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Please, start charging reasonable Crown Store Prices (And improve the Crown Crate System)

Soul Shriven
This is an e-mail I just sent to ZOS this morning but I was asked to post it on the forum. Well, here I am.

I am going to begin this e-mail by saying that I’m a huge Bethesda and ZOS fan. I was disappointed with the state of the game (ESO) when it was released and I shifted my focus (and money) to other MMOs. I have recently returned to ESO and I’m loving the experience, mostly.

I have 2 copies of ESO (Collector’s Edition) for the PC and one Collector’s Edition for the XBOX. I constantly buy crowns and I am still an ESO Plus subscriber (I just cancelled it but it’s valid until mid-2017 because I paid for the 6-month plan). I also have preordered the Morrowind expansion, which is one of the reasons I’m writing you this e-mail. I usually don’t waste my time providing feedback to companies because they tend to do what is needed to keep their business afloat and I can understand and respect that. However, I believe I am writing this e-mail as way to beg you to reconsider how you’re managing your Crown Store, because you’re driving loyal clients (not customers) like me away.

I no longer consider playing games from companies like Trion or NCSoft (save GW2, which is managed and maintained by Arena Soft) and I avoid buying games from companies like EA or Activision (even though I still buy and support Blizzard games) as much as I can. And it’s all because of the same reason. I play games as a hobby, I play them to relax and try to forget my mundane and challenging day-to-day problems. Playing a game that makes me feel I’m getting ripped off and that has items I know I’ll never be able to have (because they hide behind a very expensive pay wall) is a huge turn off. I anxiously hope, week after week, you’ll release an awesome item in your crown store that I’ll be able to buy it without having the feeling I’m getting cheated.

I’m OK (but very displeased) when you choose to charge 120 dollars for a House, because I can get that same house by playing the game. No, you will never see the color of my money for that house, but at least I know it’s attainable. Charging 4000 crowns for a Reindeer mount is not OK; 5000 for a motif is not OK, and the “Clown” Crates is way beyond just not OK. I would pay 120 dollars (Which is VERY expensive) for a bundle with a several houses (already furnished of course), but not for one. My reasoning is, Morrowind has got to be way more complex to develop than 40 houses and the mechanics behind them. You’d get money from someone like me weekly if you charged reasonable prices and I would still pay for my ESO Plus membership on top of that. I understand that maintaining a triple A MMO is no easy or cheap task and I try to give you as much support as I can afford. I’m telling you right now, you’re losing money from clients like me. Hell, you’re losing good clients because of it altogether (and they’re most likely just up and leaving without letting you know).

I try MMO after MMO and even though I have played some incredibly fun ones, I eventually leave them because of the same reason. I recently uninstalled Black Desert Online and they’ll never get a penny from me again. I don’t care what they offer from now on, it’s over. In the end, I find myself returning to Guild Wars 2, despite the fact that it no longer feels as fun (to me) as ESO does. I still buy items from their store weekly, for 4 straight years now.

I’ll give you an example of a similar (rip-off greedy) practice from Guild Wars 2 to ESO’s Crown Crates. The Black Lion Chests. It’s RNG crap that is not worth the price they charge and I have bought it 3 times since I started playing the game, and just because the keys to open these chests were on sale. I have regretted buying it every single time (Just like I greatly regretted buying your Crown Crates). However, GW2 does one thing very right. Every item made available in GW2, either by drops, questing in game, or from their store is attainable, one way or another. Either because their prices are much more affordable than ESO’s or because players can sell these rare items in-game, even the ones players get from these (stupid) RNG chests. They’re expensive as hell and some of these items took me 2 years’ worth of gold savings to get them, but I was still able to get them. And I’m not even considering the fact that GW2 lets me buy Gems (Crowns) with in-game currency (gold). Having that said, I don't want you to remove the Crown Crates, make money with them. Just make it a fair experience for your player base. If I'm going to dish out almost 40 dollars for 15 crates, I should have the guarantee I'm going to end up with at least 400 gems, to at least get one item I really want. Also, I should be able to choose which items I want to keep and which I want to exchange for gems. I would most likely buy several crates if this was the deal. If I get multiple items worth 400 gems, great. You've made one customer extremely happy. What's the problem with that? It's a win-win for both you and your customer. You make money, I get to keep the vanity items I want.

