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Would You be Interested in a One Handed Skill Line

There's a two handed skill line, a one hand and shield skill line, but no one handed skill line

Edit: gonna plop down ideas that I see from the thread as well
For the most part it seems that a lot of people are looking for a kind of One Hand and Offhand setup. with the offhand being some kind of magicka using thing, a dagger (dual wield) or something else. This could be interesting, but would require a lot of thought put into it. I'll discuss this, then discuss a sole one hand skill.

One Hand and Offhand
would require offhanded weapon type
-thrown weapon (stam)
-buckler (defense - less than that of a shield, lower mitigation)
-rune (mag)


-Resourceful (With offhand type equipped: Thrown: heavy attacks are ranged attacks (light attacks only use main hand) | Buckler: Gain Minor Evasion while Blocking | Rune: increase elemental damage based on equipped rune (all attacks only main hand)

Single One Hand

-Precision (increases weapon crit rating)
Edited by Avran_Sylt on February 28, 2017 12:21AM

Would You be Interested in a One Handed Skill Line 94 votes

SunTzuJJ_ESORastafarielSchwa83b14_ESOtspecherb14_ESOWtrengaAlienSlofkenneth.friisb16_ESOKnootewootcabbageub17_ESOM0biBlazedontSanTii.92droids097ThaumicTriddleSmokedpyrotechtplink3r1MornaBaineTandorKingDasDing 56 votes
FreemanR1ckyDaManLordTareqJitterbugAurielleValen_ByteidkMarrazzMistNifty2gRev RielleThePaulrus94KorsariolookstwicehamgatanAdernathFleshreaperDHaleDubhliamLettigallCynnalia 38 votes
  • TheShadowScout
    Depends on the skill line...

    One-handed alone? No thanks, that makes little sense... historically everyone in a real fight did -something- with their offhand, be it hoisting shields for more protection, offhand weapons for more stabbity, throwing daggers for more range, two-handed grip for more powerful strokes, holding on to the rigging or grabbing an one-shot flintlock in case of pirates, whatever.

    The "duellist" style only became common after firearms (aka, early muskets) had made all the classic medieval close combat kinda obsolete... in those times, the (two-handed) musket was the main weapon, and the rapier more like a backup - or a "honor duel" option. And even those duellists were more then likely to grab a main.gauche in their offhand, or warp their cloak around their arm for a makeshift shield (not that we have cloaks in ESO...)

    Anyhow, since ESO is medieval-based, duellist one-handed style would be offering -no- advantages over doing -something- with your offhand... so I'd pass on that one.


    ...if there were other things to do with your offhand... like, maybe chucking throwing daggers/javelins/whatever, or casting spells... well...
    ...I'd support that, seeing as I suggested it once! ;)
  • flguy147ub17_ESO
    Hard to vote cause it dont so much interest me but would be totally ok with it because i do think we need more weapon skill lines to add more variety but i want like a polearm the most. I wont play a stamina skill line cause i tried and dont like the current ones, just not fun to me.
  • KochDerDamonen
    No interest purely on the idea of "one handed". There's nothing you can do with a single sword that you can't do (better) with something to do with your other hand.

    One hand + "magick"/rune/wand/whatever might be interesting, another skill-line for magick users with perhaps a shorter-range and/or combined magicka/stamina focus to support hybrids in some sense.

    One hand + parrying tool? Perhaps not an entirely new skill-line but an option for one hand+shield that is less defensive but higher in damage?
    If you quote someone, and intend for them to see what you have said, be sure to Mention them with @[insert name].
  • Avran_Sylt
    Depends on the skill line...
    ...if there were other things to do with your offhand... like, maybe chucking throwing daggers/javelins/whatever, or casting spells... well...
    ...I'd support that, seeing as I suggested it once! ;)

    Read the post and damn, that'd make this game a helluva lot more interesting. probably hard as hell to code/implement. but interesting none the less.

