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Need Advice On Set: New 50

Hey guys,

I hope someone can point me in the right direction for this one. So I just hit 50 on this account that's only 2 weeks old. I'm a DK Nord Tank. I love to tank. I've been in other MMO's but this game's mechanics are really nice. I like the fact that I have to actively dodge and block instead of relying on static stats and chance.

Anyway, is there a board somewhere for crafters? I'm looking to have my Tava's Favor set build once I hit cp160. I have yet to farm for mats. I know Rubedite is needed for building the set. I'm not however too sure of what other mats are required for it. I'm just trying to source out crafters who can build the set for me with a specific motif type.

For my last question, when can one start going into vet dungeons? I haven't tried it yet. Scared to actually. I'm trying to collect drop blue sets from the normals. I've yet to decide but a few of the sets I'm looking at are the: Knightmare, Tormentor or Shalk Exoskeleton. Knightmare being on the priority list. Suggestion to this is also appreciated. I just didn't want to go into a vet dungeon without some type of bonus to make the runs as painless as possible.

Thanks folks!
Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
Oh, I, I got stamina
Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
Well, oh, I got stamina
And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
But I, I, I got stamina

- Raevenhart (DK Nord Tank)
  • Danksta
    On top of rubedite you'll also need ruby ash if you're doing shields, plus the upgrade materials for blacksmithing (honing stones, dwarven oil, grain solvent and tempering alloys) and woodworking (pitch, turpen, mastic and rosin). Depending on the style and crafter you may be requested to provide or pay for style materials because some are rare. You can hold off on the tempering alloys and rosin to gold out your gear until you're sure you will want to and can afford it.

    There's not a crafting board to submit crafting requests but you can join a guild and hopefully find someone that will help you, or even asking in zone chat. Though I've always felt safer trading with guildies, even if I don't know them.

    If you're feeling comfortable in normal dungeons I would say give vet dungeons a shot, though til you get CP160 your drops won't matter that much, but the experience will be good for you. I will mention that you will want to run vet dungeons with friends or guildies, because in the group finder you'll often get kicked for having 'low CPs'.

    I don't have a tank but I know some of the sets that are meta. Tava's is one of them, and you'll want to pair that with Akavari Dragonguard (drops in Eastmarch), Ebon Armory (drops in Crypt of Hearts) and there's a few others that I can't think of now. The Bloodspawn monster set (head drops in Spindleclutch II and shoulder can drop from Maj al-Ragath's chest that you can open for doing your daily pledges) is very powerful for tanks.

    Now you'll notice that most of these sets are designed to generate ultimate quickly and that's because of the warhorn (morph it to aggressive warhorn) ultimate that you can unlock from doing PvP. It's an expensive ultimate that buffs your group, the most important part being the buff to the crit multiplier. The crit multiplier is taking a nerf next patch, but I don't think it's going to change the meta.

    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • davey1107
    Hola, as we say in Nordish. Well...we don't...but I'm too lazy to look up nord greetings. Anyway, on to your questions.

    Finding crafters: zos doesn't allow trading posts in the forums, so you can't directly so you can't directly solicit crafters here. However you might meet some asking about sets. It's helpful if you cite your server (i.e., PS4 na) so people know whether to offer or not.

    The guild system is a good way to meet people for all kinds of game stuff. Join a big guild. Players have small profiles on the roster...master crafters usually list that they're willing to craft. You can always PM a guildie to ask to have something built. But with text chat, it's become common practice just to put out a guild/zone chat asking politely if someone can craft for you. Be specific, "anyone willing to craft me Hundings Rage? I want Order of the Hoir armor but daedric weapons. I have mats." (Always have the mats collected and ready if you're asking by chat...)

    Required mats: c160 gear is made from rubedite, rubedo and ruby ash. C160 was designed to be a resource sink, so when you move to c160 gear it's a big jump in required materials - 100-150 per piece. Seven pieces of armor require 940 mats, then you'll need several hundred more depending on what weapons you want.

    Beside the material, you need a style stone for each piece to match the motif you want. You also need one trait stone per piece that gives that piece a buff. As a newbie, I recommend you focus on divines and infused for the armor and sharpened for the weapons. If you want the crafter to upgrade the armor, it's 2 green, 3 blue, 4 purple and 8 gold per piece to get to those color qualities respectively.

    Crafted gear needs to be enchanted...d'oh! So remember to craft or buy glyphs...one per piece.

