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Nightblade - spec and race

Greetings community.

I am a very new member to have arrived at this community and to Elder Scrolls Online.
This is my very first time having contact with ESO as a MMORPG, before i played World of Warcraft, when i stated to some people even real life friends that i left WoW they told me that something was wrong with me. Are they right saying that? Maybe or maybe not. At the present day i know that WoW has become stale, a themed park MMORPG, it's not fun for me anymore...or simply i am the guilty one because i can't keep up with the content. What i feel as a person is that the last time i logged to WoW the magic that i felt before wasn't there anymore.

Am i searching for a replacement to that game? Yes of course, i love MMORPG's, i love that this genre attracts me by it's lore, characters, bosses, dungeons, social interaction, scenarios/landscapes, etc..something that is attractive to me as a player, i played Oblivion, Skyrim and i love those games so i am willing to give ESO a go and maybe i was missing out on a really good game, who knows?

It's not a easy change, it's not easy to change from a game that i consider to be or that was for many years my favorite MMORPG to this, at first impression, also great game.
Honestly i think that WoW and ESO are different in many ways and when playing both games they have a different feel in my opinion.

I wish to ask first of all your help and advice about the Nightblade class. Is there a specific race that fits more as Nightblade? Also is there guides or a website that can show me reliable and updated builds for the different classes?

I also wished to ask the community, to all those willing to reply, what do you think of ESO? What are your feelings about the game?
I've read and heard some video reviews about the game stating that it had a rough launch because of bugs and other issues (what game doesn't have issues?) but since then it improved leaps and bounds, is this true?

(This i have read on steam forums and i don't know if it's true or not) Is ESO a game where the social aspect is not encouraged or is it ignored by players?

Final question and sorry for the long post.

Do you think that ESO, since launch until the present day, has become a good or a very good MMORPG or not good at all? Is there potential for this game to grow and to keep improving?

Thank you all.
  • Druid40
    Stamina: A lot of people say Khajiit for PVE/PVP for the extra weapon critical, stamina recovery, and stealth bonuses. Redguard for max stamina, stamina recovery, and stamina return. Bosmer (Wood Elf) for stamina regen, max stamina, and stealth bonuses. Orsimer (Orc) for extra survivability, speed, and melee damage. Dunmer (Dark Elf) has a good mix of magicka and stamina bonuses, but nothing for stamina recovery or return.

    Magicka: Altmer (High Elf) for magicka regen, elemental damage bonus, and max magicka. Dunmer for max magicka, fire resistance if you become a vampire, and elemental damage with more damage devoted to fire than Altmer; also, the extra stamina helps. Breton for magicka cost reduction, max magicka, and spell protection.

    Tank: Argonian or Imperial. Redguard, Orc, or Nord are also a good choices.

    For More Information: http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Class+Skills

    Also, welcome. :smiley:
    Edited by Druid40 on April 23, 2017 9:46AM
  • davey1107
    Some answers to your specific questions:

    1. ESO academy and Tamriel foundry are great sites for learning the game mechanics. For builds...which tend to focus on vet end game builds...I like alcasthq.com. But at first just focus on having fun and playing how you like. It can take months to learn the game thoroughly...no need to rush to end game stuff.

    2. I love nightblades. Fair warning, they're a tough class to learn. But you have tons of mmorpg experience, so that'll help the learning curve (you know what buffs are, you know to wear the right armor, etc). And if you learn ESO through a nightblade, you'll be able to walk into any other class on additional characters pretty easily.

    3. Racial choice. Races in ESO have passive skills that generally make them better stamina or magic builds. In this game, you tend to pick one resource type formthat character's attacks, then save the other as a "dump" for buffs.

    For example, my stamblade is a ruthless killer. He's invested tons in his stamina, and his stamina based attacks are lethal. Then he also uses magic abilities like dark cloak, grim focus and siphoning attacks. These are buff abilities. They give him something to use his magic on, but they stray away from damage abilities because his magic damage is weak.

    If you're looking at stamblades, Khajiit, wood elf and Redguard are very good racial choices. For magblade, altmer, Breton, maybe dark elf.

    4. How I feel about ESO

    I think it's great, honestly. They're working hard to build it into an MMORPG that will contend as a top player. And they've created a world that is rich in lore, diverse in content, and offers a ton of playstyle options to keep things fresh.

    Can they sustain it? Tough to say. We've seen plenty of online games that do well, then a few unpopular moves devastate the game. But they tend to avoid huge missteps, and when they make big moves they're pretty courteous to their players. For example, housing rolled recently. They could have made houses real world money only, or they could have used a system that charged a monthly in game gold fee to use as a sink. But they made houses relatively cheap, and a one time buy in.

    There are pros and cons, of course.


    There's a wide variety of "games within the game." Pvp, pve end game and pve questing are the major ones, but there's a crafting game, the selling and gold game, thieving, housing, etc. This offers a lot to do if you take a break from your primary activities, and also attracts a wider variety of players.

    The ability and skill tree system is quite extensive and generally good


    Pvp has always suffered from performance issues that can be frustrating. They consistently work to improve this, but it's a persistent issue.

    They can be somewhat obstinate about class balance and changing abilities/powers/etc. for example, in the upcoming June patch they're ignoring some skills the community has been rather clear are OP, while they've nerfed some the community has felt are not.
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