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How can you get Bahraha's Curse set?

I was under the impression TG dailies gave out a box with a chance of a TG set item in it (like Wrothgar dailies) but it seems they don't, they just reward money and rep. Are the only ways of getting TG set items now the random daily dungeons and those quests in the TG main line which reward boxes? My tank went from VR1 to CP200 with DB release, and since DB has no decent tanking sets I'm kind of stuck trying to gear him up, especially with the dungeon finder being broken most of the time and it now including the largely useless (to a tank) DB sets in its loot table.
  • Mureel
    I got it doing the TG questline - the MAIN questline.

    Also I think from mobs and/or bosses in dungeons, but I could be wrong.

    If you've already done TG Questline, you can redo on an alt.

    Also, you can craft (or have crafted) really fine tanking gear for that lvl too.
    Edited by Mureel on June 7, 2016 1:21PM
  • xxxdcxxx
    Thieves Guild Dailies
    World Boss
    Fus Ro Dah !
  • Brrrofski
    You can buy pieces for like 2k each max.
  • RandalMarrs
    D. All of the above.
  • Volkodav
    Do the main Thieves Guild quest line and you'll get it all as rewards.
    Edited by Volkodav on June 7, 2016 5:41PM
  • Kaliahe
    Soul Shriven
    I have the shield bahrahas curse and you can have it for free or you can donate me something if you like

    Message me GT: Potensky
  • Riffler
    Kaliahe wrote: »
    I have the shield bahrahas curse and you can have it for free or you can donate me something if you like

    Message me GT: Potensky

    Thanks for the offer, but I'm on EU.
  • Kozai
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    You can buy pieces for like 2k each max.

    They used to drop as rewards for random daily dungeons, but those rewards shifted to Dark Brotherhood sets when that release dropped. This set is now harder to find in guild stores, and items tend to sell for more when you do find them.
  • QuebraRegra
    Kozai wrote: »
    Brrrofski wrote: »
    You can buy pieces for like 2k each max.

    They used to drop as rewards for random daily dungeons, but those rewards shifted to Dark Brotherhood sets when that release dropped. This set is now harder to find in guild stores, and items tend to sell for more when you do find them.

    DOH! Looking for this set (already completed all the quests).

    There ought to be a way to replay/repeat a MAIN questline.
  • UrQuan
    The thieves guild repeatable from the tips board do not give you Bahraha's Curse items. The dailies from the heist board do give you Bahraha's Curse (or Syvarra's Scales) items. At least they do if you complete them before the timer runs out - I don't think you get them if the timer runs out. I've been running heists on 9 characters every day for the last week to try to get another Bahraha's Curse shield... My inventories are full of different Bahraha's Curse items and Syvarra's Scales items because RNG hates me and doesn't want me to have a shield.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • QuebraRegra
    UrQuan wrote: »
    The thieves guild repeatable from the tips board do not give you Bahraha's Curse items. The dailies from the heist board do give you Bahraha's Curse (or Syvarra's Scales) items. At least they do if you complete them before the timer runs out - I don't think you get them if the timer runs out. I've been running heists on 9 characters every day for the last week to try to get another Bahraha's Curse shield... My inventories are full of different Bahraha's Curse items and Syvarra's Scales items because RNG hates me and doesn't want me to have a shield.

    All hail Lord UrQuan!

    That's good info, now we just need a market place cross platform so you can sell me yer unwanted BC mediums and jewels ;)

    Damn I dislike some of the heist layouts (treasure on platform that has to be dropped down on, yet I cannot climb like Quen. There should be a way to distract the lantern guards.
  • UrQuan
    UrQuan wrote: »
    The thieves guild repeatable from the tips board do not give you Bahraha's Curse items. The dailies from the heist board do give you Bahraha's Curse (or Syvarra's Scales) items. At least they do if you complete them before the timer runs out - I don't think you get them if the timer runs out. I've been running heists on 9 characters every day for the last week to try to get another Bahraha's Curse shield... My inventories are full of different Bahraha's Curse items and Syvarra's Scales items because RNG hates me and doesn't want me to have a shield.

    All hail Lord UrQuan!

    That's good info, now we just need a market place cross platform so you can sell me yer unwanted BC mediums and jewels ;)

    Damn I dislike some of the heist layouts (treasure on platform that has to be dropped down on, yet I cannot climb like Quen. There should be a way to distract the lantern guards.
    Yeah, some heists are definitely harder to do than others due to the layouts. With a proper set of stealth gear, though, any character of any class can reliably do even the more difficult ones. I've got a stealth gear set for each of my max-level characters on my main account (which is why I've been running 9 heists/day). For most of them that means 5-piece Night's Silence (speed while sneaking is critical for completing heists - my vampires don't bother with this set as they can sneak at full speed anyway, so they substitute Night Mothers Embrace for the decreased detection radius & sneak cost reduction), and 3-piece Nightshade (for the decreased detection radius & sneak cost reduction).

    Once you've done all of the heists a bunch, you start to get really good at knowing the exact locations where what you're stealing can spawn, and knowing the guard locations, routes, and their timing. Oh, and Rapid Maneuver from the Alliance War Assault skill tree can be super useful for completing heists too.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • AntMan100673
    Stealth gear is definitely a big help. I'd only done 2 heists within the time limit previously when I didn't have stealth gear. I've decided to get the achievement for doing 5 and both yesterday and today despite being seen 3 times so losing 3 minutes I've done them both within the limit.
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • bluemanjoe_ESO
    Volkodav wrote: »
    Do the main Thieves Guild quest line and you'll get it all as rewards.

    I did the thieves guild quest at level 20. If I open the container the armor is in will it be level 20? If I waited until I was veteran would it give me veteran level armor?
    Edited by bluemanjoe_ESO on February 20, 2017 5:56AM
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