There shouldnt be loading screens upon ressing at a keep or location that doesn't even have players to render, like are we serious now....?
Get your crap together ZOS, it is extremelly unhealthy for the game.
PS. Yes I am mad.
Edited by Chori on March 15, 2017 2:12AM EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
- Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
- Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
- Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
- Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
- Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
- Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^