    Reading into your post, perhaps a skill line titled "One Hand and Off Hand" might be more thematically appropriate. Where the off hand doesn't do anything asides from morphing the skill lines abilities, like the destro staves. First ability for the skill line could simply be titled "Off Hand", cost stamina or magicka based on what is in your off hand which also determines the effects of the ability.
  • LordGavus
    I'll have to agree with the above posts, one hand by itself is a no. There's no point to it.
    But one hand plus something else could be good, really depends on what though.
    Edited by LordGavus on February 27, 2017 11:09PM
  • bullgod187
    My fantasy melee weapon would be javilins and spears that could be used as a two hand like a quarter staff, one hand in conjunction with a shield for reach and a projectile that would automatically reappear in your hand once thrown and strikes it target.
  • Avran_Sylt
    bullgod187 wrote: »
    My fantasy melee weapon would be javilins and spears that could be used as a two hand like a quarter staff, one hand in conjunction with a shield for reach and a projectile that would automatically reappear in your hand once thrown and strikes it target.

    Sounds good. What would you think about the mechanics of javelins being as such: light attack acts as a jab/swipe
    heavy attack is a ranged attack (using the jav as a projectile)

    Spear: light attacks are swipes, bashes
    heavy attack is a thrust with increased range.
  • rysc
    Where are my Gloves of the Pugilist!!! I want to punch Molag Kena to death.
    37 toons and counting since go live, I may need an intervention.
  • Tannus15
    I'd like to see 1-hand and spell. be a thing.
    Especially if there was an item you could use for blocking with magi like the new frost staff.
  • DM_ESO
    Would Master Debater be a passive or an active skill?
    Edited by DM_ESO on February 28, 2017 12:02AM
  • Triddle
    Depends on the skill line...

    One-handed alone? No thanks, that makes little sense... historically everyone in a real fight did -something- with their offhand, be it hoisting shields for more protection, offhand weapons for more stabbity, throwing daggers for more range, two-handed grip for more powerful strokes, holding on to the rigging or grabbing an one-shot flintlock in case of pirates, whatever.

    The "duellist" style only became common after firearms (aka, early muskets) had made all the classic medieval close combat kinda obsolete... in those times, the (two-handed) musket was the main weapon, and the rapier more like a backup - or a "honor duel" option. And even those duellists were more then likely to grab a main.gauche in their offhand, or warp their cloak around their arm for a makeshift shield (not that we have cloaks in ESO...)

    Anyhow, since ESO is medieval-based, duellist one-handed style would be offering -no- advantages over doing -something- with your offhand... so I'd pass on that one.


    ...if there were other things to do with your offhand... like, maybe chucking throwing daggers/javelins/whatever, or casting spells... well...
    ...I'd support that, seeing as I suggested it once! ;)

    I don't think appeal to reality is really valid here. Nothing the characters do in ESO is anything like realistic. Dual wielding (while not completely unheard of if you look hard enough throughout all of human history) is essentially just made up, as are the magical staffs. The idea that a person would wear robes into a battle when good quality armour is available, simply ludicrous. The faffing about characters do with their shields when they could be protecting themselves, ridiculous in a 'realism' context, as are the stupid-wide weapon swings which appear to be designed to ensure one's own demise in any type of fighting situation. Furthermore this whole argument is based on the premise of battle - people carried shields to battle. Personal defense is a completely different story, and half of your ESO character's life is spent picking flowers. No reason to haul a shield to go pick flowers, but a sword might save your life if you run into the wrong folk.

    I mean I could go on, my point is that the game is not realistic, it doesn't even begin to try to be, and there's no reason it should suddenly start doing so.

    That said I think a one handed skill line with spell casting in the offhand that mixed stam/magicka would be great. Give hybrid builds a dedicated weapon and what not.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Absolutely . Fencing is one of my favorite sports .
  • TheShadowScout
    Triddle wrote: »
    I don't think appeal to reality is really valid here. Nothing the characters do in ESO is anything like realistic.
    Your opinion. Mine differs.
    I would think a lot of the things character do is realistic.
    Of course, a lot is also only realistic within the setting, in a story aout a world where we assume magic is real, orcs and elves exist, greater powers walk the land in one form or another, etc.
    Doesn't mean just because the story makes those "what if..." assumptions, we could or should throw realism out of the window entirely "because magic..."
    Triddle wrote: »
    Dual wielding (while not completely unheard of if you look hard enough throughout all of human history) is essentially just made up...
    You mean, like noone in history used a rapier in their main hand and a main gauche in their offhand? Or two butterfly swords? Or a katana mainhand with wakizashi in their offhand? Or two escrima sticks? Or as dimachaerus with two swords in an arena? Or two sai? Or twin hook swords?

