Hi all, looking for advice on whether I'll find MagSorc a better fit for me in PVE.
I currently have a StamSorc approaching 160 CP and although I find it quite fun and the rotation is easy, I'm getting a bit frustrated in dungeons as I often die once or twice to melee attacks (I have around a 200ms connection and sometimes don't make it out of the red in time) and find it generally harder as melee to fight bosses as they run around and do melee range AOE attacks. It's not super fun standing back with the bow doing low dps while I wait for it to be melee-safe again.
I ran a couple of dungeons with some MagSorc's recently, and they seemed to stay alive endlessly, attack fine from range and do amazing AOE damage too (liquid lightning looks awesome).
Things I love about my StamSorc:
- Amazing Aoe (Endless Hail, Hurricane, Steel Tornado)
- CritSurge heals
- Very easy rotation
Do you think I would find MagSorc's a good fit?