During the Yokeda Rok’dun fight welwas spawn... it usually takes our group about 6 1/2 minutes to clear the boss, and by then there are 6 welwas out. It's clear that when one dies another instantly respawns to take it's place. However there are a couple things I was curious about:
1. What is the pattern for when additional welwas spawn? i.e. is it based on the boss' health (+1 @ 80/60/40/20) or is it a DPS race that adds one every 90 seconds?
2. How much extra damage do the enraged ones put out?
3. What do most groups like to do during this fight: stack the welwas on the boss; keep the welwas away; only focus the welwas when they are enraged, etc...
Any other advice?
XBox/NA GT: Pizzaow