    It's true that dual wielding is not common in historical warriors. Why? because people usually have one main hand and one offhand... few people are ambidextrous from the start, and training for it takes way more time then training for a shield. Doesn't mean its "essentially made up" though... there IS ample precedent!

    (what IS true would be that pretty much every historical dual wielding I know of either uses one long and one short weapon, or two short weapons. The "two long weapons" duel wielding... that is truly a rare thing. Which is why my dual wielders never go for twin long swords, at best twin axes for my berserker amazon, and my rogue-like main uses twin daggers, because I happen to like realism...)
    Triddle wrote: »
    The idea that a person would wear robes into a battle when good quality armour is available, simply ludicrous.
    Sorta, no -warrior- would do that, they'd go for whatever armor they could get, be it leathers or metal.
    Wizards though? True, that is fantasy... but it is logical within the context of the narrative that a pure wizard would not wear physical armor, but something helping their mystic powers. Possibly... robes with mystical powers and lots of pockets for spellbooks, trinkets, the occasional eye of newt perhaps? Some backgrounds aggrivate that with some "metal armor blocks magica" tale, but ESO just gave mages a choice - light armor for resource management, or heavy armor for protection...
    And yes, you -can- play a heavy armor wearing magica battlemage. I know, I have an alt like that. Not exactly a super-effective build when it comes to DPS, but tough enough to get through PvE anyways, that alt of mine has yet to need a healing potion... ;)
    Triddle wrote: »
    Furthermore this whole argument is based on the premise of battle - people carried shields to battle. Personal defense is a completely different story, and half of your ESO character's life is spent picking flowers. No reason to haul a shield to go pick flowers, but a sword might save your life if you run into the wrong folk.
    True enough - but then, you also don't don armor to go pick flowers, now do you? So tell me... when you send your character out to "pick flowers" does your character wear those "civilian clothes" you can grab during your burglaries , or do you keep your leather armor or chainmal on, hmmm? And if you keep yopur armor on, because, maybe, you are not an hapless NPC but an "Adventurer" who goes looking for trouble on a regular basis... (or has trouble looking for them on a regular basis...) then there is no reason not to take your shield or offhand dagger as well, now is there.

    There. Argument invalid! :p;)
    Triddle wrote: »
    I mean I could go on, my point is that the game is not realistic, it doesn't even begin to try to be, and there's no reason it should suddenly start doing so.
    The point of realism is to make a believeble immersion.
    So people can not just see it as a game to play, but dream about being their characters... take a little vacation from reality in their heads... that IS the difference between a MMO and a MMORPG after all...
    Some games go totally over the top, with extra-spikey male armor noone could realistically move in, extra skimpy female armor that protects nothing (not even their modesty), or weapons you might need superpowers to even lift, but the elder scrolls series always avoided that overdone look and went for a bit more "realistic" (within the context of the setting) looks.
    A good thing, in my opinion. I dislike too blatantly unrealistic stuff, since I am -no surprise there- one of those roleplaying nerds who value their immersion greatly... and that is why I came to ESO in the first place!
    Triddle wrote: »
    That said I think a one handed skill line with spell casting in the offhand that mixed stam/magicka would be great. Give hybrid builds a dedicated weapon and what not.
    I agree - but then, I would! ;)
    More weapon choices for further character diversity (and of course, also to give characters something more to do, something more to try, something more to look forward to when they get a new weapon skill to max and morph) would be a good thing!
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    I vote yes. Mostly because it adds choice and flavour to the game.

    Personally, when walking around and not planning on fighting, I wear normal clothes (a costume) and a single redguard sword. But if I go to Cyrodil, or war, I bring armour and a shield.

    I can see, that from a realistic point of view, it shouldn't merit a complete skill line for it self, unless as OP writes with offhand possibilities.

