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Can someone give me a run down on how to craft, want to be a master crafter?

Mostly says what is in the title, I need help with learning the whole crafting shabob..ik it's difficult but someone please explain!!

Best Answers

  • idk
    First start researching traits for the armor and weapon crafting lines and decon matts to level up the line. All of this is down at crafting tables.

    Second, learn all the traits for alchemy and craft pots until you hit level 50 in that crafting. Out a point into the top spot on the line once at alchemy lvl 20 and another point each 10 alchemy levels. Provisioning works similarly except needs to get new recipes each time a point can be spent to get the next level. Craft away.

    Enchanting is mostly decon. Deconstruct very glyph you get. Nice to learn the traits of each stone as you level up.
    Answer ✓
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
    Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
    Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
    Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
    Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
    Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
    Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
    Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

    Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
    PC/NA - CP 2320+
    Answer ✓
  • Zoner
    Researching every trait on every item and getting every style motif will take you over a year and cost millions of gold.

    Have fun and good luck
    NA EP
    Seren Vedrano - EP NB
    Geldis Vedrano -EP DK
    Andewen Vedrano - EP Templar
    Swiggity Swag - DC NB
    Vashai The Impotent - AD DK
    Sprints-With-Erect-Spine - EP Templar
    Approved Inoffensive Name - EP Sorc
    Serana Vedrano - EP DK
    Cuckpoints - EP sorc
    Answer ✓
  • Beardimus
    What he said ^ Decon everything, level the Wood / Cloth / Metal / Glyphs like a wild mad. Even if you don't have the skill points spare to spend it helps you level (but do put points in the obvious passives when you can - which reminds me go get as many skill points as you can! Skyshards, main questline etc as you will need them to max out all crafts.

    While points are scarce focus on one or two that you need the most. otherwise inventory and skill point can be tight - but decon away for now! Doing daily writs is also a good way to get mats and learn crafting. Have you done the Intro quests?

    If you question is more specific - ask away.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • starkerealm
    Okay, there's four kinds of crafting. (One of them is repeated for three skill lines.)

    Alchemy is the conventional Elder Scrolls system (mostly). You collect ingredients and then mix two together (three with a passive), to create a potion. The only wrinkle is that you also need to pick the water (or grease) you're using, which affects the level of the potion (or poison). There are combinations of ingredients that won't produce anything useful.

    Enchanting is fairly simple. You collect runes, then assemble glyphs (the actual enchantments) by picking three of them. You select an essence rune (which determines what the glyph will do, mostly), a potency rune (which selects the level of the effect, and can also switch the essence rune between two modes), and an aspect rune (which controls the strength (rarity) of the resulting glyph. As with alchemy, this one starts as a blind system, but each time you use a rune to craft something, you'll learn what it does. When crafting a glyph from runes you've already translated, you'll have a preview of what the resulting glyph will be.

    Provisioning requires you to collect ingredients, and recipes. A recipe will let you mix ingredients together to produce a finished item. There's not a lot more to this one, honestly, however some of the recipes were only available for a limited time, so could be quite expensive to pick up now.
  • Nestor
    Here is the thing about Crafting, you don't need it until End Game (post CP160) but you can level it in preparation with few to no skill points invested. Crafting can eat up 122 Skill Points to fully invest, so this will gimp your combat while leveling. Best to invest as few points as possible while levleing your character and crafting.

    Equipment Crafting

    Decon all mob loot other than what you are using to research traits. Research traits, learn two on all items you would use, then learn 3, etc. Focus on Divines, Infused and Training for your first three for Armor, Sharpened, Precise and Training for your Weapons. Then go for the other ones. Nirn is expensive, and a lot of people suggest putting a priority on that, I can't see why. The Trait is all but useless for Armor or Weapons. Best place to find Mob Loot is Public Dungeons, then over land grind spots. Grind on mobs until your bags are full, then go on a decon fest. Remembering to save the ones you need or want to research. Use the Lock Function and or an Inventory Mule to hang on to those. Only invest Skill points while leveling it into the Research and Extraction Passive, the last really only needing one point.


    Ignore all the "advice" on the web about using an enchanting partner. First, use Mob Loot decon to raise this up to a point. Later on as you approach end game have some some gold, then start making Green, Blue or Purple Glyphs on one character and decon them on an Alt. You will level Enchanting faster than trading the glyphs with another player, which is tedious by the way. (like pull out your hair and make a doily tedious). Use Green up to about L15 in the Enchanting Skill, Blue up to about L30/35 and Purple up to about L46/47. Then learn the runes you don't know, you should be at or near 50, if not, make/decon some more Purples.

    Provisioning and Alchemy

    Don't worry about these, you can level these professions in about an 20 minutes, for both. Just collect the Various Solvents and Reagents and Provisioning Ingredients/Recipes as you go along. Once end game, then you can level it. Use Mushrooms to level Alchemy, or Flowers that make potions you won't use. Make sure you grab solvents (waters) as your leveling as they can be rare to find in the guild stores. For Provisioning, make the highest level Green Recipes you can make. Blue or Purples do not give any more inspiration than Greens, so save those for character use.

    Yes, use Drop Sets for now, and Yes, level your crafting skills and do the Trait Research. Traits are why you craft as they allow you to make Special Crafted Sets. There are two sets in the game that your going to want to make, Julianos for your Magic Characters, and Hundings Rage for your Stamina Characters. There are no better sets in the game to have 5 pieces of. Period. Well, Twice Born Star is great to, but your a year out from making that. But you need to start learning your traits now.

