 50 StamDK Redguard Warrior
    Level 50 StamNB Dunmer Vampire
    Level 50 MagSorc High Elf
  • Nestor
    They are useful for leveling your character. That is a pretty good reason to use them. :)

    Also, make sure you learn the Essences and Potencies you don't know. Learning new ones gives a big chunk of inspiration.

    You can buy a stack of Blue or Purple Aspects pretty cheap in the guild kiosks. I have more than 4 figures of them myself, and that is more common than you think.

    If you decon what you make you will get back about 1/3 of them (depending on extraction passives). But, try to do that on an Alt so they get full inspiration from decon too.

    Edited by Nestor on May 4, 2017 2:33PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • DevinVering
    Nestor wrote: »
    They are useful for leveling your character. That is a pretty good reason to use them. :)

    Also, make sure you learn the Essences and Potencies you don't know. Learning new ones gives a big chunk of inspiration.

    You can buy a stack of Blue or Purple Aspects pretty cheap in the guild kiosks. I have more than 4 figures of them myself, and that is more common than you think.

    If you decon what you make you will get back about 1/3 of them (depending on extraction passives). But, try to do that on an Alt so they get full inspiration from decon too.

    I wasn't planning on leveling my enchanting on other characters but I had never thought of transferring glyphs over to deconstruct. I have another character I can do that with. I have a good amount of aspects saved up I can do that with. Good to know I'll be maximizing usefulness with them.
    DevinVering has been a fan of the Elder Scrolls series since Oblivion. He has been playing Elder Scrolls Online since he got his Xbox One in 2015. He plans to upgrade to PC sometime in the future, but might buy the Scorpio when it comes out.
    Level 50 StamDK Redguard Warrior
    Level 50 StamNB Dunmer Vampire
    Level 50 MagSorc High Elf
  • Violynne
    Suggestions on how I can get my enchanting line on par with my character level? At level 39 enchanting, character level 50 CP: 240.
    Are you on the NA server? If so, I'll help you level up.

    Before we meet, get to level 40 and spend the skill point for Potency 9. This is important, because breaking down higher glyphs than your level returns less exp.

    Once you're at 40, bring with you 100 mats to create Rekuta level glyphs. If you don't have 100 Rekuta, bring what you're willing to spare. I'll provide you 25 at no cost.

    Once I have the mats, I'll construct the glyphs for you, then give them to you for deconstruction. This should get you close to 45. Then, give me the mats you broke down and we'll continue until there are no more to make.

    Depending on where you're at, you can either farm/buy more mats or if you're close, I can provide several Donatas (blue) to help push you close to 50 enough that finishing up shouldn't be too difficult/long.

    I've been there, so I know how frustrating it is to solo Enchanting, so I'll help if you want it. :smile:
    I wasn't planning on leveling my enchanting on other characters but I had never thought of transferring glyphs over to deconstruct. I have another character I can do that with. I have a good amount of aspects saved up I can do that with. Good to know I'll be maximizing usefulness with them.
    This won't do you any good. Transferring between characters on a single account is no different than making/deconstructing yourself.
    Edited by Violynne on May 4, 2017 6:58PM
  • Nestor
    Violynne wrote: »
    This won't do you any good. Transferring between characters on a single account is no different than making/deconstructing yourself.


    You are working off outdated information. Enchanting has not worked this way in over two years. Its not your fault, most crafting guides out are not updated.

    Mob Loot gives the most Inspiration for Decon (any equipment or glyphs)
    Alt Made and other Player Made give less (10% less for enchanting, about 25% less for gear)
    Deconning something made on the same character that made it, about 10% of the Inspiration, but the highest chance to return Style and Trait Mats.
    Stolen Items are hit or miss (it seems to change every update), but always launder them before decon for best results

    This is the result of extensive testing by me for two years, even as recently as two weeks ago. It has also been verified by the Devs.
    Edited by Nestor on May 4, 2017 7:05PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Violynne
    Nestor wrote: »
    Mob Loot gives the most Inspiration for Decon (any equipment or glyphs)
    Alt Made and other Player Made give less (10% less for enchanting, about 25% less for gear)
    Deconning something made on the same character that made it, about 10% of the Inspiration, but the highest chance to return Style and Trait Mats.
    This one, I can't agree with. I didn't use any guides for my info, but rather personal experience. I just brought a character to level 50 less than two weeks ago, and the push from 47-50 was absolutely easiest with another player making glyphs (family member made them for me).