    But ESO isn't exactly realistic, Your horse can sprint for ever, not seeming to get tired even though there's a man in full plate armour riding it, you can swim with heavy armour, even though you should drown, you run as fast as a guy in robes in heavy armor when you should be significantly slower.

    P.S. haven't there been like a gazzilion of these threads? So it's dangerously close to beating a dead horse by now :wink:
    Edited by kenneth.friisb16_ESO on February 28, 2017 9:22AM
    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • MickeyBN
    I like the idea of just wielding a single sword in combat but unfortunately most of the 2 handed swords in this game are the size of a surfboard.

    So I support this idea.
    Vaelerys Nightborn - Bosmer Nightblade PC NA
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    MickeyBN wrote: »
    I like the idea of just wielding a single sword in combat but unfortunately most of the 2 handed swords in this game are the size of a surfboard.

    So I support this idea.

    Completely agree, the twohanded swords are way to big...

    If there was some more longswordish twohanded blades in the game, like the one the Warden used i the Morrowind trailer, that be just perfect for me! :smiley:

    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • SlayerTheDragon
    I think every weapon should be usable by either magic or stamina characters. They just need to merge Spell and Weapon damage as a start.

    Spell Damage = Weapon Damage.

    But I would love to hold an Old Tomb as a mage.
    ¤═══¤ People don't like it when you talk to them with your weapon drawn ¤═══¤
  • TheShadowScout
    Personally, when walking around and not planning on fighting, I wear normal clothes (a costume) and a single redguard sword. But if I go to Cyrodil, or war, I bring armour and a shield.
    I often do the same, change into costume for when I am walking through town. Unless I am just passing through on my way to the next adventure of course...
    But technically, "costumes" are more like... an illusion disguise. Since you are still wearing your armor...

    Personally I would much prefer if that changed... since I really dislike people having the option of walking around in a bathers towel and still enjoying all the protection of their plate mail.
    So i would love it if either costumes automatically unequipped when entering combat, or if they lowered the armor protection of anything worn to the costume level... like, say, "civilian clothes" costumes like wedding dresses, dancers silks or bather towels have a armor level of zero, mage robe costumes have a level of "light", rouge leather costumes "medium" and only battle armor costumes allow for "heavy" armor to retain its stats...
    But I am not holding my breath for that to ever happen. As much as I'd love to see it.
    But ESO isn't exactly realistic, Your horse can sprint for ever, not seeming to get tired even though there's a man in full plate armour riding it, you can swim with heavy armour, even though you should drown, you run as fast as a guy in robes in heavy armor when you should be significantly slower.
    I would not mind some more realism... stamina for horses that controls the sprinting and not the unhorsing chance... and oh, especially the swimming in full plate always vexes me!
    I would love to see the current basic swimming speed to be increased to half again of what it is now, and then reduced by your worn armor... say, -3% for each piece of civilian clothing, -6% of the total for each piece of light armor, -9% for each piece of medium armor, and -18% for each piece of heavy armor... meaning you will be slow in armor, and immobile in ehavy armor, and would be well advised to strip before swimming...
    ...and then maybe add an athleticism skill line that allows you to reduce those penalties a little, ad aell as spend skill points on running and jumping (which also should cost stamina, just like sprinting)...

    BtW, a man in plate main can run as fast as one in robes. The armored guy will just run out of steam a LOT sooner due to lugging around all that armor...

    But I guess all that is a different discussion... ;)
  • Knootewoot
    I want this with 3 different fightingschools

    - Fencing: Using a rapier and gallant fighting with ballet techniques
    - Dirty fighting: A brutal sword occasionally paired with left hand punches and feet kicking in the groin
    - Florentine: A nice sword in one hand and a small buckler in the other to smash your opponents face in.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • JinMori
    Using only 1 weapon seem like a waste, but it could be interesting in combination with something else, like maybe a rune.
  • Duiwel
    i would be interested in a NO HANDS skill line for casters though OP & I have suggested it before :wink:
    Join ORDER OF SITHIS We're recruiting! PC EU

    "Dear Brother. I do not spread rumours. I create them..."
  • Izaki
    Not quite the one you mentioned but yeah anything new is good.
    @ Izaki #PCEU
    #FrenchKiss #GoneFor2YearsAndMyGuildDoesn'tRaidAnymore
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    @TheShadowScout I would like, if there were some speed penalties for wearing specific armor, ie slower in heavy armor and perhaps and athletics skill line to negate this to a point, like earlier adaptations of Elder scrolls.

