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Race for Sorc & Templar

Hey, everyone. Brand new here and to the game,

I love Elementalists in GW2, and the pet mechanic of Rangers, but I missed having more dedicated healing roles, too. I hear every class can heal, so it seems Sorc will give me the best of the 3 styles I like, but I've read they're also the worst at it haha. So I reckon I'll make both of the two classes to experience it all, but there are so many races and I hear they matter in this game.. Is Breton for Templar and High Elf for Sorc a safe bet?
  • MyKillv2.0
    I wouldn't worry about race if you are just starting out. My advice is play both classes that you are interested, in fact play all four.

    To answer your question though, yes high elf works great for Sorc. Dumner is an excellent choice too since your only losing out on 2% shock damage but gain 6%stam, which should help with roll dodge and greater resource for dark deal.

    Templar, Breton is a good choice. High elf is a good choice too, as well as Lizards
  • RoyalPink06
    If you love the element aspect, then a high elf would make a great choice for a dps sorc. If you like the healing aspect, a Breton Templar would be a great choice too. Make one of everything and see what suits you best!

    As a general rule for magicka, or perhaps "guideline" would be a better word, is that Breton is great for more sustain and high elf is great for more dps output. Doesn't mean you can't make whatever you want though, but maybe think about your endgame goal to help you decide which direction to go :)

    I'm currently levelling a dark elf magicka Templar, or "flame-plar", and it's a blast. I also hear argonian magicka Templars are pretty badass healers.

    have fun!
    NA PS4
  • Xerton
    Actually a Dunmer currently gives the highest DPS.
    But a high elf is a fine coice and absolutely does his/her job.
    A Breton is also fine and might be better suited for new players as they are easier to sustain and have a better defense
    CP 810+
    PC - EU - DC

    Officer of DRUCKWELLE (druckwelle-hq.de)
    Proud Member of Aquila Raiders - Raidgroup Hydra

    ~ Dro-m'Athra Destroyer ~
    ~ Flaweless Conqueror ~

    vMoL HM (Nuke); vSO HM; vHRC HM; vAA HM; vDSA - cleared
    vMSA - cleared on all classes mag+stam
  • Danksta
    My magic Templar is a Breton and my magic Sorc is a High Elf. They both work great for me.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

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