Why am I going to be playing a game where I keep seeing items I want and I know I’ll never be able to have? Again, I’m fine knowing I may never get one item because of its rarity, but everyone should have the opportunity to get it (without having to pay an arm and a leg for it). You must be cashing in big time feeding off people that have a lot of money (and/or little regards to it) or have a gambling disorder. I don’t know if you read your forums and your Facebook page, there are more than a handful of people that feel like I do. I’m afraid other lines of business will realize how dumb consumers are (myself included, considering I also bought these Crown Crates once) and adopt the same practices as yours. “Wait a second, these people pay 60 bucks for a full game, then they are willing to pay 120 bucks for a House in it?! Hell, I’m going to sell a package of Oreos without filling for 2 dollars and charge 4 dollars for the filling for just one cookie (unfurnished, ESO pun intended for those that get it), separately.”

I hope you take the time to read this and you don’t take it as whining because it’s not. It’s a feedback. I don’t know if all your clients feel the same way, but I believe that when I “whine”, I’m basically saying I want to play your game, I want to support you, but I also want to feel like what I’m getting every time I buy an item in your store it’s actually worth my hard-earned money. AND, that no matter how, I should have the opportunity to attain any item you add to the game. This is me begging you to make me change my mind and renew my ESO Plus account. I’m begging you not to make me cancel my Morrowind preorder. I’m begging to make me feel good about supporting you and playing your game. Don’t drive me away. Most customers leave without giving you feedbacks like this (This is the first time I’m taking the time to do it, considering all MMOs I have quit for the similar reasons). Please, don’t take it for granted.

  • Morgha_Kul
    I agree. The prices on the store are WAY over the top. There are many things I might have spent actual money on that I simply won't because they're so overpriced. It became especially notable when houses came out. They're so obnoxiously overpriced that I will NEVER pay for one, not with gold, and especially not with actual cash.

    I've said this elsewhere, I'll say it here (and I predicted this when the store first came along)... I get that you want to make money, but think LONG TERM. Would you rather sell ONE house at $100 or 50 houses at $10 each? You make it more accessible, and more of them will sell. You've hedged what I expect is the majority right out of the market.

    ALL store items need to be reduced in price, and drastically.
    Edited by Morgha_Kul on March 4, 2017 10:05AM
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • InFernalEntity
    Crown crates aren't going and prices arent dropping until people stop buying them or stop buying the expensive items.

    If Zenimax start selling thousands upon thousands of mounts that are priced at 2000 crowns and sell 800 Reindeers that cost 4500 crowns each then they'll see that pricing all mounts at 2000 crowns would make them the most money. Mainly because I'm sure most people would buy 2 or even 3 mounts priced at 2000 each than the number of people willing to pay ridiculous prices for a cosmetic item.

    Crown Crates are a different thing entirely. The people that purchase crown crates are the people who would have happily purchased the items in them as individual items for a fixed price. The reason for the Crown Crates is that people complained that certain items were too expensive. People weren't willing to pay 3000 crowns for a mount but if you give someone a chance to win it for 400 crowns you know they'll take it.

    Crown crates are the cause of people not paying the price for items they want but are now paying more for them without even a guarantee. Crown crates are very much a punishment to players who put money in to crown store exclusive items but couldn't afford EVERYTHING because Zenimax charged too much for certain items. I bought the Reindeer mount. But I wasn't paying upwards of 30 bucks for it so I just used my ESO Plus Crowns on it. This isn't the case for everyone. Chances are you'll see it in crown crates soon. And it'll sell crates because it seems like a cheaper alternative. Until you've spent 6000 crowns on crates and still don't have a Reindeer.

