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Dungeon finder, case: pinnacle of unfair (yeah I know its old)

Today again I tried queueing for the daily dungeon bonus for doing a random dungeon. I found 2 ppl we queued for the 4th, we get a dungeon, get ported out instantly ( as always the last 1.5months) and we complete the dungeon we did get when we queued after porting in manually, no surprise none got the reward, but today it just got to a new level of irritation by adding a 50 minute lockout from dungeon queue, for what?!? Even if you run a non bugged dungeon under 15minutes which is quite easy with endgame legendary gear and a few competent people you actually get a unfair lockout the difference of minutes it took you to complete the dungeon and the 15minute normal cooldown, you HAVE to remove this cooldown if the dungeon is completed, and you HAVE to fix this ASAP, I've had it with this, I pay faithfully for a game that after 3 years still is in beta, the amount of crashes and irritating non functioning features is just staggering. Please fix this ASAP it's been going on for way too long now, for me doing dungeons is the most fun in this game, and I rely heavily on the dungeon tool to do so, it works 1 out of 200 times as intended, it has worked before, how can you not fix this?
  • Rewws
    I mean seriously do you expect people who have kids, work and tons of things to do, to sit and wait for 50minutes or more when they finally have some spare time to think of themselves in order to enjoy the game the way they had hoped for, while paying for it? I demand some form of compensation for this, I've queued literally hundreds of times lately without getting a dungeon bonus reward, and I've spent more time on it then I would like, yet it is the way I would like to play this game. Losing gold, crafting materials, soul gems, exp and precious time. And there are hundreds probably thousands of others out there who feel the same way.
  • raglau
    The Finder is, in my view, irredeemably broken. I don't actually think ZOS care. If you log a ticket they will just close it. For the only grouping tool in an MMO to be broken and the dev not care, is very telling in terms of the level of interest they have in the game's playability as opposed to its monetisability (Homestead and the other cash shop crap they churn out every day).
  • s7732425ub17_ESO
    I really cannot understand how the group finder keeps getting worse and worse. Like, updates are supposed to fix bugs and make things better. But the group finder is become more and more unusable.
  • Alaztor91
    Well, since battlegrounds are going to use a similar process to queue for them, maybe we can expect it to be fixed by morrowind launch... or atleast we know what else is going to be broken lol.
  • Rewws
    If "peoples" feelings and analysis' are the same, then there is only one more option that makes sense, they want it to be this way, as some sort of twisted cynical way to make people play more "they can play if they want to, we don't force them, but we want to make the game our way, and if we lose people who can stand up for themselves, see through it and care, then so be it as long as we make enough money" I know this is very conspiracy talk, but I've seen other cynical decisions to give this theory direction and momentum. Especially thinking about how alot of the world is turning these days with everything being "seemingly" giving us what we want but in truth being a wrapped up cynical economically motivated moneytrap, and the fact that some game producers break new cynical ground everyday, new games and people and other industries start or follow, because its a race of vanity for"seemingly" important things but in truth this will ultimately undermine what it means to be human, society and the inevitable jump in human evolution. Although I don't want to live in a world of psychopathic and narcissistic behaviour. So please fix dungeon tool :pensive:
  • Rewws
    Sorry for ranting and escalating, I'm just very frustrated and tired of things like these.
  • Rewws
    Can anyone from Zenimax please give a update on the grouping tool fix, if it isn't getting fixed until morrowind then I will stop playing.
  • Ep1kMalware
    praglaud wrote: »
    The Finder is, in my view, irredeemably broken. I don't actually think ZOS care. If you log a ticket they will just close it. For the only grouping tool in an MMO to be broken and the dev not care, is very telling in terms of the level of interest they have in the game's playability as opposed to its monetisability (Homestead and the other cash shop crap they churn out every day).

    Completely agree on all points. If zos cared at all theyd just remove the timer, even at least for the time being.

    @casuals this is what you get when you complain about people leacing your group (as opposed to kicking) and elites with too much dps to carry you through it on a partial group. All those complaints added up and left you with a broken finder with a ban penalty and people kicking you from the group because they dont want the penalty either.

