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How to get the most out of ESO ?

After nearly a year of inactivity, I have come back to ESO. I played for about a month last year, being in between jobs I dedicated a decent amount of time into my Mage character. Got her to lvl50. I tried PVP, failed horribly. Tried out a few guilds, didn't really connect with anyone. Felt worse for trying, it was usually some super high level players that took me along with them; hard to be a part of a team when the level difference is so huge.

Anyhoo - I started work, so I stopped playing, and now I have the winter off again (can't garden in the snow!)

I've created another character, Nightblade for what it's worth, and before I get too far with this one I have to ask...

What can I do that will help me get the most out of this online experience? I don't want to treat it like any other RPG, just plowing through quests for experience alone. I've got a few months off here, and I plan to hibernate as much as a human can (mostly I just don't want to go outside unless I have to, until the snow melts)

Off work for the winter, again ~

PS4 | NA
Ri'bhiesi Khajiit, Dragonknight lvl 4
Sa'Brynth Dunmer, Nightblade lvl 21
The Body Thief Breton, Sorcerer lvl 50
  • GrimmWeedThief
    I'm wondering now, if I should go back to my mage and focus on maxing her out ... instead of starting over.. decisions, decisions.
    Off work for the winter, again ~

    PS4 | NA
    Ri'bhiesi Khajiit, Dragonknight lvl 4
    Sa'Brynth Dunmer, Nightblade lvl 21
    The Body Thief Breton, Sorcerer lvl 50
  • Dillpat
    hey :smiley:
    well from what i can tell u from my experiences over the years is you can basically split the game into 3 maybe 4 sectors or sub-communities.

    rp/questing one--- some guilds out there do this but i dont know much more. i think they hunt pve achieves ect.

    pve,pvp and trading are the three main pillars of the game, to make gold efficiently u need to trade and to pve/pvp you sorta need gold to back you up to buy mats and pots ect.

    Joining a big trade guild or a decent one and staying active at looking for stuff to sell well and or buying cheap and reselling ect and other ways. you can find alot of helpful info on few friends of mine yts.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJvaoO5wBjgoWppJAdqrwQ ---- one of the richest guys on EU and a great all round guy, provies good all round quality videos and streams regularly so u could pop into a stream and ask him questions if you get stuck.

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Ww1P95A4nDvbqZIaEHgyw ---- great genuine guy who has videos on making gold too, very down to earth and no way near as rich so his methods are nice for beguiners, again he gives good all round content and some fun eso pop culture parodies.

    PVE is fun to do and there's really 2 sides to it, the 4 man dungeons and more serious id say 12 man trials (eso's raids)

    in regards to dungeons you can do them easily and casually with friends as long as you know mechanics and your output dmg isnt a massive factor for dropping bosses, overall 4 man dungeons come down to method and mechanics imo.

    the 12 man raids tho especially on the vet modes require you to have honed skills, good quality and rated gear aka Best in slot setups. more towards these you will need a pve guild although some social guilds do run them and the non vet modes are a lot easier and u can simply go to craglorn and often find groups or other people wanted to do them, on pc eu any way.

    well known guy world wide in the eso community. has good all round content for pve and pvp but excels in pve

    now... PVP. this at its core in my opinion is just one learning curve. you need to know how your class works, its strengths, weaknesses and then your spec, mag or stam's weaknesses and strengths, u need to learn your spam skills like surprise attack, wip, strife, force shock, ransack ect and how to weave them with dots and cc's ect.
    when i first started playing i was a complete noob but i watch youtube vids and streams from people like Deltia, Sypher although back in 1.6 Fengrush was one of the only guys with a stam sorc who made content. and picked up tips and tricks such as what skills did like when a dk has u taloned he can proc power wip to heal up and the blue ring around my feet was an incoming meteor and i should block. you learn pvp by knowing your class, knowing enemy skills and knowing your own.

    in all honesty run with a small group (dont zerg u dont learn anything) of friends or a small scale guild to learn pvp best and as you get better you can go from an 8 man group to be able to comfortably fight in a 4 to a pair and even solo. the best way in my opinion.