    But no amount of emails or forum posts are gonna make a difference. The only way to make a change is simply not to pay for the expensive stuff or the crates. But you know all the best stuff is gonna cost 3-4k now and people will pay for it or gamble for it because they're dumb as hell.

    Tl;dr: Zenimax don't trust the players to spend 'x' $$$ a month because no one buys anything for the reason that A: the cheap stuff sucks and B: they are overpricing goods. To make up for the loss in crown sales they have resorted to rip off gambling crates. The players don't understand that to get rid of crates + lower prices they have to stop buying crates but still spend crowns on cheaper items (Alternatively do not buy or spend crowns at all). Players are continuing to pump crowns in to overpirced costumes, morphs mounts and crates which is leading to a lack of change.

    Edit for addditional points: DLC expansions in ESO are currently cheaper than almost all the cosmetiic content. the 4 DLC pack costs 5500 Crowns and is cheaper than almost all the larger furnished houses.
    Wrothgar (By far the largest content expansion to date) which costs 3000 Crowns is less expensive than the rarer motifs which go for 5000 Crowns each and is on par with most of the newer or limited time offer mounts. How can players feel like paying 12000 crowns for a house isn't a rip off when less than half of that guarantess me almost another 80 hours of content?
    Houses, Mounts + Motifs are all Cosmetic + should be cheaper than actual expansion DLC.

    Gold to Crown Ratio according to Zenimax: 3,785,000 (Coin price for Ebonheart Manor) / 12000 (Crown Price for Ebonheart Manor)
    315 gold = 1 crown.

    Gold to Crown according to Players: 10,000 (Average price of Daedric Motif in Guild stores.) / 1500 (Daedric Motif Crown Price)
    7 gold = 1 crown.

    Well aware these examples could vary depending on the items used...but it's fair to say that Zenimax think their content is worth more than what players are willing to pay for it.
    Edited by InFernalEntity on March 5, 2017 7:05PM
    XBOX GT: InFernal Entity

    Zoarava the Dark Reaper - Level 50 Khajiit Stamblade
    Valyria Uviryoni - Level 50 Dunmer mDK Vampire
    Pale Shade - Level 50 Argonian NB crafter
  • Nerouyn
    Crown crates aren't going and prices arent dropping until people stop buying them or stop buying the expensive items.

    Yes but are they paying full price for them?

    I agree with this open letter to ZO but it is missing one factor - the crown pack discount bundles. That's why so many items in the store are overpriced. It's because a few times a year they massively discount crowns. Then they set the price of items (eg. crown crates, glow kitty, elk) to be reasonable only if you buy crowns when discounted.

    Does the game actually have a lot of impatient whales? That's what this strategy appeals to. Because I reckon the whales are probably doing what most of us who know about this strategy do, and only buy crowns when they're on sale.

    Personally I don't like this approach and it has meant that I've missed out on several items I otherwise would have bought, i.e. ZO has missed out on getting my money. And it's the main reason I won't subscribe because it guts the value of the monthly crown allowance.
  • lampheezy
    Soul Shriven
    I completely agree with your post. Out of all the posts I have read this is the best one I have read.
  • InFernalEntity
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    Yes but are they paying full price for them?

    If they aren't this should tell Zenimax the problem. Crowns don't go as far as they used to. The alternative to making the items cost less crowns is in fact making crowns cost less money. OR Doubling the amount of Crowns we get for our money...

    I don't have an issue paying £31.99 for 10,000 crowns when I know that I can most likely buy 2/3 DLC's and maybe have crowns left over for the next purchase. However paying £31.99 for 5000 crowns and being able to afford 1/2 cosmetic items is a joke and if people aren't paying full price for this content Zenimax should take note and make a change.

    XBOX GT: InFernal Entity

    Zoarava the Dark Reaper - Level 50 Khajiit Stamblade
    Valyria Uviryoni - Level 50 Dunmer mDK Vampire
    Pale Shade - Level 50 Argonian NB crafter
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