I put no, but must elaborate on it because it is not really a strict no.
Obviously they are accepted as lore to some degree, but the use of them takes away from journey and separation of cities and factions. If we accept that all can use them, then why did the factions march armies when they could have all just used wayshrines? We know they marched. An argument can be made that wayshrines cannot handle such an amount, and I say that because I argue the point in my own head...lol....but they do. Everyday.
Even with ingame quests, sometimes they finish by saying meet them somewhere else, and they run off, away from the wayshrine.
Sooooo...that is my no. I know there are good reasons for yes.
The reason that the armies marched and such is that to use the wayshrines one would need to have their soul separated from their body, and since the Vestige is conveniently soul-shriven they can port around Tamriel like crazy.
Rohamad_Ali wrote: »They are apart of world and the lore . I still sometimes use ship travel when Roleplaying just to mix it up .
I'm pretty sure npcs explain the the mages guild maintains the wayshrine sand that's why we pay a fee. One of the crafting hirelings sends you a letter about it. Also in Cyrodiil they have mages actively "creating" and sustaining wayshrines. One of the Writ Collection npcs also comments something to the effect that it would be too expensive to send their shipments through wayshrines, I believe it's the one in Malabal Tor.
So I find it to be a transportation service brought to Tamriel by the Mages Guild in order to keep up funding for expeditions and such.
I see Wayshrines as... well, shrines in the way. May sound obvious, but i see them as places of rest usually used by travellers. Maybe its lore could be certain points in the road common amongst pilgrims or adventurers, no more, each one having a plate for make some offerings to the gods, seeking for protection and fortune.
In ESO, the reason you are able to use wayshrines for fast travel and as respawn points is entirely related to the fact that you are soul shriven. In order to use a Wayshrine for fast travel, your soul must be 'unmoored from the Mundus'. You respawn at wayshrines after you die because they are conduits to Aetherius. You resurrect when you come into contact with a filled soul gem or a wayshrine because the Anuic essence of the soul within the gem or the high Anuic valence of the wayshrine kick-starts the reformation process of the Padomaic Chaotic Creatia that your body is formed of.
All of this is possible because at the start of the game, you are killed by Mannimarco and sacrificed to Molag Bal, thus having your soul stolen and replaced by a Daedric vestige, and your original body destroyed on Nirn and reformed out of Chaotic Creatia in Coldharbour.
I found this information in another thread and it is supported with in game text and documented on UESP.net. Wayshrines are 100% supported by the lore:
hope this helps
If anything, I just compare it to fast-traveling in Skyrim: I tell myself I did travel the entire distance, on foot, horseback or carriage. Nothing happened on the road, and now I'm at my destination.
Surprisingly the sun or moon hasn't changed position. Must be the work of some evil force messing with time again.
My explanation is because the soldiers would have to use the wayshrines one by one, which means they can simply be picked off one-by-one as they get to their destination via the wayshrine. The soldiers are much safer staying in numbers by marching together, rather than risk being killed as soon as they go through a wayshrine.... If we accept that all can use them, then why did the factions march armies when they could have all just used wayshrines? We know they marched.