    Ever heard the phrase: be careful what you ask for., you just might get it. Live and learn.
    Edited by Ep1kMalware on April 1, 2017 5:42AM
  • idk
    I did a random this evening on a lowbie. No issues. Have only experienced one issue that prevented starting a dungeon via GF since 1T was released.
  • Magdalina
    @Rewws, while it's not really muсh сonsolation, groupfinder seems to work signifiсantly better(most сertainly not flawless, but better) if you queue into it alone. Queueing a pre-made or even partially pre-made group will most likely result in no one getting the reward and is also likely to result in any of the other multitude of bugs. I know it's not a solution and it really blows for when you do want to queue with someone else but it's something at least.

    And yeah it blows, I know. It's absoutely mind boggling to me why ZOS won't do anything about it. I mean it's obvious they have no сlue how to fix it properly, but why not use some bandaid fix they like so muсh at least, remove the time penalty or better yet roll baсk to dungeon finder we had before Homestead? Was working more or less fine. I сan't phathom how that'd be so diffiсult to do they'd rather entirely ignore the issue and lose сustomers over it. They ARE losing money on this even if it's not on the immediate сrown store purсhase list. I just don't get it.
  • raglau
    Magdalina wrote: »
    @Rewws, while it's not really muсh сonsolation, groupfinder seems to work signifiсantly better(most сertainly not flawless, but better) if you queue into it alone. Queueing a pre-made or even partially pre-made group will most likely result in no one getting the reward and is also likely to result in any of the other multitude of bugs. I know it's not a solution and it really blows for when you do want to queue with someone else but it's something at least.

    And yeah it blows, I know. It's absoutely mind boggling to me why ZOS won't do anything about it. I mean it's obvious they have no сlue how to fix it properly, but why not use some bandaid fix they like so muсh at least, remove the time penalty or better yet roll baсk to dungeon finder we had before Homestead? Was working more or less fine. I сan't phathom how that'd be so diffiсult to do they'd rather entirely ignore the issue and lose сustomers over it. They ARE losing money on this even if it's not on the immediate сrown store purсhase list. I just don't get it.

    I have also noticed if you queue alone it works ok. I've even been myself (tank), and friend (healer) and not managed to get the Finder to pop a dungeon. Then we both left and immediately found teams, so clearly people were waiting. The issue is that if someone leaves mid-dungeon then the finder will never replace them.

    One positive thing that's come out of this is that I use zone chat a lot to find a full and committed team now, and that's a more social thing than just pressing 'LFG'. I am in 2 guilds but I actually like doing randoms because I meet new people, and one thing I do love about ESO is that the people I've met in game have all been really friendly and decent people, except the 1 doofus I managed to find since beta. This is PC-EU, but what a great community of players, and so I like to step outside my guild and just run with whoever I find at times.
  • Magdalina
    praglaud wrote: »

    I have also noticed if you queue alone it works ok. I've even been myself (tank), and friend (healer) and not managed to get the Finder to pop a dungeon. Then we both left and immediately found teams, so clearly people were waiting. The issue is that if someone leaves mid-dungeon then the finder will never replace them.

    I haven't actually had much trouble finding replacement mid-dungeon, seemed to worked okay for me. One thing it does is if you need 2 people, it'll only look for one, then stop and you'll have to restart the search manually. Did work in thed end though.
  • Rewws
    Thanks guys for the interest and support on this, I know there are workarounds and that we can find loopholes to ease our existance as dungeoneers in Tamriel, but HEY, that doesn't change the fact that this is a MMO, that they should be encouraging group play, and that being online with others means being online with friends and people you WANT to play with, I've ended up soloing or duoing most dungeons because the finder is more hassle then help these days and this beats the purpose of having a MMO on all accounts, I'm not trying to make drama, I'm trying to point out that this kind of problems should be adressed with hotfixes and full attention, not casually be dismissed and delayed over 1-2 months. For me, I pay subscription, I think the Tamriel universe is AMAZING, and I love the community, after spending 20+ years in gaming and 5+ different large MMOs this community is by far the best I've seen so far, and this is one of the main reasons I want this game to work to a level where we all can enjoy it with our friends and in a less irritating and stressful manner.
    Edited by Rewws on April 1, 2017 2:37PM
  • Mephisto939
    Are you guys using GF for normal, vet or both? I've noticed vet is more stable, but normal has about a 30% chance of working.
    Why did the Dunmer cross the road?
    Apparently to get stuck in an eternal load screen!
  • Rewws
    Both, and I've noticed no difference tbh.
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