    But, being an MMO, that is probably not gonna happen, and I fear that the future ES titles will go the same way, seeing as the systems have been dumbed down for every new title.. :/ though one thing, I did not completely like in ES3, was the need to walk... I know, it was realistic you couldn't run for ever, but damn it, it could take forever to get anywhere! :smiley:

    BtW, a man in plate main can run as fast as one in robes. The armored guy will just run out of steam a LOT sooner due to lugging around all that armor...

    But I guess all that is a different discussion... ;)

    Fair enough, the man in armor might keep up, in 10 seconds :wink:
    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • TheShadowScout
    I would like, if there were some speed penalties for wearing specific armor, ie slower in heavy armor and perhaps and athletics skill line to negate this to a point, like earlier adaptations of Elder scrolls.

    But, being an MMO, that is probably not gonna happen, and I fear that the future ES titles will go the same way, seeing as the systems have been dumbed down for every new title.. :/ though one thing, I did not completely like in ES3, was the need to walk... I know, it was realistic you couldn't run for ever, but damn it, it could take forever to get anywhere! :smiley:
    Yeah, I'm with you on that. And I wish things were a bit less dumbed down, and a bit more realism-ish... but as you say, too many gamers and not enough roleplay nerds for that to be likely I suppose... :p;)
    BtW, a man in plate main can run as fast as one in robes. The armored guy will just run out of steam a LOT sooner due to lugging around all that armor...

    But I guess all that is a different discussion... ;)

    Fair enough, the man in armor might keep up, in 10 seconds :wink:
    With enough training, a good deal longer. I mean...
    ...its just -weight-. Plate mail is what, 25, 30 kilos? Sure, a nerdy couch potato like most gamers would have trouble (and I include myself in that), but a well trained warrior? How much is full field gear for soldiers these days, you know, flak vest and big backpack full of ammo and stuff? Maybe ask some of them how much they can run with it? I wager it will be more then 10 secs... ;)

    But be that as it may, sprinting time in full plate -certainly- will be less then for an unarmored man of similar training! (Nerdy mages may be a different story...)

    And louder... wish heavy armor gave you a stealth penalty in ESO!

    BtW... fer da lulz: Knight Training!
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    I would like, if there were some speed penalties for wearing specific armor, ie slower in heavy armor and perhaps and athletics skill line to negate this to a point, like earlier adaptations of Elder scrolls.

    But, being an MMO, that is probably not gonna happen, and I fear that the future ES titles will go the same way, seeing as the systems have been dumbed down for every new title.. :/ though one thing, I did not completely like in ES3, was the need to walk... I know, it was realistic you couldn't run for ever, but damn it, it could take forever to get anywhere! :smiley:
    Yeah, I'm with you on that. And I wish things were a bit less dumbed down, and a bit more realism-ish... but as you say, too many gamers and not enough roleplay nerds for that to be likely I suppose... :p;)
    BtW, a man in plate main can run as fast as one in robes. The armored guy will just run out of steam a LOT sooner due to lugging around all that armor...

    But I guess all that is a different discussion... ;)

    Fair enough, the man in armor might keep up, in 10 seconds :wink:
    With enough training, a good deal longer. I mean...
    ...its just -weight-. Plate mail is what, 25, 30 kilos? Sure, a nerdy couch potato like most gamers would have trouble (and I include myself in that), but a well trained warrior? How much is full field gear for soldiers these days, you know, flak vest and big backpack full of ammo and stuff? Maybe ask some of them how much they can run with it? I wager it will be more then 10 secs... ;)

    But be that as it may, sprinting time in full plate -certainly- will be less then for an unarmored man of similar training! (Nerdy mages may be a different story...)

    And louder... wish heavy armor gave you a stealth penalty in ESO!

    BtW... fer da lulz: Knight Training!

