basketcaseNZ wrote: »Hi everyone. I'm a vain little bosmer. I wear gear that I think looks fetching. I'm lev 37 and have finally found a nord crafting motif. I'd like to craft a lether helmet but I don't like the thick leather ones, I want a hide one. I don't have any hide scraps left and naturally if I look for leather in the world it will only be thick leather scraps. So it doesn't look like its possible unless I've missed something. I'm on PS4.
I checked with some guild traders to see if there were some hide scraps for sale. I found a few but mostly they're piles of 200 for several thousand gold.
I'm not in a guild so I don't have any guild mates I can ask. I've also checked the stores of the two nord leather workers I've come across, the Rift and Stone Falls but they don't have any laying around I can swipe.
Is there any way I can do this?
Cheers guys.
basketcaseNZ wrote: »Hi everyone. I'm a vain little bosmer. I wear gear that I think looks fetching. I'm lev 37 and have finally found a nord crafting motif. I'd like to craft a lether helmet but I don't like the thick leather ones, I want a hide one. I don't have any hide scraps left and naturally if I look for leather in the world it will only be thick leather scraps. So it doesn't look like its possible unless I've missed something. I'm on PS4.
I checked with some guild traders to see if there were some hide scraps for sale. I found a few but mostly they're piles of 200 for several thousand gold.
I'm not in a guild so I don't have any guild mates I can ask. I've also checked the stores of the two nord leather workers I've come across, the Rift and Stone Falls but they don't have any laying around I can swipe.
Is there any way I can do this?
Cheers guys.
alternatively if you do writs in clothier 9 out of 10will give you a random box of lesser l tier mats so eventually you will get some of what you want.