    I'm on console, so I can't see numbers, but I can see how much the level bar moves. Granted, the exp gain isn't great, but it is better than a self-made glyph. If I had to guess, I'd say the increase is 2%, which isn't much singly, but adds up over time.
    Stolen Items are hit or miss (it seems to change every update), but always launder them before decon for best results
    This is the result of extensive testing by me for two years, even as recently as two weeks ago. It has also been verified by the Devs.
    Can you point to the devs stating otherwise, because what they may say doesn't seem to be applying to my game.

    I'm not calling you out, but it's clear my results aren't lining up with your experience.

  • Nestor
    Violynne wrote: »
    This one, I can't agree with.

    I'm on console, so I can't see numbers,

    I'm not calling you out, but it's clear my results aren't lining up with your experience.


    What, do I need to prove it to you with screenshots? I have the addons that give me the numbers. I see what is going on. With every single decon on crafters I have leveled.

    Bar movement is not an accurate guage, the numbers to move the bar change each level, and the amount of inspiration changes each level, based on both the character skill level, and the level of the glyphs in relation to that. You can not go off of bar movement alone.
    Edited by Nestor on May 4, 2017 8:00PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Violynne
    Nestor wrote: »
    What, do I need to prove it to you with screenshots? I have the addons that give me the numbers. I see what is going on. With every single decon on crafters I have leveled.
    Actually, please do. I'm not requesting to be snarky, but I'd like to see what your numbers produce with the following conditions:
    - Player must be level 42+ in Enchanting
    - Player must be level 10 in Potency

    Show me:
    - Deconstruction of overland drop
    - Deconstruction of player made
    - Deconstruction of player friend made

    I'm more than willing to change my viewpoint, but I can easily link 12+ videos, all made within the last year, which all state a player is needed for fastest leveling.
    Bar movement is not an accurate guage, the numbers to move the bar change each level, and the amount of inspiration changes each level, based on both the character skill level, and the level of the glyphs in relation to that. You can not go off of bar movement alone.
    We're on console. We can't and don't have add-ons and the bar movement is our *only* guide to leveling up.

    So yes, watching it move faster over time is definitely a useful measurement.

    I don't disagree the bar changes between levels, but at level 42, trust me when I say this as a console player - it moves slowly doing enchanting solo.
  • Nestor

    Those videos are wrong, and i can link you do several crafting primer websites that are also wrong as they have not been updated since the game came out.

    I just tested this again, using Mob Looted Glyphs, Other Player Made Glyphs, and Alt made Glyphs.

    Well it has changed again, so I am glad you made me test it again. Now, and this is weird, all glyphs give the same Inspiration on Decon, no matter the source. The only differences are Level and Aspect Type. It does not matter source for how much inspiration you get as long as you don't decon glyphs on the same alt that made them.

    Here are the results of the inspiration from deconning 3 mob looted, 3 alt made and 3 other player made CP160 Glyphs in that order: (I thought I took the screen shot of the inventory, but it did not take, I have an addon that suppresses the screenshot message so I don't see confirmation, anywhoo...)


    Note, Crafting Reward Glyphs are the same as player/alt made also.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Nestor
    Also, I deconned 20 Purple CP160 Glyphs and went from L42 to L46 in Enchanting. So, you can really rocket the levels. I don't have the skill points to spare on my other alt to be able to make Rekuta glyphs, but, the Inspiration Gains are similar to the decon.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • helediron
    @Nestor is right. I routinely make enchanting alts by making glyphs between alts in one account. It works without any doubt.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
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