Does anyone know a good way to get a group together late at night on Xbox 1? Trying to get dungeon groups and Wrothgar World Bosses done but no one is ever on and I cant find a guild that is active then.
Game is not group friendly unfortunately.
Try using the group finder, that's the only way if you don't have firends. Still most of the times you'll find people who can't play...
Unfortunately the group finder seems to have gotten worse. I'll sit in hours at a time. When I do get a group it'll either be 3 people or a full group with no mic and we wipe on the 3rd boss once and someone randomly quits and then everyone else gives up. For those of us who work odd hours we never have hope of doing things like farming dungeons or running trials. I really wish Zos would make queuing for vdsa and trials possible again especially with maw of lorkhaj scaling to player level
I'm in a guild that seems to have at least 2-5 active nighthawks, when I'm on its normally 00.30-2am xbox1 EU. P.s am I missing something ? Group finder works fine for me, (normally) and zone chat is a great way of asking around for raid buds.
Find a guild that uses outside communication methods to supplement in game communications. Mine uses the Line App (like some other guilds). We are the Stonebrawlers of Highvale. Helpful and laid back and on at random hours too lol
I work second so I'm always on late I just got the game but have been playing elder scrolls since Oblivion. I'm only lv 15 or so but seems to lv up at least 3 times a night I'm also looking for active players at night. My character name is sayinNord
My Xbox handle is Surragard and I am occasionally on late night on Xbox. Feel free to add me. I would group up for some dungeon runs. I usually use voice chat in groups though.
I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.