    Leveling Equipment Crafting is easy, just decon the mob loot you are not either selling to cover repairs or using to research traits. No skill points needed while leveling it, other than maybe a point or two into the Extraction Passives.

    Back to the Crafted Sets, it takes 6 traits known to be able to make Hundings or Julianos, 9 Traits for Twice Born Star. You don't need to know these traits on everything, but you do need to know them on the items you will use. So, start learning those traits. Focus on the gear you will use first, then fill in the rest later. This means:

    Heavy Chest/Legs
    Light Feet/Hands/Waist
    Shoulders and Heads are good to, but there are 2 Piece Monster sets that can take up those slots. So learn the traits on these pieces, but prioritize the ones above.
    Staves (all 4 of them)

    All Medium Armors
    Daggers, Swords, Bow and Shield

    Learn Training, Divines and Infused on the Armors first, Sharpened, Precise and Training on the Weapons. Powered is good for the Healing Staff, Defending is good for Sword or other one handed Melee. Then fill in the rest until you have 6 or eventually 9 traits. Some people recommend Nirn as an early trait to learn. Unless they change it, don't listen to them. You might use it on a Shield or a Weapon but that is about it. You need it someday, but it's expensive and you need your gold for other things.

    Invest the skill points into the Research Passives. I can't stress enough how much of a time sink Trait Research is. Be able to learn more than one at a time, and reduce the time needed. Get an addon for Trait Research Tracking, I recommend Craft Store. If your on the Consoles, find one of the spreadsheets out there or make one to track this. Have I mentioned you need to learn your traits?

    Doing this you will be ready to invest skill points into Crafting when it matters and not have to spend months getting ready. Did I mention Trait Research and how much a time sink it is? The last two traits will take you a month each to learn, on each item you learn them on. Get started now, yesterday would have been better.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • starkerealm
    Woodworking, Blacksmithing, and Clothier are (effectively) the same, and you're going to want to do all three on a single character.

    There's a few parts to an item.

    What the item actually is (IE: a sword, shoes, pauldrons, a shield, ect). By default, you can make any of these when you role up your character (with some limitations.)

    The level of the item. There are 10 tiers of materials which you'll use as you go through the game. When you're crafting an item, you can select the level (with some restrictions) you're crafting. To use higher tier materials, you need to actually increase a passive in the relevant skill line. So, you can always make level 1-14 items, but you can't make level 16+ without buying appropriate passives.

    The quality of an item, (when you craft an item, it will always be white, but you can use materials to increase the quality).

    The trait of an item. This is kind of like a permanent enchantment. Weapons and armor have 9 traits each, and you need to research each trait for each item, if you want to craft an item in that style. For example, Reinforced armor has increased physical resistance. Infused armor has an increased enchantment effect (if the item has an enchantment).

    If the item is part of a set. This is a little more complex. When you're wandering through the game, you'll find crafting stations with unique names, like Ashen Grip, or Hunding's Rage. When you're crafting items there, you'll have the option to produce items that are part of equipment sets. These will require you've researched a certain number of traits for each item you want to produce. So if you want to make a sword of Hunding's Rage, you'll need to have researched 6 traits for swords.

    Finally, crafted items can have (almost) any aesthetic design you want (from gear you'll find in game). This will require finding motifs. Motifs will unlock the ability to craft gear in that style. In some cases, motifs are broken up into individual pages, where you'll need to collect 14 pages to craft any item you want. Though, if you just wanted to craft a dwemer style sword, that would only require one page. You'll also need unique crafting components for each style. Some can be purchased from vendors, others will require more work. The rare motifs each have different means tied to obtaining them, so collecting them all will require doing a lot of different content (or, more likely, buying pages from other players).

    The reason you'll want to consolidate all three of these onto one character is that motifs apply to all three equipment crafts. Because rare styles can actually get pretty expensive, (an Ebony book will set you back 600k on NA/PC right now), there's a real incentive to not needing to collect these multiple times.
  • Lavennin
    I found Sunshine Daydream's guilds to be both thorough and well-organjzed. It has everything I need.
  • jlboozer
    Start researching everything immediately!
  • Zoner
    You'll also need well over 50 skill points to spare if you want to do it properly and max out every skill line
    NA EP
    Seren Vedrano - EP NB
    Geldis Vedrano -EP DK
    Andewen Vedrano - EP Templar
    Swiggity Swag - DC NB
    Vashai The Impotent - AD DK
    Sprints-With-Erect-Spine - EP Templar
    Approved Inoffensive Name - EP Sorc
    Serana Vedrano - EP DK
    Cuckpoints - EP sorc
  • radiostar
    Use the trainers to get certified, they give the basics you need to know. Gather up mats and skill points to unlock crafting passives, then deconstruct and extract dropped items. For provisioning it's use gathered mats to cook and brew higher level recipes. For alchemy it's mix gathered mats to learn all properties of plants and bug parts. Also do the daily craft requests. In between you'll be using new recipes you find and any motifs to build up your character's craft knowledge. You will be 50 in everything likely before you complete learning all 9 traits on armor and gear. It'll be awhile before it's over.
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
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