    Damn they're fast! I would consider myself a fairly capable runner, but I couldn't do that! so much weight!! :smiley:

    Oh yeah, sneak penalties, of course :) And if we're really evil, spell failure percents like Dungeon and Dragons, 3.5 that is :smile:
    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • R1ckyDaMan
    I would like, if there were some speed penalties for wearing specific armor, ie slower in heavy armor and perhaps and athletics skill line to negate this to a point, like earlier adaptations of Elder scrolls.

    But, being an MMO, that is probably not gonna happen, and I fear that the future ES titles will go the same way, seeing as the systems have been dumbed down for every new title.. :/ though one thing, I did not completely like in ES3, was the need to walk... I know, it was realistic you couldn't run for ever, but damn it, it could take forever to get anywhere! :smiley:
    Yeah, I'm with you on that. And I wish things were a bit less dumbed down, and a bit more realism-ish... but as you say, too many gamers and not enough roleplay nerds for that to be likely I suppose... :p;)
    BtW, a man in plate main can run as fast as one in robes. The armored guy will just run out of steam a LOT sooner due to lugging around all that armor...

    But I guess all that is a different discussion... ;)

    Fair enough, the man in armor might keep up, in 10 seconds :wink:
    With enough training, a good deal longer. I mean...
    ...its just -weight-. Plate mail is what, 25, 30 kilos? Sure, a nerdy couch potato like most gamers would have trouble (and I include myself in that), but a well trained warrior? How much is full field gear for soldiers these days, you know, flak vest and big backpack full of ammo and stuff? Maybe ask some of them how much they can run with it? I wager it will be more then 10 secs... ;)

    But be that as it may, sprinting time in full plate -certainly- will be less then for an unarmored man of similar training! (Nerdy mages may be a different story...)

    And louder... wish heavy armor gave you a stealth penalty in ESO!

    BtW... fer da lulz: Knight Training!

    Damn they're fast! I would consider myself a fairly capable runner, but I couldn't do that! so much weight!! :smiley:

    Oh yeah, sneak penalties, of course :) And if we're really evil, spell failure percents like Dungeon and Dragons, 3.5 that is :smile:

    Only ifyour sword has a chance of breaking on impact.
  • TheShadowScout
    And if we're really evil, spell failure percents like Dungeon and Dragons, 3.5 that is :smile:
    Actually D&D is different, since they follow the "metal armor interferes with magica" fluff (back from the days when their classes were a little more rigid then they later became - remember when even multiclasses could not cast their spells while in armor? Unless... it was extra-magic elven chainmail as I dimly recall from my D&D days... but most mages were very keen on grabbing some bracers AC0 and rings/cloaks of protection...)

    The Elder Scrolls series doesn't inlcude that particular fluff, so they have a long tradition of heavily armored battlemages. Its a valid build for ESO too - magica built, heavy armor, slow and steady approach, lots of heavy staff attacks for resource management, and slowly grind all opposition to dust...

    But a definitely "hell, YES!" on a stealth penalty for clinking in heavy armor! My heavy armor characters -never- sneak for just that reason, not even when it gets me killed in Cyrodil...
  • kenneth.friisb16_ESO
    If i remember correctly, aren't there NPC's in Wrothgar that throw spears, as well as use a onehanded sword?

    I have always wondered, why NPC's can do so many things we can't. Summon wolfs, all of the necromancer spells... Guess it's just to keep enemies interesting, i dunno :/

    Dastan Kingfrey - Gentleman Thief, Adventurer and Philanthropist
    Kenneth Kingfrey - Spellsword, member of the Mages Guild
    Thurin Hammerhand - Northern Warden, Traveller and NOT a dwarf
    Kenneth Willysson - Wanderer, Mountaineer and Swinger of Axes

  • TheShadowScout
    If i remember correctly, aren't there NPC's in Wrothgar that throw spears, as well as use a onehanded sword?
    You remember correctly, the ones with the javelin rack on their backs, and those -were- the inspiration for my "One Handed and Ranged" idea.
    Because i really want to see all the things common NPCs can do become available dor PCs to have fun with as well!
  • Tandor
    I'll take an additional skill setup any time. Any excuse to roll new characters... :smiley: !

    Not a priority, however.
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