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Ding 50! ... and dying more than ever

Let me preface this by saying that I do, to some level, understand the difference between ESO and most other MMOs when it comes to the leveling system.

So I started playing a few weeks ago, and a couple of days ago hit 50. Yay, I'm a champion! I'm totes awesome and strong and powerful and that group of three random mooks just teabagged me while laughing after killing me. I didn't even know the NPCs could teabag, but there you have it.

Long story short, I feel weaker than a wet noodle. Random groups of enemies when out questing can wipe the floor with me, three hits in a dungeon make short work of my 13k'ish HP, and all in all I'm left asking myself how the hell I got this far in the first place.

In my experience from previous MMOs, mainly WoW and FF14, hitting the level cap would also mean being able to somewhat quickly leech your way through your first few heroic dungeons for some gear so you could start helping out. That hasn't really been my experience here, unfortunately.

So that really brings me to my main question: What kind of gearing process am I looking at here? Do I stop questing and doing dungeons to get crafting up to speed, make myself some gear and THEN go for group content? Is there some place to relatively easily farm some passable gear so I can at least keep questing? Do I need to stop completely, grab a guide and find out how many things I'm doing wrong with skills and fighting style? Because let's face it, the game doesn't tell you much more than "Here's a sword. Pointy end goes into the bad guy. Have fun!" when it comes to learning the tricks of the trade.

Best Answer

  • RavenSworn
    huzah! you are 50! first and foremost, congrats!

    Secondly and most importantly, Gear and builds play a very important role in this game, more so than any other you might have played. let me start by stating something I believe in; lvl 1-50 is the training stage where you learn how your class works, which play style you prefer, etc. past lvl 50 into the Cp lvls1-160 though, you want to fine tune your build and basically pair it with the right gear.

    Check the stars at the top right of your character page. you will notice you won't have all the stars whitened because your gear might be in the lower end of 40s. if you have done some form of crafting, especially clothing or blacksmithing, use them to craft some appropriate level gear that has a set bonus to it.

    Then with this crafted set, farm some overland sets that can be dropped by world bosses, public dungeon bosses, Delves bosses and dolmens. check out http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Sets for some idea of getting together a set that might complement your build. I usually do Delves dolmens and public dungeons as world bosses do require a group to handle them.

    most dungeon sets are slightly better than their overland counterparts but not all. Spriggans, Withered hand are just some of the examples of good overland sets that can be farmed easily by any player of any level.


    you can always join a guild, like mine (https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/307726/of-wolf-and-raven-a-casual-solo-friendly-guild-beginners-and-veterans-welcome#latest yes I am shamelessly advertising my guild), and asked for runs in dungeons or questing or any of that sort. Guilds also are a wonderful place for crafting sets. Some guilds also specialises in overland set sale as these sets are BoE rather than BoP.

    All in all I hope these tips help!
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
    Answer ✓
  • psxfloh
    I recommend to read some guides for your class and preferred playstyle (stam vs mag / melee vs ranged). You'll get a feeling for skills and gear that are gonna work for you. Good guides often show different gear setups for beginners, BiS (best in slot) and sth in between - Alcast comes to mind here..
    From there you can work out what's going to work for you, and improve step by step.

    Oh..and it looks like you totally missed "bufffood". You should improve provisioning and buy a blue recipe to craft your own bi-stat food to pump up your max hp and stam or magicka!
    Edited by psxfloh on April 16, 2017 11:23AM
  • zaria
    Yes food is important, they give 4-5k buff to health and either magic or stamina.
    Provisioning is easy to level or you can ask in guild for some.
    Guilds is very important, both sosial and for help.
    Recommend getting an crafted set fast, again in an guild most are willing to do this free if you provide the materials.
    Replace all weapon every 10 cp level, its the most important, armor can wait a bit longer.
    No need to think too much of gear yet except having one set and perhaps part of another.
    at cp 160 you are at gear cap and gear you get now you can continue to use.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • SydneyGrey
    But what class are you playing? I was dying a lot when I tried to play a nightblade, but when I played a sorceror or a dragonknight, I was fine. Nightblades suck in PvE.
  • botanist92
    RavenSworn wrote: »
    huzah! you are 50! first and foremost, congrats!

    Then with this crafted set, farm some overland sets that can be dropped by world bosses, public dungeon bosses, Delves bosses and dolmens. check out http://elderscrollsonline.wiki.fextralife.com/Sets for some idea of getting together a set that might complement your build. I usually do Delves dolmens and public dungeons as world bosses do require a group to handle them.

    most dungeon sets are slightly better than their overland counterparts but not all. Spriggans, Withered hand are just some of the examples of good overland sets that can be farmed easily by any player of any level.

    All in all I hope these tips help!

    On the farming part. Any tips if I were to farm a delve? Like should I go round and round or just wait for respawn and how long does it take to respawn?
  • Noggin_the_Nog
    Hello Botanist

    Well done on reaching level 50.

    I agree with all the good advice here, but we do need to know what Class you are to offer further help.

    Anther point to bear in mind is Battle-levelling - a Zos system of artificially boosting lower level player's stats to enable them to cope with content in all zones. Originally zones became harder as you progressed. You are losing Battle-Levelling as your player level increases. For example some of my low level alts have Spell Damage over 2100, but when reaching 50 it drops to 1800.

    As said earlier you need to boost your stats - look at the 'I' or 'C' table - mainly from gear or food. The damage you do is scaled from your max stamina or magica - so increase one of them. The damage you take is based on your health and your Spell/Physical resist. Personally I would stick to crafted gear until CP160 and then you can grind/farm the good dropped sets which will last you a long time. The exception is easy jewellery farmed from Dolmens. Also look at Crafted Sets - like Magnus or Julianos - which give added stat bonuses. Most Guilds have crafters like me who will make some for you.

    You also need to start to think about skill rotations - your defence>de-buff foe>attack

    Any Delve should be easy with no NPC tea-bagging, then Public Dungeons and then World Bosses.

    Whisper-me online if you are still having trouble although I know more about magica than stamina.

    There's lots to learn but much fun,
  • botanist92
    Hello Botanist

    Well done on reaching level 50.

    Any Delve should be easy with no NPC tea-bagging, then Public Dungeons and then World Bosses.

    Whisper-me online if you are still having trouble although I know more about magica than stamina.

    There's lots to learn but much fun,

    Actually I'm more of needing help on the spawn time on the delve. The boss takes quite long to spawn and im unlucky on my drops :(
  • RavenSworn
    You should take Delves after Delves. Like you go on one delve, boss hasn't spawn yet, you give it 2-4mins.no spawn yet I suggest going to the next delve. This way you have a rotation around the zone map. Finding each new zones, look for chests and heavy sacks and lore books, all these helps towards exploring too.

    I had to farm east March to get a full set of Dragonguard just for kicks for quite some time, probably a week or so. It doesn't really matter much which delve you start just that you go round the zone and find all the Delves bosses.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
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