    now i understand alot of that wasnt answering your question and above is just a few snips and key tips to eso but what id recommend if play which ever class you enjoy the most, i enjoyed stam sorc and still do because you could turn into thunder, streak around and use overload to be like darth sidious and my toon from skyrim with chain lightning. so experiment with all 4 classes and stam and mag and find what you like best and then level it and learn it, what its skills do and when u can animation cancel skills, what point can u start casting a different skill. but one thing to keep in mind is lvl 50 is no way near the end, its the step out of leveling and into the great grind i like to call it, if u dont know there are champion ranks and currently the max is 551 but in the next patch it goes to 600. and they are sorta like the skyrim points system where there were trees u spec-ed into. and they make a massive difference to your toon not just on reduce cost and increase healing ect but you get more max stats for each point you have assigned, i think its about 100 pure stat per point.

    tl:dr learn your class, play what u like and how u like, make friends, join guilds, enjoy yourself, try earn some gold to help your self out and pvp is just learning.

    other good youtubes ; (aside from the big youtubers we all know)
  • davey1107
    The game has undergone some major changes, which will help a player like you, I think.

    With no more vet levels, your toons get to lvl fifty and then share a common bank of champion points. That grind through vet levels was AWFUL. So your plan to have a nightblade, or even other characters, makes sense. If your in the mood to sorc, go sorc and earn some CPs for your team. If you want to nightblade through some dungeons, do that.

    One Tamriel also means you can go explore anywhere at any time. So feel free to focus on zones you find interesting. And remember, if you join a guild you can free travel to anyone who is online. They won't even know...just go into the roster and travel to them. Feel free to open up wayshrines and exploration options this way.

    As far as socializing...pvp is the most social element of the game. Read up on how to gear your character, then when in cyrodiil put out a zone text chat. Feel free to elaborate, like "looking for laid back group. New at pvp, looking to earn AP/learn ganking/get into some brawls..." If you don't like pvp, the undaunted dailies are also pretty social. If not those, put our a zone text chat. Text chat is now a great way to meet people for teaming up. You can also join some active/large guilds, then turn your onscreen chat on. Guilds will advertise opening all the time...it's a great way to meet players.

  • akl77
    Do undaunted dailies everyday, you'll get the most online ESO experience.
    Pc na
  • GrimmWeedThief
    Hey, thanks for the input everybody !

    For now I'm just going to level through with quests, and hit up as many dungeons as I can ( thank you group finder ) until I can do the undaunted dailies.
    Hit up both of the Fungal Grottos tonight. Had a rocky start with the initial group members, not knowing boss specs in advanced is enough to *** people off apparently, haha... but a few of us stuck through and finished it off. Live and learn ... or Die, respawn, google and try again.

    Thanks again !
    Edited by GrimmWeedThief on January 9, 2017 8:07AM
    Off work for the winter, again ~

    PS4 | NA
    Ri'bhiesi Khajiit, Dragonknight lvl 4
    Sa'Brynth Dunmer, Nightblade lvl 21
    The Body Thief Breton, Sorcerer lvl 50
  • Reignskream
    After nearly a year of inactivity, I have come back to ESO. I played for about a month last year, being in between jobs I dedicated a decent amount of time into my Mage character. Got her to lvl50. I tried PVP, failed horribly. Tried out a few guilds, didn't really connect with anyone. Felt worse for trying, it was usually some super high level players that took me along with them; hard to be a part of a team when the level difference is so huge.

    Anyhoo - I started work, so I stopped playing, and now I have the winter off again (can't garden in the snow!)

    I've created another character, Nightblade for what it's worth, and before I get too far with this one I have to ask...

    What can I do that will help me get the most out of this online experience? I don't want to treat it like any other RPG, just plowing through quests for experience alone. I've got a few months off here, and I plan to hibernate as much as a human can (mostly I just don't want to go outside unless I have to, until the snow melts)

    Hi there :). From my own experience in MMOS, I usually go about them as such, keep in mind I am a completionist when it comes to games, and you might not be the same.

    •Instead of ripping through quests, I read them and enjoy the lore.
    •I go for all achievements/complete everything in one area before I move to the next, (exploration,quests,skyshards etc).

    I just generally take my time and enjoy the scenery. ESO has allot of different spots you can check out that have some cool lore behind it.

    •PVP, PVE, crafting, achievement hunting, role playing.
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