    NOTE: on craft sets, once you wear it the item is bound, and cannot be passed back to anyone else. For now you can have crafters make you blue or purple gear, but down the road you will want to be able to upgrade your bound gear. Therefore, start working up your smith, cloth and wood by deconstructing any crap you pick up. You do not need to invest points in being able to make high level gear, but you do need the passives that reduce the cost of upgrading color (temper expertise in smithing, with equivalents in the others). I also recommend metal extraction and its equivalents...this allows you to pull more resources from refining, including gold mats. With three points spent in metal extract, a stack of 200 raw metal should return 1-3 gold tempering alloys...vital for working toward the 56 you need for a gold armor set.

    Don't forget to tip. If someone takes time to craft you gear, ask them what sort of tip they want. Some will cite a price. Most say "meh...whatever." If they don't cite a price, I recommend like 50 raw high level ore or maybe any one gold mat.

    Undaunted normal/vet: vet dungeons scare you? They should, bwa ha ha... Anyway, yeah, they're tough...some more than others. It's a good idea to run some non-vet pledges to get an idea of the sort of mechanics the game will throw at you. And when helping new players, I've found that 200ish champion points is when vet dungeons stop feeling like a slaughterhouse.

    This might seem discouraging, but don't worry...Champion Points are earned pretty fast at first, then they take longer and longer to accumulate. There's also a "catch up mechanism" called enlightenment, which once per day let's you earn 400k xp at 8x the normal rate. You can store up to 12 days enlightenment, which is listed on your character sheet. If you only played through your enlightenment, you'd get to c160 in three weeks. If you play more and grind hard, people get there in 7-10 days.

    A good measure to me as to whether your character can handle 4 player vet content is whether they can solo some of the dungeons or normal maelstrom arena. If you can solo normal banished cells or fungal grotto, you're getting ready. If you can solo normal maelstrom, you're definitely ready.

    When you're ready to try, look up some guides on the specific dungeons of the day (like from deltias gaming). Start with the easier dungeons. When one comes up, do a text chat that explains you're a newbie tank looking to learn the dungeon and see if anyone wants to run. It will be infinitely helpful if you find a group with experienced players who know the mechanics.
  • Toolzy
    Danksta wrote: »

    Hey Danksta. Thanks for the input. Yeah. I've been shaping and playing what I've seen from Deltia. I prefer this type of gameplay as it is much more complex. I know there are other builds out there that sort of puts you into the blocktank category. There's another that I saw that was pure HP/HP Leech build. It's interesting 'coz the guy can survive the first mob pull in Hel Ra (just after the bridge, before the steps). No healers. Just him. I don't know how well it'll do for added damage for a group.

    As for the nerf to the Warhorn...yikes! How bad is the nerf? I hope not too bad as I have been using that since.

    davey1107 wrote: »

    Hey Davey. I didn't think about the tempers for the quality of the item. Completely forgot that. I only have my BS at level 35 with I think 8/10 on the first passive. This type of crafting is a lot more complex than it is in other MMO's like WoW or SWToR. I also forgot about woodworking mats for my shield. I gotta level that up too. Well...I have a lot of time anyway before I hit cp200.

    As for board for crafters, I didn't realize solicitation was not allowed. Shame, it'd have made things a lot easier for folks like me looking to hire but I can how some can spoil it for others by scamming them out of their mats. I'm on PC NA btw.

    I've actually been running dungeons for the most part to level up. Which reminds me, I should do my main story quest. LOL!

    I will definitely try to solo those dungeons you mentioned. It's a good benchmark.

    Thanks for the input guys. It's a lot of good info.
    Edited by Toolzy on January 12, 2017 8:35PM
    Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
    Oh, I, I got stamina
    Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
    Well, oh, I got stamina
    And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
    But I, I, I got stamina

    - Raevenhart (DK Nord Tank)
  • Danksta
    Toolzy wrote: »
    Danksta wrote: »

    Hey Danksta. Thanks for the input. Yeah. I've been shaping and playing what I've seen from Deltia. I prefer this type of gameplay as it is much more complex. I know there are other builds out there that sort of puts you into the blocktank category. There's another that I saw that was pure HP/HP Leech build. It's interesting 'coz the guy can survive the first mob pull in Hel Ra (just after the bridge, before the steps). No healers. Just him. I don't know how well it'll do for added damage for a group.

    As for the nerf to the Warhorn...yikes! How bad is the nerf? I hope not too bad as I have been using that since.

