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Stam dk and Stam nb dead? Next Update?

I heard stam dk and stam nb in next update will be totally bad way to play?
Stam nb getting nerf but thats still playable i guess but i heard that the dk stam is just dead i hope this isnt true because im leveling one atm lol
  • Narvuntien
    "Bonus damage against players from stealth has been removed"
    GG Stamblade.
  • DocFrost72
    Classes will be fine, perhaps less damage overall in the game but I don't see how these classes will suddenly fail to complete content.
  • Lord_Eomer
    Stam DK can not be dead in next patch unless you do not know how to play with fire!
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on April 29, 2017 4:11PM
  • ChaosWotan
    The whole point of glasscanon NBs is to get high dam from stealth, so now they nerf the weakest class, nice... My main is a stam nb, and have grinded a lot to get legendary gear, so thanks a lot ESO if you make NBs unplayable in pvp.
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    Stam DK can not be dead in next patch unless you do not know how to play with fire!

    What? Are you referring to switching to a MagDK? If so then yes stam DK is still dead.

    I think stam dk's are going to die because we are only competitive now because of our built in sustain so we can focus on adding some raw damage (Since we know DOT's suck in PVP).

    Once we go all sustain we will hit weaker than our noodle swinging counterparts.
  • Juhasow
    Stam DK and Stam NB will be fine after update. Not OP or brainlessly easy but not dead neither.
  • Lord_Eomer
    Stam DK can not be dead in next patch unless you do not know how to play with fire!

    What? Are you referring to switching to a MagDK? If so then yes stam DK is still dead.

    I think stam dk's are going to die because we are only competitive now because of our built in sustain so we can focus on adding some raw damage (Since we know DOT's suck in PVP).

    Once we go all sustain we will hit weaker than our noodle swinging counterparts.

    Stam DK ate always good as tank builds in pvp.

    I never use black rose for sustain, i have stam recovery at 1800 and its do fine.

    Currently even my all cp are not allocated in reduce stam ability cost.

    Stam DK wil be fine
    Edited by Lord_Eomer on April 29, 2017 4:31PM
  • DivyathFyr
    Well i decided to make a stam pvp build what u recommand nb or dk? plz no sorc ha
  • D0ntevenL1ft
    Stam DK can not be dead in next patch unless you do not know how to play with fire!

    What? Are you referring to switching to a MagDK? If so then yes stam DK is still dead.

    I think stam dk's are going to die because we are only competitive now because of our built in sustain so we can focus on adding some raw damage (Since we know DOT's suck in PVP).

    Once we go all sustain we will hit weaker than our noodle swinging counterparts.

    Stam DK ate always good as tank builds in pvp.

    I never use black rose for sustain, i have stam recovery at 1800 and its do fine.

    Currently even my all cp are not allocated in reduce stam ability cost.

    Stam DK wil be fine

    Who in the world plays a flat tank in pvp? Nor did i ever use black rose for sustain because it was never needed, not it was nerve with heavy armour anyway, along with major vitality so no DK's will not make good tanks in pvp especially when switching all back to medium armour because sustain is now way more important.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Narvuntien wrote: »
    "Bonus damage against players from stealth has been removed"
    GG Stamblade.

    Funny thing is that ZOS nerfed NB so much in the past so now they are out of options and start to nerf gameplay mechanics itself to nerf NB again...

    btw. The stealth DMG was not a problem in PvP. Even if attacked from stealth & stunned I still had a second or two to react and do something about it.
    The real problem for PvP is "Berserker Strike" & its morphs. When I am one-shotted from stealth 99% of times it is this ulti.

    So instead to nerf the weapon ulti... zos nerfed NB core gameplay mechanics.... :/
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