PC -NA Megaserver
I've been having the hardest time staying connected to the game since switching to the PC. I can log in and play for a bit, but eventually I'll be disconnected, booted to the login screen with no error whatsoever. It's a very sudden disconnect usually, I could be in the middle of running somewhere or fighting something when it suddenly drops. There is no 'hang' or lag like with other connection related crashes. It happens in every zone, including Cyrodil, but none more often than any other. Moving between zones also does not appear to influence when the error occurs, as it can begin happening in the middle of a trial even.
There's no error code whatsoever, and the announcements on the login page load fine. I'm also able to log back in almost immediately without problems (aside from being disconnected again after a few minutes). I'd be completely willing to lay the blame on my ISP, but other services using the internet still continue to work without interruption during these disconnects. I also have never had this problem with the PS4 version, recently or in the past.
The problem mysteriously seems to come and go in waves. I was able to play with a group in Imperial City uninterrupted for about an hour and a half, then was assaulted with disconnects every 4 or 5 minutes until I eventually just gave up and came here. I'd played earlier in the day for 2-3 hours without it being a problem, but took a break when the disconnects caused me to miss looting a world boss I'd been camping twice.
I've already tried restarting my PC and cycling my modem, it has made no difference. I reformatted my PC (unrelated problem) and did a clean install of the game just yesterday, so I don't have any reason to think its something on my computer causing it. I haven't installed any mods either.
This problem has been going on for several weeks now and it's becoming somewhat unbearable. It strikes so randomly it's frustrating me to no end when I just want to complete one or two dailies before heading to bed. I've wracked my brain trying to come up with a solution. A cursory google search turned up other complaints about this from over a year ago, but with no actual fix ever provided for it.
EDIT: I do believe the ShaderCache.cooked file in the MyDocuments/ElderScrollsOnline file was the culprit. I was playing uninterrupted without much lag for most of the last two days. I began lagging out with my group in Imperial City again last night and when booted out to login I closed the game, deleted the ShaderCache.cooked file again, relogged, and was able to play without issue for the rest of the night.
Edited by Alchemical on April 12, 2017 1:19PM