we are a helpful, communicative family of friends, open for all classes and all alliances.
Since our founding 9 months ago we now have 260+ members and we like to grow but also want to keep it on a level where all do have a chance to get to know each other better.
We run PVE dungeon groups and events on a regular basis (some pvp events as well) and help each other where ever we can to get the best in game experience possible.
Guidance, hints and help for new players and beginners are natural for us.
We have guild bank and a store, a website, TS and a trader.
Slight RP is possible but not mandatory, we just like to have fun together and with the game.
Sounds like the place for you? Please send messages, mails or whispers to either
@Luunia, or
@Jivanah in game or post here and we contact you.
More info:
We have a lore friendly government structure, based on the Nord/Norse clan structures.
You start as a Squire. Showing us your participation in chat or events will give you the best chance to get promoted fast.
Once you reach a certain status you will get promoted to either Shield Maiden or Warrior. The differentiation is not dependent on your RL gender and totally up to you to decide. It might just reflect the gender of your chars or how you feel. There are several titles you can earn after you reached full membership, based on your input.
We are a medium sized guild and like to keep it that way rather than having too many anonymous or inactive members by numbers.
So far all of our members are active and involved, friendly and helpful.
"One for All and All for One" is not just a nice phrase to us!
And that comes from the top and goes to the bottom.
We have an age requirement of 18+.
We have members in all time zones and our events are scheduled in a way all can participate in some of them during the week.
Our home alliance is the Ebonheart Pact, but we also have members in the other two main alliances and cross char members as well.
Our main focus is on PVE right now but PvP will be in focus as well as we are open for everything our members and the game will challenge us with.
Soulfire Vengeance was founded by Queen Regent Luunia and Knight Commander Helloua, after a guild we were both officers in got disbanded by their leader without further notice. We founded this new one for the love to our former members and what we had established in a short amount of time. As we already put a lot of energy into it, we found
it worth keeping and making it an even better place for our members and us.
Let us build an extraordinary and fun place to be together.
Good Hunting,