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How to become a better tank

Hello fellow ESOer:

I play this game on pS4 and trying to become a better tank in the dungeon.
my dragonknight doesn't have any AoE taunt so that's what give me the trouble most is when we fighting a group of mob.
is there skill i am missing on getting AOE? taunt?

I also played this game in 3rd person view instead 1st person. I don't know if that make much of difference
  • Jciampi
    There is no AOE taunt. There are two taunts in the game. First is under one hand one shield. The other is in the undaunted. That one is a magic based projectile taunt. Still only hits one person. But can be morphed to be stamina based. Still though. Never seen an AOE taunt. Usually I just run in and taunt the biggest guys and go from there.
  • Travestynox
    Engage the enemy before the rest of your group and you will get initial aggro. Then taunt big baddie(s), chokedown smaller baddies with talons and chain ranged baddies in.
    Your job isn't to taunt everything around you all the time. Keep the aggro of the hard hitters and keep enemies together and preferrably away from the group, and you've done a good job :)
  • RapidUrsa
    Chains, talons, taunt in that exact order, rinse and repeat!
    About Me
    Xbox One - EU
    Gamertag - RapidUrsa
    Overall CP - 500
  • onemoredragon
    You can try to use your other class skills to get the attention of more mobs when you're tanking the trash. When you are tanking bosses, mobs don't really need to be taunted in most cases.

    In a trash fight, however, you need to taunt the ''biggest guys'', as Jciampi wrote above. Let me give you an example. If you're playing a Dragonknight tank, you can first use ranged taunt (Inner Fire from the Undaunted skill line) on the big mob. Then, when the pack starts coming towards the group and there are some stationary mobs like archers or mages, you can use you pull skill - Fiery Grip from the Ardent Flame skill line - to pull a few of them and get them all together. Once they are nicely positioned around you and your group, use Dark Talons from the Draconic Power skill line to immobilize them ( if you morph it into Choking Talons, then all the mobs affected would deal less damage to you and your allies).

    Other classes don't really have such an amazing pull like DK does. But, another example. If you are tanking on a Sorcerer, you can hit further away mobs with Liquid Lightning from the Storm Calling skill line (I usually have it on my Overload bar, since it's not really necessary skill for a sorc tank but just nice to have at times), its an AOE ground target skill. Then you just wait for them to come and poke the biggest ones with your melee taunt :) Pretty much anything that aggroes mobs can serve you well.

    But I must say, having an AOE taunt in the game would be interesting.
    PC EU @OneMoreDragon

    Rakshasi Raijina, khajiit sorceror, adventurer and crafter
    Keel-Neesha, argonian dragonknight tank
    Asharlys, orc templar tank
    Wanheda Praimfaya, nord necromancer tank
    Alessia Whitegold, redguard templar 2h/bow DD
    Mitsuro Naztharune, khajiit dragonknight dw/bow DD
    Viannereth, bosmer warden bow/bow DD
    Moraelyn of Ra'athim, dunmer necromancer magicka DD

    So long as the dragonfires shall burn, to you, and to all generations, I swear that my Hearts blood shall hold fast the Gates of Oblivion.
  • gogofoo
    thank yall for the wealth of information. It is just dishearted that I have failed last 3 dungeons because the multiple mobs
  • Vonovosi
    You really do not need an AOE taunt, if anyone in your group is having trouble with large trash pulls, it is more likely a group problem (most likely with the dps) than a problem with the tank. When I pull a pack of mobs with my tank, I generally open up with razor caltrops (PVP assault skill line) before running in and taunt a few of the higher priority mobs. It is more an issue of keeping mobs bunched up so your dps can burn them all down than keeping them all taunted. When I tank, I always kinda chuckle when someone gets agro they can not handle and immodestly their first instinct is to just run away or run to the healer. That is not going to save them, running to the tank will though. I will always taunt the agro off of them and it is easier on the healer if he can concentrate his heals on one area without someone bringing agro to them. I currently have been tanking with a stamina NB (also have tanked with all classes except sorcerer) and although I do not have the use of the chain pull, as long as everyone shows some situational awareness, most trash pulls are not much of a problem. It is not only the tank that needs to prioritize targets, the dps also needs to know what mobs to pick off first in some fights. More often than not when groups fail, the fault is with the dps than it is with the tank or healer.
    VR16 Khajiit Stamina Nightblade=DPS-(AD)-PC NA-Kuwabatake Sanjuro
    VR16 Breton Sorcerer-DPS/Healer-(DC)-PC NA-Charles Baudelaire
    VR16 Altmer Sorcerer=DPS/Healer-(AD)-PC NA-Lottie Millhaven
    VR16 Dunmer Dragonknight-Tank-(EP)-PC NA=Cthulhu Hllalu
    VR16 Imperial Dragonknight-Tank-(AD)-PC NA-Leeroy Jhenkins
    VR16 Breton Magicka Templar-Healer/DPS-(AD)-PC NA- Nina Hagen
    VR16 Altmer Magicka Nightblade-DPS-(AD)-PC NA-J R Bob Dobbs
    LVL39 Redguard Stamina Templar-Tank-(DC)-PC NA-Wesley Willis
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