    Like I said I don't think the nerf (which is to the major force buff that aggressive warhorn provides) is going to change anything. I want to say the buff got reduced from 30% crit damage to 20%, but I'm not certain and too lazy to find it in the patch notes. I would link them but I can't find them... :confused:

    That Leech build sounds like possibly a good one for vDSA. A common tactic on the last boss has the tank pull the adds away from the boss and is left to survive on his own.
    Edited by Danksta on January 12, 2017 10:19PM
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Toolzy
    It's an interesting build for sure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx5xJIfOUb0
    Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
    Oh, I, I got stamina
    Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
    Well, oh, I got stamina
    And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
    But I, I, I got stamina

    - Raevenhart (DK Nord Tank)
  • thomas1970b16_ESO
    Toolzy wrote: »
    It's an interesting build for sure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx5xJIfOUb0

    Lol that was just insane!
  • Johngo0036
    @davey1107 - I could solo those dungeons on my lvl 30 Magicka DK,

    Get your rotation down, make sure you have enough health to survive a 27k hit from a boss and have some resource management.

    Do some normal dungeons with the some guys and ask them at the end if there was something else you could have done,
    Always remember that your primary function is to maintain boss aggro, contain mobs. You lead the charge, so take charge..
    I did a dungeon with 4 guys and one of the dd's was using pierce armour which is an aggro.. i asked him to remove it or be the tank. He removed it..

    do the dungeons on normal learn to read the bosses, when to block and when not,
    help buff the group, warhorn etc.

    I base alot of my builds on deltia and he also gives very sound advice.. i watched all his tanking videos on youtube.

    Goodluck with it all,
    Ps. had you been on EU PC i would have helped you with your gear.
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

  • Toolzy

    Thanks for the input! That's definitely what I've been doing. No different really from tanking in other MMO's except that dodging/rolling and blocking are active. It's the best mechanic so far as tanking goes. It really makes my character feel like a real sword and board type of character.

    I'm definitely starting to adjust to the rotations. I've modeled my bars based on Deltia's T3 DK tank. With the exception that I may switch out Fiery Grip for Shield Charge, but only because the chains is so buggy.

    The other stuff like gear, I'm starting to work on that. I'm not cp160 yet. Currently at cp75, I have the Knightmare set and Blood Spawn helm. I figured with the RNG, I'll save/stack my undaunted keys and use them later when I hit cp160 for the shoulders. Currently, I'm also gathering mats that'll go into my Tava's Favor set. It's a lot of mats. Good thing I recently won a guild raffle. I used the winnings to buy out what I could for those mats and store it for now.

    I'm not sure if it'd be worth getting a Tava's Favor pre cp160...I'm tempted to, but I just don't know.

    As for you helping me with gear, the thought counts. Thanks friend. :)

    BTW, guys, I accidentally queued myself up for that daily random dungeon at cp40 and ended up in vet Spindleclutch II. No one died and it went smoothly. I got 4/5 pieces of my knightmare and the bloodspawn helm. I was wondering why all purples were dropping. Thank god the healer and the dd's were super nice. They didn't even mention it until after everything was done. It was fun for sure.
    Uh-oh, running out of breath, but I
    Oh, I, I got stamina
    Uh-oh, running now, I close my eyes
    Well, oh, I got stamina
    And uh-oh, I see another mountain to climb
    But I, I, I got stamina

    - Raevenhart (DK Nord Tank)
  • Johngo0036
    Get someone to make you the Tava's,
    It shouldnt cost you too much at your level and use it till you hit cp160,

    Another set that makes tanking a bit easier and that comes in jewelry is the pariah set,
    you can also look at grinding that a bit or buying it from vendors.

    I am glad that that happened by accident or the anticipation would have killed you. lol....
    Well done on the no deaths.. that is always a good sign that you are doing something right.

    spindle, fungal and banished cells are the ones you can certainly tank on vet,
    learn the mechanics of the bosses, this is a huge help when tanking.

    Edited by Johngo0036 on January 18, 2017 11:39AM
    PC EU Megaserver
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer |The-Irritable-Witch(DC)
    Orc Stamina Dragonknight | Gru-Bolar(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Nightblade | Chewbucca(DC)
    Khajit Stamina Nightblade | Gleaming Daggers(DC)
    Altmer Magicka Nightblade | Miss Chewbucca(EP)
    Argonian Magicka Templar | Walks-With-Friends(EP)
    Argonian Templar Healer | Dr Toxic(EP)
    Orc Stamina Sorc | Lady Streaks-Alot(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka DK | Whips-n-Chains(DC)
    Nord Warden | Demi Tank(DC)
    Dunmer Magicka Warden | Crafter-O-Crafts(DC)
    Bosmer Stamplar | Forest-Plump(DC)
    Argonian Hybrid Nb | Men-O-Paws(DC)
    Bosmer Stamblade | 'Maui(AD)
    Altmer Magicka Sorcerer | Mid-Life-Crisis(AD)

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